Tuesday, May 01, 2007
In Other Words

"By perserverance the snail reached the ark."
Charles Spurgeon
Iris has picked a quote this week that has had me pondering snails for days. I tried to imagine Mr. and Mrs. Snail slowing making their way to the huge ark. No doubt they encountered many obstacles. After all - in addition to being rather low to the ground, they also had to carry their little houses on their backs. They were carrying a rather heavy burden, and there was no time to spare. Of course, they had never experienced rain before, but those dark clouds must have been rather foreboding. I imagine Mr. Snail trying to hurry his little helpmate along. I'm sure he would have carried the load for her if he could, but that just wasn't possible. She had to make this journey without his help.
However, there was One who no doubt watched this tiny pair make their way slowly to the safety of the ark. He knew it was a difficult journey and that their burdens were heavy. His eyes never left them. Although they were unaware of His work, He was making a way for them. When they thought they couldn't crawl any further, He was there to give them strength. When the burden seemed to be unbearable, He helped to lighten the load. He was with them as they made their way forward - cheering them on. His heart filled with love as they made their way up the gangplank, blessed by their perserverance in the face of what seemed like and impossible journey.
So it is with us. Sometimes the journey gets so difficult and the burden far too heavy, but He is calling us to press on - to persevere. He has something wonderful waiting for us, and He never asks us to "go it alone". He is there with us every step of the way - carrying us when we can't go on, giving grace to bear the burden when it seems the weight of it will crush us.
Thank You Father for Your unfathomable love. A love that wraps it's arms around us and will never let us go. Give us grace and strength for the journey Lord that we may finish well.
For more writing on this quote go to Iris' blog - Sting My Heart.
Hello dear Linda:-) I'm still trying to catch up with everyone so I apologize for not having visited in a few days! My heart fell when I read your one post where you mentioned you were thinking of giving up blogging...glad you decided not to!! WHEW! Don't scare me like that:-) I loved this post, comparing us to the snails...your words always encourage me and let me know that God is always here for me. xoxo
calling us to press on! And how often we forget that!! Or at least I do! Thanks for the great reminder!
I loved this. I somehow felt like I could really relate to the snail when I pondered this quote myself.
Blessings to you my friend!
Bless you for sharing your thoughts.
And that devil is trying to pour salt on us :) Keep writing Sister, you are a blessing to many!
I loved this part of the post, "He is there with us every step of the way - carrying us when we can't go on, giving grace to bear the burden when it seems the weight of it will crush us." How very true indeed!
I didn't participate in IOW this week, but I had ot pop by and see what you had to say!
How I feel, like the snail, that I am carrying my "whole house" on my back sometimes!
"When they thought they couldn't crawl any further, He was there to give them strength. When the burden seemed to be unbearable, He helped to lighten the load." If He would so that for snails, how much will He do for His beloved children? Thank you so much for this post today, Linda!
This post was a wonderful blessing.
Thanks for reminding us how intentive the Father is to us on our journey.
Howdy, Linda,
You are so right (as always). The way often seems long before us, and the burden heavier than we can handle...but we're never alone.
I pray the Lord will bless you and pour out his oil of joy on you!
Linda, you always write such beautiful posts on the quotes for IOW...
Yes, our burdens are sometimes heavy just like the house of the little snail. We know that He is always there to lift up our 'house' to make our burdens a little easier. I am so looking forward to the day where He will greet us at the table and invites us to sit down.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's IOW quote.
Blessings to you and yours.
Hi Linda,
I'm a bit behind again (or do I ever get caught up??)
Enjoyed this post so much and it felt very comforting to me today..
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