Thursday, May 10, 2007
Thankful Thursday

"Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I
will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name...He
shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him
and show him My salvation" (Ps. 91:14-16 AMP)
Thank You for giving me this verse this morning Lord. It was just what I needed. It blesses my heart and lifts my spirit when You speak so clearly - meeting my need with Your living word. I realize anew the truth that You bend down and listen to the cry of my heart. You are an amazing God.
I am thankful for my Mom. I am so blessed to still have her in my life and living close enough to see any time I like. She has loved me with an unconditional love. She is still "home" to me. When I walk into her warm, welcoming home I feel like a little girl again. She has modeled "motherhood" at its best for me - always. Thank You Lord for such a blessing.
Thank You for answered prayer Father. It is hard to put into words what it means to cry out to you with a heartfelt prayer and know that You have heard and answered. How can it be that the God of the universe, the Creator, the Holy, Righteous God hears my voice, as countless other voices are raised to Him in prayer, as if I were His only child? It is miraculous, and it is true. Thank You Lord.
I am thankful for praise music. There are some mornings I wake up with a song going through my head, and it stays with me all day. I know it is from the Lord, because somehow it "fits" with whatever is going on that particular day. It is amazing what praise can do for a heart that is feeling sad or down. As we articulate Who God is, it lifts the spirit. We are reminded that He is all-sufficient and there is nothing He cannot do; that He loves us with a perfect love; that He holds us close to His heart. Putting those thoughts to music is a wonderful gift.
I am thankful for the hope I have in Jesus. No matter what circumstances I face, I know what the future holds for me. He is preparing a place for me where I will live forever. There will be no more suffering, no more separations, no more fear or worry. I know that heaven is more wonderful than I can even imagine, and I get to live there forever!
I am thankful for grace. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, I could ever do to deserve all that Jesus has done for me. When I think of the times I have failed over and over again, and the love and forgiveness He has lavished on me I am thankful beyond words.
At Sting My Heart - a very special place in this little community of bloggers - you will find more thankful posts.
I have a little P.S. to add here. I just visited Amy's blog and she has a prayer request. I know she would appreciate out prayers and perhaps a word of encouragement. She has been through so much.
What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing with everyone. Your blog is beautiful!
Love in Christ,
~Candi (Homekeeper at Heart)
Linda, your heart's prayer of thankfulness was so beautiful to read...I long to draw closer to our Loving Lord, even in the busy days...
I dashed over and prayed for her. Thank YOU for letting us know through your blog...that was way cool!
Oh, and thanks for sharing your thankfulness with all of us today!
Thanks for reminding everyone about Amy. She still needs our prayers!
Wonderful words of thanks and praise. I agree with you completely on praise music and I love how so many are from the psalms and other scriptures.
Your list is beautiful. What a blessing your mom is! And grace, answered prayer, a song at just the right moment- all reminders of God's love for us.
Thanks for this uplifting post!
so many wonderful things to be thankful for!
I love reading about giving thanks. We are all so incredibly blessed.
Beautiful post Linda. And very encouraging! Happy Thursday.
You have some wonderful things to cherish and be thankful for. Lovely post.
I really like your thankful list, bless you.
Your list blessed me!!
Hi. I was leaving a comment on my friend's blog (Big Blueberry Eyes) when I saw a comment by you. I thought it was so funny because I do what you said you do: not get interested until the playoffs. Then I saw that you're a Spurs fan so I had to write to you since I live in San Antonio. Anyway... I enjoyed reading your post. You had so many wonderful things to be thankful for. It makes me (and I'm sure everyone who reads your posts) think of of the things in my life that I am thankful for.
Thanks. (hey! another thing to be thankful for!)
love, Nisa
Don't you just love it when you wake up with the song in your heart and on your lips. You are right, Linda--He is truly amazing. He gives us His living Word to get through the day and it always comforts me.
So cool that you have your mom close by. I wish mine were close by too. I think we always will be a 'little' child when we go visit with our moms :)
I surely will stop by Amy's blog after I publish this comment.
Thank you for sharing your thankful list with us this week. It is always a blessings to me to see all the grateful hearts around the blogsphere.
Be blessed today and always. Have a wonderful Mother's day.
Beautiful list Linda!
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