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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007
Sunday Afternoon Chat
It is one of those afternoon that has “comfy chair, good book and a cup of tea” written all over it. The sky is overcast – heavy with the promise of rain. It is very quiet here with just my husband and me in the house. Soon he will turn on the television and watch a golf tournament or a car race, and I will pick up my good book (I’m reading the Mitford series for the third time. I just got tired of bringing books home from the library that promised to be terrific reads only to discover within the first few pages they weren’t living up to that promise). If every book could minister to my soul the way these sweet books do, I would feel like it was a bit of heaven on earth.

We were meant to be in Houston this weekend having fun with the kids and grandkids, but I woke up the other morning with a sore throat. When it had only gotten worse by the next day, I called my dil to see if she wanted us to come (me and my sore throat). It wasn’t really a hard decision. No one wants to expose five healthy children to germs on purpose. So the trip is postponed to another time. The boys (Papa, daddy and the two grandsons) had plans to go to a drag race which was the only reason we considered going, but there is another one in a few weeks.

It was a good thing we didn’t go. My sore throat has blossomed into an honest-to-goodness chest cold. I pushed to do the usual Saturday things yesterday, but I’m giving in and taking it easy today. I so rarely get sick it always takes me by surprise when I do. I’ve jokingly said to my husband that a good inscription for my tombstone may very well be: “But She Was Never Sick!”

Although we don’t have the back to school things going on in our home any more, we are slowly easing into the fall schedule. Our volunteer work in the music department has started as has choir practice. This Wednesday our Ladies Bible Study begins. We’re doing a Beth Moore (yippee) – “The Fruit of the Spirit”. I’ve done it before, but I know that I will get something new from it this time around. That’s just the way the Lord works.

Speaking of Beth Moore, her special get-together for the ladies that read her blog is going to be at the Living Proof Life event here in San Antonio next August. When I read her post, I immediately called my dear friend and asked her if she wanted to go. She does, and we are!! I’m forever saying I want to do these things and then for one reason or another I don’t. Then I’m sorry afterward. I decided not to let myself have time to talk myself out of it. I called right then and ordered the tickets. It would be great if some of us could meet there. I don’t think all the details have been worked out yet, but I think she is going to be doing something special with the bloggers.

We aren’t experiencing that chill in the air that some of you are, but as soon as we do I need to haul myself out to my little flower garden and do some serious cutting back. With the abundant rains we’ve had this summer (I only watered the lawn twice. Absolutely unheard of !!) my flowers have gone totally berserk. It looks like a mini jungle down there. I just don’t have the energy to get out there in the heat to do anything about it, and so they continue to get totally out of hand. I can hardly see my little antique rose bush any more. Shameful.

I think it’s about time for some lunch. Have a blessed Sunday and a fun holiday tomorrow. We have no big plans. I think I may just do a repeat of today!

  posted at 1:14 PM

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

First off, sweet friend, I hope you feel better soon. Sometimes, we just need to rest and rejuvenate.

I am planning to attend the San Antonio conference,God willing and I'm healthy enough. If I do, I'm making a special plan to see you. I can't wait!

I'll be thinking of you this weekend. Rest and enjoy time with "you".

At 6:29 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Thanks for the lovely chat. And just think, we got to visit without being exposed to your cold. I truly hope you get over it quickly!!

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Linda, the one time you don't stop by and visit...and look, you missed it! ;)

I mentioned it on your last post, but you must have not seen it...come on over to my Show and Tell post, there's something for you! :)

I'll blame it on your cold...I hope you feel better soon, dear Linda!

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Linda, sorry you are down with a cold. I would love to get a chance to meet you next year. What fun that would be!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Well, I enjoyed our chat, though I think you did most of the work. ;D

Hope you feel better soon. I hate summer colds even worse than in the winter time for some reason.

Those flowers will still be there when you feel better and it cools off some.

Love and hugs,


At 9:14 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I've had a cold since Wednesday, and am finally feeling better after totally pampering myself this week-end, sitting under a shade tree and reading good books. When you finish the Mitford series, try the #1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith - they take place in Botswana and are just delightful.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

sorry to hear your weekend plans had to be cancelled, but it sounds like a good decision. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the prayers as we prepare for Joe's deployment.

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Myrna said...

I love the Mitford series. I was sorry when it ended! Those books are the kind you can read again--like visiting old friends!

I think the Siesta meeting in San Antonio sounds wonderful! I think it is great you are going. I would love to go--How great to meet a group of blogging friends in SA. I just can't plan that far ahead--I know they will sell out quickly!

I have tickets to the Deeper Still event this weekend in Nashville--with Beth, Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shirer. It is beginning to look like I will not be going. I hate to give it up, but my plans for someone to stay with Lee are not working out. He is not feeling all that great right now, so it may be better if I don't go anyway.

I actually was given three tickets a long time ago. My dils and I were planning to go and a friend of mine was going with us. One dil has had to cancel so I my friend and dil can each ask someone else to go. The event has been sold out for months.

At 3:44 AM, Blogger blueberry said...

Nice blog!!! I enjoyed reading and I'll keep visiting this site every now and then... God bless and take care...

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Oh dear, I do hope you start feeling better real soon my friend!! What a shame your trip to see the grandkids had to be canceled but as you say, you can go another time:-) I can well imagine how excited you are about going to see Beth Moore...something to look forward to for sure!! We definitely have Fall in the air here, the nights and mornings are quite cool although the daytime is still very pleasant. I need to soon trim back all the spent plants. You take care of yourself dear Linda!! xoxo

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

Linda, have lots of tea and rest this weekend. Let yourself just do nothing and get better quickly! I heard somewhere on someone's blog that the new series connected to the Mitford series has the first book coming out soon. There now, doesn't that make you feel better already? :v)

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Julee Ann said...

Hello fellow empty nester. I'm inspired by bloggers that can turn everyday life into an interesting read. I'll be back to yours. Nice to meet ya.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Linda I hope you feel better soon. We are not having cooler weather here either. Still summer, but I am ready for fall =)


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