Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Thankful Thursday

“O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
I Chron. 16:34

The first thing I want to give thanks for is the Encourager of the Month Award that Iris awarded me. It means so much to me for someone like Iris to give me this award. She is the one who encourages me and lifts my spirits and helps me all the time. I am so grateful.
I am thankful that God answers prayer and that sometimes the answer comes so clearly and so quickly. There are some prayers I have been praying for years, knowing that He has heard my heart and will answer in His way and in His time. There are others where the answer comes with such immediacy it takes my breath away. I picture Him smiling at my surprise. He is a Father who delights in giving good things to His children.
I am thankful for the uniqueness of God’s creation. I cannot fathom how each of us has, for instance, a voice that is distinguishable from the millions and millions of other voices out there. How is it that with only a few features to work with, God can create all those different faces? There are so many of us and no two exactly alike. Our personalities are as varied as the snowflakes that fall in winter. He is truly an amazing God.
I am thankful for the things that we have in common. It builds up my faith to read about what the Lord is doing in each of your lives and know that I have experienced the same things; to read about the truths you are discovering in His word and nod my head in agreement. We don’t all walk through the same circumstances, but we all walk through them with the same faith in the same God – and we all find Him faithful. What a glorious experience!
I am thankful that I have only to live this one day – that all of my tomorrows are in God’s hands. When I am burdened, He graciously extends His hands and lifts the weight from my shoulders. When I am afraid, He whispers words of encouragement and hope and tells me to trust in Him. When I sin, He forgives. When I fall down, He picks me up. He walks with me through the day and tells me that there will be new mercies for tomorrow. He is always just a whisper away.
When I think of who I am and who He is, my heart overflows with gratitude that He would be mindful of me. “How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them they would outnumber the sand. When I am awake, I am still with Thee.” Ps 139: 17,18
There are more Thankful Thursday posts at Iris’ blog.
What an encouraging thankful post. His faithfulness is amazing, and I appreciate the reminders in your post!
Such a great list! I too have been reminded repeatedly over the last week that I am so unworthy of His amazing love. I too am thankful for His love and mercy!
You totally deserve that award, Linda!~ You're a blessing to this community.
Enjoyed your list. :)
Congratulations on the Encourager award, Linda. You are very deserving of it. :-)
Our God truly is an awesome God, isn't He?
Love and hugs,
God bless your encouraging heart. Thank goodness for His love and that He gives us a new day to serve Him...
You deserve the award! You are so encouraging and I enjoy coming to visit. God bless!
Your beautiful heart blesses me.
indeed.. i don't know you but it's also a blessing being able to surf the net and read good blogs.
I loved reading this, because it reminded me of what *I* have to be thankful for, too! Thank you.
And, congratulations for the "encourager" award! That's SO you!!!
Congratulations on the award. How awesome. Your list was such a blessing to read, thank you for sharing. I too love to see how much we all have in common.
So much to be thankful for! Thank you for sharing.
God Bless!
Oh - it is amazing that the Lord made us all different. I have never thought about the voices, but it is true. I think that He did that so that when we get to heaven, He will not only have one voice singing His praises, but has the most beautiful choir...
Thank you so much for sharing your thankfulness with us this week, Linda.
May your day be blessed today and always.
This was so tender and powerful. Thank you
Hello Linda, What a treasure of a post. You truly touched my heart and you shared thoughts that I needed to read this evening. I am thankful for you and for the encourgement I find here when I am able to vist. Congratulations to you as well, on your award. Blessings to you and your family this week.
Hello Linda, What a treasure of a post. You truly touched my heart and you shared thoughts that I needed to read this evening. I am thankful for you and for the encourgement I find here when I am able to vist. Congratulations to you as well, on your award. Blessings to you and your family this week.
I praise God for answered prayers also!!! Congrats on the award, a great selection on Iris' part.
Dearest Linda, congratulations on the's so well deserved, goodness knows how many times you've encouraged me to listen to God more than I had been!! You are such a blessing to many of us! Thank you for being YOU:-) xox
I see the mush lifted from your brain! I didn't even get over here yesterday. Another good TT post.
Please come over and read my prayer request and join all the wonderful warriors out there! Thanks!
Wonderful thankful post. Congrats on your award. I also love the uniqueness of each and every person, flower, snowflake, etc. Our God is SOO creative! Who else would have thought to put spots on a lady bug, or fuzz on a bumble bee?
Linda~Congratulations on a well deserved award! Your thankful list touched my heart...thank you for sharing...Blessings.
Congrats on your award!
Congrats on the award! You are definately deserving!!
And what fabulously wonderful things to be thankful for!
You have a great list and it is an inspiration to read! Congrats on the award.
Your list brought tears to my eyes. It was wonderful to be reminded all the things that we take for granted. God's creation is wonderful. God is wonderful.
Congratulations Linda! I think this is your best Thankful Thursday yet.
"I am thankful for the things that we have in common. It builds up my faith to read about what the Lord is doing in each of your lives and know that I have experienced the same things; to read about the truths you are discovering in His word and nod my head in agreement."
So true and eloquently stated. I wrote about this, too -- and how Iris inspired me.
That was so refreshing to read. I must say that visiting your list has been a blessing to my heart today. Thank you so much for sharing.
You always have something I need to hear--"I am thankful that I have only to live this one day – that all of my tomorrows are in God’s hands."
Thank you for the reminder! so deserve this fact, this very Thankful Thursday post so uplifted my spirit. I really think God uses you to speak to so many of us...thank you for these encouraging truths about our Lord!
It's me again--Come over to my place when you have time. I have some name fun for you!
I am new to this community and already I am hooked. I don't know you as well as others Linda, but I can see that you are very worthy of this award! Thank you for visting my blog and for the nice comments. You were my very first visitor! I hope you will visit again.
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