"In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through Him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone."
John 1: 1-4
"For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
John 3: 16
"You Came" by David Moffitt, Sue Smith, Travis Cottrell
"Before You came, we were stranded in dark, bearing wounded hearts without hope.
Desperate and in need, sinking low.
We cried for help, 'cause we could not save ourselves.
You heard; You saw; You knew and You felt it all.
You wept when you watched us fall, and You could not stay away.
And when You came, You were every hope fulfilled.
All that's good revealed, love divine.
And when You came, You were fellowship restored. You fed us with Your word, Bread of Life, when we were crushed underneath the weight of living.
And I am overcome; and I am overwhelmed.
I am breathless in Your presence.
I am humbled by Your love.
You could not stay away."
My heart is filled with such love for the Savior who, before the beginning of time, knew and chose to come. He knew before one word of creation was breathed into existence that we would fall. He knew the price He would have to pay to redeem us. And He chose to come. What love.
As we enter this Christmas season may our hearts be turned to the One who loved us so much He could not stay away.
This is where the turkey was cooking.
Ready to serve!
At least one of us was more than ready to eat.
My Mom and daughter whose birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. We count her as one of our greatest blessings.
A bit of recreation after the big meal...a walk to the neighborhood park.
Back home to their house all decked out for Christmas.
It was a lovely day - filled with family, friends and the joy of all the blessings that bind our hearts together.
I'm going to take a little bloggy break for the next few days. I am excited to begin getting ready for Christmas. I'll be back on monday. Have a blessed weekend everyone.
What love the Father has lavished on us
That we should be called His sons and daughters
Precious in His sight
Greater love this world had never seen
When He hung on that tree
O why would He do such a thing
For dirty sinners like you and me?
O God thank You for loving me
When on the cross You made history
Lord You died for me
Forever my praise will go to Thee
O God thank You for choosing me
To be Your child and bear Your name
O Jesus I will never cease to sing Your praise
Verse 2:
Your love is patient and humble and kind
It's greater than all my sin
It always protects and trusts and hopes
And will have no end
It's Your love that lifted me up from the depths
Set my feet on a solid rock
With a firm place to stand
Lord I always will trust in Your loving hand
How wide how long
How high how deep
How endless is Your love for me
How wide how long
How high how deep
How endless is Your love for me
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. While trying to mentally write what my heart was feeling this Thanksgiving, I kept hearing the words of this song. The wonder of being called His child and knowing the great price that was paid to make that possible; the lavish love that the Father pours out on each one of us. I cannot express it any better than that. My heart fills with gratitude and my eyes fill with tears as I read through those words. How undeserving I am; how loving He is. If that were all there was to give thanks for this Thanksgiving Day, it would be more than enough. Yet He pours out abundant blessings moment by moment, every single day.
Father in Heaven how we love and thank You for the priceless treasure You have placed in our hands . You have given us Your name and claimed us as Your children. We have blessings for today and hope for a future that is so wonderful our minds can scarce take it in.
Thank You.

A letter from a dear, dear friend.
My husband recovered from a bad cold.
Dad home from the hospital - doing well.
Celebrating my birthday with my family - they are the most precious gifts the Lord has given me.
Prayers of friends on our behalf.
Good books.
Singing "You Are Holy" with our choir and feeling the powerful presence of the Lord fill the church.
The sweet birds that visit the birdbath.
The last Bible Study for the Fall Session and the luncheon afterwards. Time spent with women whom I've grown to love.
A day with our daughter and granddaughters - playing, pizza, watching a video, and drawing closer.
Our Pastor spoke on gratitude this weekend - the story of the ten lepers. He closed with a very poignant question: "Do we thank God for even the bad things that come into our lives?"
I believe that nothing comes into my life that doesn't first pass through Your hands. Thank You, that You can take even those things that were meant for evil and work them for my good. My heart fills with gratitude knowing that Your love is woven through every circumstance, and that You purpose to use each one to mold me into the person You would have me be.
Thank You for the love and grace that fills my life; for Your infinite patience with my slowness to get things right; for mercy and compassion that is measureless.
To read other "One Thousand Gifts" lists and to join in, visit Ann's inspirational blog.
When I was growing up my Mom sewed all our clothes. I rarely had anything that was store bought. She did, and does, such beautiful work. She even made me a gorgeous maternity coat when I was expecting my first baby. It is my theory that the sewing gene skips a generation. At least, that's what happened in my case. But I decided to be brave and give it another try.
Mom got everything all set up for me. She wanted to give me a little head start I think. Then it was time to begin. I actually didn't do too badly. I think I only jammed the machine once or twice up to this point. I laid out the little squares on the guest bed to be sure to get things in the right order, but true to form I managed to get some of them in the wrong order.
Time to break for lunch. My Mom always sets a lovely table - good china and all. Refreshed - I hurried back to my sewing. I wanted to get the top done so I could put it together today and get to the hand-quilting part (which I can actually do). All went well until I began to put the borders on. After jamming the machine three more times - I stepped aside and let the professional take over. By now I was sweating bullets and ready to pull my hair out. Have I mentioned that I hate sewing?
In no time at all, the borders were on - and that silly machine never jammed one time. My Mom said it knows who its master is. I am convinced it didn't like me one bit.
After profusely thanking my infinitely patient Mom, we headed home. We were rewarded with a beautiful sunset. I do believe the Lord has a way with colors.Here is my completed quilt top. It is just the right size for covering one's lap on a chilly night. Much more manageable than the Queen-sized one I did for my first quilt.
Here are a couple of close-ups of the pretty little squares. I love all the different fabrics. They came in a little bundle of forty squares - all pre-cut and ready to sew.
Now all I need to do is put together the top, batting and back, and I'm good to go. I'm praying I can manage that on my own. I foresee many desperate phone calls to my poor Mom.
In spite of the "feeling like tearing my hair out" sewing part, it was a sweet time with my Mom. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Everyone of my friends wants to adopt her when they meet her. I am so thankful she is my Mom.

It was a beautiful sunday afternoon. The weather had finally cooled after an extremely hot, dry summer. I was peeling and slicing apples for the first apple pie of the season, listening to old hymns on the radio. I’m not even sure which hymn it was that prompted the idea, but as I was listening I thought how wonderful it will be the day I get to heaven. In my mind I pictured Jesus there waiting for me. He extended His hand, and placing my hand in His, I followed Him into Paradise. “Oh Lord,” I said “how miraculously marvelous that day will be. I can hardly wait.”
Then I “heard” a gentle whisper. It doesn’t happen often, but there are times I know in my heart that He has spoken to me. “My dear child, that is exactly what I am doing for you right now.” ........
The rest of my devotional is at Laced With Grace today. I would be honored if you would join me there.
Since it's getting very close to Christmas, I thought I'd make him a Christmas Cap. He doesn't have a Christmas cap. In fact, he doesn't have a cap at all. So I gathered my knitting supplies and made him this one.

It's a little hard to tell, but I think he likes it!

Merry Christmas Larry. Thanks for your support.
The affect the addition will have on all members of the family must certainly be considered. There will be added responsibilites and the relationship dynamics will almost certainly change.
It is also probably a good idea to be sure the family budget can support a new member. There are so many factors to be considered.
So....with great fear and trepidation we added a new member to our growing family. She is very cute, and I can tell already that she has a sweet disposition. I just hope the rest of the "kids" make her feel welcome. I have never had another one just like her, and I will have to learn how to best take care of her. I have made so many mistakes in the past, but I have finally gotten a good system going. Everyone seems to be thriving.
So welcome little one:
I hope you are happy in your new home.
P.S. Any advice on the care and feeding of Mums will be received with gratitude.
I will have to link you it as they don't allow this video to be embedded in a post. I hope you can take the time to listen. It is amazing.
"God With Us" by Mercy Me
Who are we--- that You would be mindful of us?
What do You see--- that's worth looking our way?
We are free--- in ways that we never should be.
Sweet release--- from the grip of these chains.
Like hinges straining from the weight,
My heart no longer can keep from singing.
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
Emmanuel, God with us.
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone
Emmanuel, God with us.
Lord, You know--- our hearts don't deserve Your glory;
Still You show--- a love we cannot afford.
Like hinges straining from the weight,
My heart no longer can keep from singing.
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
Emmanuel, God with us.
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
Emmanuel, God with us.
Such a tiny offering
Compared to Calvary;
We lay it at Your feet.
Such a tiny offering
Compared to Calvary;
We lay this at Your feet.
The wonder of Emmanuel - God with us - fills my heart with such joy. Jesus not only paid the debt that I could never hope to pay, He has chosen to dwell with me. That, to me, is the wonder of Christmas. How I love this time of year.
Have a blessed sunday,
Monday was my birthday. Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes. It is so sweet to be remembered. Pea faithfully keeps track of all our special days. She is wonderful. My Mom and Dad came for a visit Sunday afternoon, and the kids and grandkids were here Monday evening. My daughter baked me a delicious hazelnut-chocolate birthday cake. I think the best present was sharing good conversation and lots of laughter with my grown children and sweet little granddaughters. The rest of the family in Dallas called and sang "Happy Birthday to Grandma". It is so sweet to hear all those voices singing. Later in the afternoon, the florist delivered a big bouquet of flowers from them to my front door. I had a very special day.
Yesterday was our last Bible Study for the fall session. We always have a luncheon that last day. I looked at those ladies sitting around our little table and felt so blessed. We've been together for several years now. We've shared from our hearts. There have been many tears shed (we've learned to have tissues handy) and much laughter. I have learned to so much from them. We've prayed each other through so many difficult times. I'm going to miss them over the next few months.
Our new study in the spring will be Beth Moore's new one on Esther. I'm really looking forward to it.
Our last session was on Psalm 139. That Psalm has been a life-line for me over the past several years. I thought I had gleaned everything from it that I could. I should have known better. The amazing thing about God's word is that there is always something new. It may be a passage I have read over and over many times, and then suddenly I see it in a new way.
Dee Brestin wrote, "How can we possibly know our hearts, our talents, our complex bodies, and our very souls? Only through the Spirit of God, who knit us together in our mother's womb, can we hope to have any true understanding of ourselves. He knows us so well, being familiar with all our ways, that it is only in submission to Him and through His revelation that we can have any hope of knowing ourselves."
I don't know if anyone else is like me. Even at this advanced age of sixty-two, I struggle to know who I really am. I get so perplexed whenever I try to answer one of those personality questionnaires. I stare at the choices and wonder which one truly and accurately describes me. And just exactly what are my gifts? Talents? - not terribly sure about those either.
So that portion of the lesson just quickened something in me. I can only truly know myself through the Father. I was reading The Message this morning and read this in the first chapter of John:
"He came to His own people, but they didn't want Him. But whoever did want Him, who believed He was who He claimed and would do what He said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves."
I want that to be who I really am - a child of God. As I live out each day, I don't need to be concerned with self and who that self is and what that self needs and wants - I simply submit to His will for my life and find fulfillment. I am then the wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, friend ..... and so much more that He wants me to be. The gifts and the talents will flow through that.
Another of those questions that can easily confuse me is, "What is your passion?" I love doing lots of things - but my passion? I think now that I want my passion to be Him. Wouldn't that make all the things I love to do that much more fulfilling?
Perhaps I am the only one who struggles with such questions. I often think of myself as a little girl still struggling to finally grow up. I just look all grown up, old even :-), on the outside.
Tomorrow our little granddaughters are coming to spend the night. We will pick them up from school in the afternoon and then just have FUN!! We're looking forward to it. I probably won't get to visit much over the next few days, but I'll try to get caught up on sunday. See you soon.
Walking is becoming a lot more pleasant too. I was thinking about the post I did on our walk. A few of you were surprised that we have hills here so I thought I would show you a few pictures of what it looks like just "down the road a piece". I hope you enjoy them. I love riding along these roads
We have spent many happy hours at this state park. It was the place our son always picked to have his July 4th birthday party!
This is the road we traveled when we went camping a couple of Thanksgivings ago.
See - we really do have hills!
All of these beautiful photos are courtesey of flickr.
My little world has "righted" itself. It is such joy to just be at home and back to the comfort of everyday life. The windows are open wide to let in the beautiful breezes, the washing machine and dryer are humming away taking care of all the laundry that has accumulated over the past several days, I'm going to make a big pot of soup in a little while, there is time to practice piano, read a good book, knit a few rows....I am content.
God is so good. He has blessed me far more than I could possibly deserve. Events in the world swirl around us, and I know it is easy to feel as though we are caught in a terrible storm. But I am reminded, as I have seen His tender care of my family during our time of need, He will take care of us. As we walk faithfully in the way He would have us go, He will take us by the hand and hold on tightly. He is our rock, the firm foundation under our feet. He has not changed; He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He still our hope, our comfort, our peace. He will never leave us or forsake us. His word will forever stand.
I feel as though I am "out of touch" with everyone. Over the next few days I'll get caught up. Thank you again for your prayers and for all the sweet comments. That is the "real" stuff of life.
The doctor has prescribed blood pressure mediation for him and he has an appointment to see him next week. They will also want him to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours some time soon - just to be sure his heartbeat stays regular. I believe the best medicine, though, was going home.
God is so good. You are all such faithful prayer warriors. I am so grateful to you.
As far as the election goes......disappointed but believing that God is in control. He has told us to pray for our leaders, and I will be doing that.
With love,
This is the way I spent saturday:
Since there were lots of apples in the refrigerator, I decided to bake my husband an apple pie. I'm pretty sure it helps you get over a sinus infection faster - and besides, who can resist baking a pie for a man who says you make the best apple pie in the world?!
I wandered around outside for a little while scattering apple peelings for any little critters who might happen by. I always toss them under the Red Oak tree. It is the only tree on the entire two acres whose leaves change color. There are just a few branches beginning to turn. I'll take a picture when it is in its full glory. We just love this tree!
Then I came inside and sat at the kitchen table to work on my Bible Study. We are studying portions of Psalm 119 this week. The Psalms minister to me in such a powerful way. I've really enjoyed this study.
Then I finished reading "Over the Gate" - a Miss Read book. It is one of those books that you just hate to see ending. I could have gone on reading about the people in the little village of Fairacre for days.
I worked on my Christmas music during the afternoon too. I even have the audacity to be in the process of writing a little song of my own. Goodness me!
Of course there was time spent here....
I think I will finish this pair of socks this weekend. I'm knitting them for my daughter for her birthday. She will need nice warm socks when she returns to France in January.
This is my little corner of the couch where I will sit and read and knit while my husband gets his fill of sports. I must admit that I got involved watching the Tech/ U.T. game last evening. It really was a great one.
That's pretty much it. Today looks to be a repeat of yesterday (all except for baking a pie and a new book). This is not the place for high excitement this weekend. Just between you and me, I am thankful for this time at home with no place to go. It does a body good.
Praying your weekend is filled with blessings,
I woke this morning with a feeling of heaviness. I am so burdened for our country and this election - concerned that so many things we hold dear may be in jeopardy. If I look at the "evidence," there is great cause for concern. In the midst of such thoughts came the gentle nudging of the Spirit - "Pray."
I love the way the Father orchestrates things in my life. I just "happened" to go to a blog I love and there was confirmation and encouragement. I am joining my heart with Donnetta's and countless others. For we know that with God nothing is impossible.