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Friday, May 04, 2007
The Dung Beetle

I’m sure you have noticed that I have a penchant for finding things in nature and then finding an analogy between that and my Christian walk. The Lord just speaks to my heart through the things I observe (and I seem to possess a rather vivid imagination).

However, I may be taking this analogy thing a bit far with this one. I can’t help myself. I have observed these little guys for years, and I am so impressed with their dedication to their work and their absolute determination to persevere. I speak of the Dung Beetle.

I see them so often when we are walking. In deference to those of us with more sensitive natures I won’t go into their purpose in life in great detail except to say that their sole objective is to rid the world of – well , you know – dung.

It is a rare day when I don’t see these little guys (and gals too I suppose) making their way laboriously across the road pushing a ball of (sorry) dung. Their round burden is usually at least twice as big as they are and usually much larger than that. Nothing seems to deter them from their goal of getting that “thing” to a place where they can bury it in the soil (which, by the way, is quite beneficial to the soil). They will stop for a moment if our steps bring us to close to them, but as soon as they determine there is no real threat they continue rolling along. It is just amazing. The burden seems so ridiculously large, and yet they continue on their way without as much as a sigh. The Lord has equipped them with the strength and stamina and heart to get the job done.

I look at those little beetles with absolute admiration. I can’t help but compare my attitude to theirs. When I am weighted down with a heavy burden, I have often been known to whine and complain. Why me? Why must I struggle with this? Please just take it away Lord.

If I listen carefully, I will hear the Lord whisper to my heart words of help and encouragement. He reminds me that He is with me – always – and that He has given me everything I need with which to keep going in the face of what seems like impossible odds. As I persevere, He comes along side and with His strong right hand helps me along. He just asks me to be faithful – to keep going just like that faithful little beetle.

  posted at 3:29 PM

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

What a beautiful post. I am a nature nut as well, so I really liked the information about the Dung Beetle. We could all use that kind of determination. Great analogy.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Susie said...

He is a persistent little fellow isn't he!
A wonderful lesson here that you've obviously put a great deal of thought into!

At 6:00 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Such encouraging words, Linda, and a great lesson to remember.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

Personally I enjoy your analogies!

You said, "The Lord has equipped them with the strength and stamina and heart to get the job done.". I believe He equipped us with the same thing, sadly, I just don't often use it.

And how is it that some of the things I need to encounter feel like, well...dung... and yet I complain when I need to just get busy, move it and bury it.

Once again, I think this was a perfectly Great post and analogy! Thanks for the challenge.

Sick as it may sound... I'm thinking there are times I need to strive to be more like a dung bettle!

At 9:13 PM, Blogger eph2810 said...

I love you analogies. The are great thoughts and I always come away with something. I agree sometimes I start whining under my breath, but than I am reminded by Him that I am not alone. He is there with me and I have sisters that will lift me up in prayer.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on our burdens.

Be blessed this weekend and always.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger TheNormalMiddle said...

What a great lesson Linda. I'll never look at a dung beetle the same again :)

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Oo-oo-oo!!! I have to share this with my children. They will love it and it will be such an encouragement to them as well.

HAven't been around, missed a lot because the oldest has been sick.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

I think we can actually learn a lot from insects and animals! I don't think we have the dung beetle around here, at least not that I've ever seen. I always enjoy your analogies, your words always touch my heart! xoxo

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Susie said...

You definitely grabbed my attention with the picture and the title. You then captured my heart with wisdom, as you so often do. Thank you Linda for always sharing your insight in everyday things.


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