Thursday, March 29, 2007
Thinking Blogger Award - Meme

There is a Thinking Blogger Award/meme making the rounds. This is how it works. You are nominated for the Thinking Blogger Award and then you “pay it forward” by nominating five others. These are bloggers whose posts cause you to think. My new friend Linds nominated me – and I thank her so much for thinking of me in that way. She is an inspiration to me. Her faith and courage in just facing all the changes in her life over the past year are so encouraging. Her posts always bless me and give me lots to think about.
So, without further adieu, here are my nominations for the Thinking Blogger Award:
1. Cyndi whose blog is named “One Day at a Time” is a young woman whose obvious love for the Lord ministers to me in so many ways. She is full of wisdom and a quiet strength. She ministers to her family in such a selfless way and has a great heart for missions. She writes with great insight about the things the Lord is teaching her. It is obvious that she lives out her faith. She also has a wonderful sense of humor. She is a gifted writer, and I love reading her posts.
2. Laurel is another young woman whose writing inspires me. She is open and honest and shares from her heart. Her sweet spirit permeates everything she writes. I love it that her posts always point me to the Lord. She is compassionate and caring. A little “trip” through other peoples’ comments will show how much she gives of herself to others.
3. I met Dawn very early in my “blogging career”. We have much in common – both of us grandmothers; both of us in the same season of life. She is an excellent writer and storyteller. I enjoy every one of her posts – her “rambles”, as she calls them, her stories about her family and the touching story of her son’s struggle and ultimate victory.
I admire her for the way she selflessly cares for her grandchildren after working herself and the evident joy she finds in doing it. She is a wonderful friend.
4. My next nominee is Bev. She is an amazing writer. She is also in the same season of life. She is a grandmother, and there is something so special about that wonderful role. Some of her posts are so touching I find myself having difficulty reading through the blur of tears. Others have me laughing out loud. She has a great sense of humor. She is thoughtful and giving.
5. Julie’s blog is called “A Joyful Life”. Here is another very gifted writer. I find myself drawn to her posts. They are insightful and just downright funny at times. As with all the other wonderful women I’ve mentioned, it is her love for the Lord that makes her writing special. It just shines through.
It is now their turn to “pay it forward.” You have the opportunity to nominate five others for the Thinking Blogger Award. Caution: It is really difficult to narrow it down to five. There are so many others I absolutely love to read. Some of those were already nominated. I really think each and every one I read ministers to me in a special way. That’s why I spend so much time doing it!! God has given us something very unique here.
Congratulations on your Thinking Blogger Award. Very well deserved. As you said, and I totally agree, it is so difficult to narrow our choices to just five. I am familiar with some of your nominees and will find it fun to check out others.
Your writing is always a blessing to me, dear Linda!
You deserve the award. Oh yes! And I love your awards too! It is all about communicating what is in our hearts, isn't it? It works.
Congratulations on your well-deserved award. You are a gentle soul and your words have great meaning.
Thank you so much for this honor! It is a privilege to be named among so many wonderful writers. I will definitely start thinking about who I will name to keep this going! Thanks for the kind words - it is humbling.
Congratulations on winning the Thinking Blogger Award, Linda...very well deserved indeed! Your posts are always so beautifully written and everything you say certainly does make me think about my own beliefs and thoughts:-) Hugs xoxo
Congratulations, deserved!
I need to post on this, too...and better get with it since all my choices are quickly being taken! :)
Congratulations, sweet Linda. You most certainly deserve the Thinking Blogger Award.
And THANK YOU for nominating me! I'm tickled to pieces! Guess I'll have to get busy paying it forward...
I couldn't agree with you more on each of these Bloggers....and your own award! Congratulations...and thanks for the list of fabulous nominees! I'm on my way to visit them right now.
Have a great day.
Congratulations, Linda!
I'm so glad you gave this to my sister, Bev. Everything you said about her is true - I couldn't be more proud that she's my little sister.
And good for you - very well deserved, Linda. You're right - choosing only five people to pay it forward to was HARD.
I'm so glad you were nominated! I think you deserve it, and if I could nominate right back atcha I would! You always make me think! I love, love, LOVE your posts. You are so very sweet to nominate me. That means so much to me!
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