Thursday, May 17, 2007
Thankful Thursday

It is time for us to share the things we are thankful for. I am truly thankful for Iris. She hosts Thankful Thursday every week and blesses me on this day and every time I read her blog.
We have just come back from our morning bike ride. It is a beautiufl day. Everything is so lush because of all the good rain we've had, and I began thinking about how thankful I am for my sight:
I am thankful I can see the sweet little cardinal sitting on the telephone wire singing his little heart out. The brilliant red of his feathers against the blue sky made a beautiful picture.
The wild flowers are so abundant this year. I am so grateful I can see the tiny little yellow flowers growing so close to the ground and the gorgeous roses blooming on my antique rose bush. The variety of shapes and sizes and colors is just amazing.
I am thankful I can see the faces of those I love more than my own life. My handsome husband, my aging parents, my adult children in whose faces I can still see the sweet little children that have grown up far too quickly, my grandchildren whose sweet precious faces are engraved on my heart, and my dear friends whose faces speak of love and acceptance and time spent growing closer.
I am thankful that I can see the printed word. How I love books. How I love The Book - the way it speaks to my heart with words of life and hope.
I am especially thankful for "spiritual eyes" - eyes that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, let me see the things of God. If I look through those eyes, I see truth clearly; I look with compassion on those I might otherwise turn away from; I see less of self and more of Him. Lord please give me eyes to see.
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe..."
Ephesians 1:18-19
One of the songs we are singing this weekend is "Thank You Lord"
I come before You today
And there's just one thing that I want to say,
Thank You, Lord. Thank You Lord.
For all You've given to me,
For all the blessings that I cannot see,
Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord.
With a grateful heart, with a song of praise,
With an outstretched arm,
I will bless Your Name.
For all You've done in my life,
You took my darkness and gave me Your light;
Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord.
You took my sin and my shame,
You took my sickness and healed all my pain,
Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord.
by Paul Baloche and Don Moen
What a lovely post, Linda. I am with you on this... the ability to see is so special. Really see.
I too am thankful for my physical and my spiritual sight, Linda. :-)
I am blessed.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Love and hugs,
Thank you for sharing. God has so much for us to see if we open our spiritual eyes. I want so much more of Him.
Blessings on the rest of your week.
Dear Linda,
Thank you for sharing your blessings once again. The ability to really "see" the beauty that is all around us is indeed a blessing.
Linda, you always touch my heart with your words and this post is no exception. We often take our eyes for granted and should be more aware of all the visions that they really do bring to us!! xoxo
What a lovely post. Your little cardinal outside sounds so sweet singing. May the Lord Bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,
Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)
Lovely thankfuls and prayer:)
Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord...for Linda and her eyes...the Ones You have enlightened. You are Worthy Lord!
I love your thankful list, bless you.
Isn't God's splendor awesome to take in. I love when everything is blooming (okay - except for orange trees--because it makes me sneeze like crazy)...Believe it or not, but I have never seen a Cardinal bird *sigh* -- maybe one day I will.
I love Don Moen's music. He writes wonderful songs and always gets me praising His holy name.
Thank you so much for sharing your thankfulness with us this week, my friend. And I am too thankful that I can see with my own eyes and the eyes of our Lord.
Be blessed today and always.
Beautiful Linda. Thanks for sharing your "eyes" with us. And your story about your first baby made me smile. Thanks for visiting!
Your list brought tears to my eyes. It is a reminder to me that it is truly the very simple things that I need to be thankful for.
This was such a special list, and it made me stop and thank God for my own blessings today.
This was wonderful. You are a gifted writer, whether you realize it or not!
Thanks for enjoying my Nixon post. It was great fun reliving that day and those days.
I am thankful for friends I don't see! Like you.
I so enjoyed reading this. It was like a warm cup of coffee going down =) Have a great week next week.
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