Tuesday, April 03, 2007
In Other Words

"At the heart of the story stands the cross of Christ where evil did its worst
and met its match."
John Wenham
It is that special time of year when eyes are turned toward the cross and our hearts are overflowing with emotion. Throughout this week, those of us who have experienced the forgiveness and the hope and the gift of eternal life Jesus so selflessly provided are drawn to Him with a gratitude that we find difficult to fully express. It is a gift beyond the ability of mere words to describe.
This week’s quote gets us to the essence of the story – the cross of Christ. It is here that Jesus finished the work of redemption and where the enemy was defeated for all time.
I have an image in my mind of the shadow of the cross falling across the work of creation. Even before the Lord spoke one word of creation He knew that man would fall. He knew there would be a need for sacrifice, and He turned to His beloved Son. Was He willing to become for fallen man the sacrificial Lamb? With a love that cannot be measured the Son said that He was. And so the story began.
Across every page of scripture the shadow of the cross falls – for without it there is no hope for us. God had a plan for our redemption, and it began before the foundation of the world. Knowing that plan, the enemy began his war to destroy that plan. He did his best to stop it.
Everything in the Old Testament led up to the cross. Everything the enemy did was an effort to prevent the Son from going to the cross. We see Him hanging there, and our hearts ache with sorrow. The enemy saw Him hanging there and tried his best to get Him to come down. If he had succeeded in stopping the death of Christ, He would have had the victory. Surely he used every bit of power at his disposal. It was to no avail. He had indeed met his match and more.
Halleluiah! Sin and death were defeated. With His death and resurrection Jesus won the victory – for all of us, for all time.
You will find more inspiring posts on this quote at Sting My Heart.
The enemy tried so much to thwart Christ's mission, didn't he? I loved how you brought out that he must've used all the power at his disposal. He's spent and he knows it! Great post today!
I'm so glad that Christ was unwilling to come down from the cross. Just because He loved us so much!
Wonderful post, really enjoyed reading it.
"With His death and resurrection Jesus won the victory – for all of us, for all time."
Reminds me of the praise song..."You are my all in all.."
God is just so good. I mean, "his love endures forever". Hugs to you!
Easter is the holiest of days for us, and we always need to remember what Christ did out of love. Thanks for the wonderful post to remind us of that!
Wonderful thoughts about the cross. It is not just a neck decoration! My thoughts in Monday's post were about Him thinking of ME when he was going through His life. What an awesome thought.
Linda, how beautiful you have written it. Yes, the shadow of the cross falls all across Scripture. Our sin brought Him there, but His love held Him on the cross.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's IOW quote.
Blessings to your Holy week.
Thanks for visiting me. This was an excellent post.
"Across the pages of scripture the shadow of the cross falls - for without it there is no hope" So very true!
I'm hoping all is well with you - you must be busy. I haven't "seen" you at my place lately. Any news on the house situation??
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