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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Monday, March 30, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window: The leaves are falling from the live oak trees and very soon we will see tiny new leaves take their places

I am thinking
: about how I struggle with balancing all the different things in my life - never seeming to get things in the right order. I am working on listing five "must do" things in my daily journal and prioritizing them.

I am thankful for
...: God's presence in our lives and answered prayer for my Dad. I'm thankful too for good doctors and the amazing technology that can provide a machine to cleanse one's blood. Amazing.

From the kitchen...a big pot of lentil soup. Our weather is warming up so I think this will be the last of the soup for a while.

I am wearing: tan shorts, blue tee shirt and white socks. We took a walk earlier this afternoon, and it was rather warm!

I am reading...: another Miss Read book - "The Year at Thrush Green" and "Why?" by Anne Graham Lotz

I am hoping
... and praying that my Dad's dialysis treatment goes well tomorrow.

I am creating...: dishrags and learning to knit continental style. After so many, many years of knitting the way I was taught by my Aunt Fanny, I've discovered that this way is much faster - once you master it that is. I'm all thumbs right now but determined to learn.

I am hearing: It is absolutely quite in my house right now. I am making a deliberate effort to take the time to shut off all the other noises for a little while during the noisy day.

Around the house... : laundry day and the day to put clean sheets on the bed. How I love climbing between freshly washed sheets at night. Bliss..

One of my favorite things: listening to my Easter CD

A few plans for the rest of the week
...: to get back to the normal routine -Bible Study, piano lessons, working outside. It is so nice to just spend time at home.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

My Grandmother and me. I've just been thinking a lot about family these days and how precious the days we have together really are.

For more Daybooks visit Peggy.

  posted at 4:42 PM

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

I'm so thankful that the dialysis is working for your Dad and that he's improved enough to go home.

Thanks for sharing your day with us, Linda. :o)

Love and hugs,


At 5:57 AM, Blogger Pear tree cottage! said...

A simple womans dy book now that is such a wonderful idea.........Your days sounds like it is filled with the rewards of life my dear friend.

Blessings too for your dear father.


At 6:45 AM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

So thankful for your dad's improvement.

I am aslo thankful for the rain, it's raining hard right now.

At 6:47 PM, Blogger tonia said...

i am always thinking the same thing, linda...that i can't quite seem to get the balance right. sigh. we keep on trying. imagine how dull life would be if we ever got it really running perfectly. :)

i am glad your dad's dialysis is working. i'm praying for you all today.


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