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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Praying For You
As I mentioned in my last post, my husband and I spent last Wednesday through Saturday soaking up the blessings that come from hearing the message of the gospel through song. Those who sing and write the songs are amazingly gifted and have chosen to use that gift in service to the Lord. We are privileged to be the recipients of those gifts. Our spirits are lifted; we are encouraged and often the Holy Spirit uses the words that we hear to minister to the needs of our hearts.

I love the upbeat songs – the ones that set your feet to tapping – but it seemed to me that the overriding message was of a very serious nature this time. Put succinctly – we are all going to face difficult times in our lives, and the only way to get through them is to trust in the Lord. That message resonated in my spirit because it is so real. It is easy to sing songs and write words about how happy and joyful life is, it is quite another to write about the hard times. The truth is if we aren’t in the middle of a difficult time we eventually will be. The rest of the truth is we have a God who will always be there for us. He will either deliver us from the trial or He will give us the grace and strength to go through it. I read this morning in Ps. 52:8 “…I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.”

I feel burdened for those of us who are going through those difficult times right now. We are separated by great distances in most cases and cannot do the practical things to help one another – sit and pray together, prepare a meal, baby-sit the children – those sorts of things. However, we are able to do something more powerful than we can even imagine. We can pray for one another.

Mark Bishop sang a song he wrote that blessed and encouraged me. I’d like to share the lyrics with you:

Can I Pray For You?

“I’ve been your friend for a while.
I know you’re hiding behind that smile.
And you’re keeping inside tears that should have been cried.
You’ve been brave through the trial.
You’ve been as strong as a stone,
Against the stormy winds that have blown.
But you have friends who care, more than willing to share.
Don’t face those trials alone.

Can I pray for you?
Can I mention your name to the Lord?
When I seek His face,
Can I plead your case?
That’s what praying is for.
I’ll help you carry your cross,
And find the way when you’re lost.
If we’ll let Jesus be true,
I’ll know that He’ll see you through.
Can I pray for you?

I know that there’ll come a day,
When I’ll have trials and need you to pray.
Just like you’ve done before, you’ll mention me to the Lord.
That’s why I’m here to say,
‘Let me be there for you.
We’ll divide all your problems by two.
And very soon there’ll be three, you and Jesus and me.
That’s what friends are supposed to do.’

If we’ll let Jesus be true,
I know that He’ll see you through.
Can I pray for you?”

For those of you in need of prayer today, I’m praying for you.

  posted at 11:25 AM

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Aunt Angie said...

You are right the most powerful thing is prayer. It can move mountains....it can heal the sick....save the sinner...one simple prayer....all of lifes transgressions are wiped clean. This is a very timely post. The Lord has prompted me to "pray more" for our unsaved loved ones. Friends and family. Some we are near....some are far. But distance does not stop the powerful hand of almighty God! He can send someone to "stand in the gap"....be His hand extended.
I appreciate this post so much. It ministered to my life today....like God just tapping me on the shoulder and saying..."see....just pray...trust me....I'm taking care of the situation!"
Thanks Linda---sweet vessel of the Lord!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I know you are, and it lifts our spirits to know that! What a wonderful song.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

This post is such a blessing. Your prayers mean so much.

Here is a link to the song. I'm going to keep it close to my heart.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger Cheryl Wray said...

A beautiful post, Linda. The song was beautiful with a great message! i think it's so important to keep others in our prayers. By thinking of other's needs first we are really doing it right!!
Thanks for the prayers! Things are going well on this end, but prayere are ALWAYS needed!!!
I'm thinking of you too!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Sometimes I can feel my spirit lifting my hands in the air when God's music is playing. I love P&W. Have it on right now.

Wonderful post. Thank you for your prayers for the Saints. Love you, me.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Thinking of you today too my friend. I've missed you while you were gone.
Your offer of prayers for your friends is most welcome..

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Thank you, Linda. Prayer is always the very best gift you can give someone who's in need. I tell you, my prayer list goes on forever but it's a privilege to pray for friends going through hard things.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Susie said...

I guess I'm the first today to actually ask for prayer. Guess what it's about? I don't think I even have to tell you, but I would love to have my family together settled in our new home, and this house sold within the next month. Thanks Linda, and I praying for blessings on you.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Aunt Angie said...

Thanks Linda for stopping back by. Your comment is an encouragement to me! God constantly amazes me!
Did you want to be included in the "book-give-away"??
The drawing is tomorrow afternoon.
Be blessed (((Hugs)))--as my grandson says, night night--sleep tight!

At 12:31 PM, Blogger sharon brobst said...

Linda~ the lyrics to tha song are so precious. Thanks for sharing them. Blessings

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Chris @ Come to the Table said...

This is beautiful. Prayer seems to be on the hearts of many this week. I know I desire to spend more time on my face before the Lord and in prayer with others which is hard when we are busy moms


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