Sunday, April 15, 2007
For Heather

It is a picture-perfect day here today. The sky is a brilliant blue and there isn’t a cloud to be seen. It is one of those days that just call to you to come outside and breathe in the fresh, fragrant air.
However, my heart feels so heavy, and I wonder how it can be such a beautiful day when there is so much sadness. Perhaps it is because God wants to remind me that He is here no matter what the circumstances. Even when my “inner view” is only of dark clouds and torrential rain, He is there; even when it seems that nothing is the way it should be, He is in control. I take hope from the day and lift my heart in prayer for Heather.
It is something the Lord has been impressing on my heart these past months as we have studied prayer. Prayer isn’t the last resort or the least thing I can do. So often I have had the attitude that if I can’t actually do something I will “just” pray. I like to have things under control. I want to be doing something to make the situation better and “just” praying doesn’t seem like enough.
How very foolish of me. As we have studied prayer, the things I have really known all along have been taking root in my heart. Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do. We tap into the miraculous resources of the One Who is all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful. We cry out to Him and He inclines (Ps. 40:1) to listen to our heart-cry. He bends down!! It just astounds me. He is waiting for me to come to Him with my deepest needs, and when I do He bends down, He listens, He draws me in, and He answers my prayers. It is miraculous.
I imagine us – sisters of the heart – praying together for one of us who is in desperate need of a miracle. I imagine the Father listening to the heart-cry of His daughters. He is bending down; He is listening; He is drawing us into His great arms of love, and He will answer our prayers. In His way; in His time; according to His will – He will do His very best for His precious child Heather.
Oswald Chambers says, “What happens when saints pray is that the power of the almighty is brought to bear on the one for whom they are praying.”
“How God works in answer to prayer is a mystery that logic cannot penetrate, but that He does work in answer to prayer is gloriously true.”
There is something else we can to for Heather – as we are able. Boomama, with her sweet, loving heart, has made it possible for us to help with the expenses of the trip to the Mayo Clinic. You will find all the information on her blog.
It is such a privilege to be part of the blanket of prayer, isn't it. God is great.
Hi Linda:-) First of all, welcome home!! I'm a bit behind in catching up with everyone's news these days. Great to hear that you had such a wonderful time with your grandchildren:-) I have heard about Heather in various blogs and my heart truly goes out to her and her family. I will certainly help all I can on April 18th and my prayers are with her!!
Hi Linda,
I'm so glad to see that Heather's story is being told throughout this marvelous sisterhood of blogging.
I consider being part of this wonderful group of women a privilege..
I love that God conitues to teach us! I need that! One picture that God gave me once of intercessory prayer is one of weaving our prayers together to add strength to that one we intercede for...and those strings cannot break, they hold tight.
Thanks for being a pray-er for Heather. I don't know her, but I pray for her and her family...that when they look next, it WON'T be there.
You are right, Linda. Sometimes we need to be reminded through other people's circumstances that we are blessed...
I agree, prayer is very powerful. Although sometimes the answers we receive is not what we were looking for, He still answers them...
Blessings to your Sunday evening and always.
Heather's story is so very sad. I too feel privileged to be part of the chain of prayer for Heather. It is indeed a powerful tool, and I hope and pray God's will is that she'll be healed.
Boomama certainly does have a sweet, loving heart.
I meant to say (in the comment below) I'm glad you made it home before the storm began!
Look what a friend sent me today!! I didn't tell her my question to you about frost on the bluebonnets...isn't that something?
Bless you, sweet Linda!
Love in Him,
Yes, the bright spring sunshine and the fragrant spring breezes hasn't lifted the heaviness I feel for her. Perhaps that's so I'll persevere in prayer for her, and all those engaged in such a battle. Thank you for this post on prayer!
I've been praying for Heather since I read the news around blog land the last few days.
There is such power in the prayers of these blogging sisters. What a privilege we have. The great thing about prayer is that when someone can't pray because of the burden, we are privileged to stand in the gap.
This is so sad. I am praying for Heather.
This was so beautiful, Linda...
I'll be stopping by to help out tomorrow, too... And most of all, I'll be praying for her and her family...
Im praying as well!
I have been praying for Heather too !
It is so wonderful that we have Sisters in Christ coming together in the Lords love .
In his endless love,
Angel Mama
We've started a bloggy prayer chain over at my site for sweet Heather. Thank you for encouraging others to pray!
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