Saturday, July 28, 2007
Bestowing Crowns

A little while ago Alycia bestowed the Princess award on me. I can easily think of Alycia as a princess. She is a beautiful young woman both inside and out. I am honored that she thinks of me as one too. As she said, we are all princesses because we are daughters of the King, but I am to single out three special princesses to give this award to.
Ann of Holy Experiences has the heart of a true Princess. She writes about her life as the wife of a farmer in Canada. They have a house full of precious children whom she home schools. I can only imagine how busy her life is, yet she finds the time to write the most beautifully eloquent posts I have ever read. I can rarely get through them without having my eyes brim with tears. Her words flow out of a humble heart that seeks only to live for Jesus. I print out many of her posts so I can share them with my husband. After reading them we just look at one another in amazement. She is truly gifted – in so many ways.
My sweet friend Kelli never fails to lift my spirits and encourage my heart. As you read through her posts, filled with humor and love, you would never imagine all the health problems she is experiencing. I have never read a word of complaint. She is the first one there to encourage and help others who are going through difficult times. She reminds me to cherish the days we have. She deserves a very special crown – filled with precious stones.
Diane is an inspiration to me. The Lord has taken her on a difficult journey with her “Prodigal.” Her faith and her love have never wavered. In recent days she has written beautifully of her love and commitment to this precious son. She shares her heart in an open, loving way and reaches out to others who are experiencing difficult circumstances. In spite of the difficult times there is always an underlying joy – a joy that comes from knowing and loving the Lord with all her heart.
These three women are a blessing. They are representative of so many others who faithfully honor the Lord with their lives. They live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways, and God uses that to encourage the hearts of those whose lives they touch. Each one is a Princess in His eyes.
I haven't read your first award's writing, but I am certain she deserves it as much as the other two!
How's Dad today?
Thanks for the sweet award!
I read each of the other blogs...and so agree with you. Thank you for blessing me in the company of such great have reminded me that although it feels like the world must stop spinning--God uses whatever our crisis testify to His Will...His Purpose...His Promise...and His Love! That is enough to keep the world from crashing!
I am so thankful that He does have the whole world in His Hand....and on the small details of our lives!
You have brightened my day, friend!
Hi Linda,
Congratulations on your award. I'm not really familiar with the three you honored but I'm sure they're quite worthy!
I so agree with your choices. There three women are very extraordinary women who serve a wonderful King. Their love for others and sharing their hearts with us is an encouragement to many.
Congratulations on receiving the princess crown yourself - I think Alycia picked a wonderful person to wear His crown.
Blessings to you and yours this weekend, sweet friend.
Congratulations, Princess Linda! :D
Congratulations on your award dear Princess Linda:-) I loved what you wrote about your 3 picks to pass the award many wonderful people out there with hearts and souls of a princess!! xoxo
Congratulations on your award. It's always so nice to see my favorite blog buddies getting well-deserved recognition.
You're definitely a blogging princess in my mind too :)
Congratulations Linda! I will be checking on the others you blessed with the award...I am sure they are encouraging!
I hope your dad is doing better...I had you on my heart yesterday when I was praying about blog sisters!
Have a blessed week.
Thanks for the link back to Ann V. I'd lost it and am thrilled to be able to subscribe to her. xoxo
What a sweet award. You are deserving! Hugs!
Dearest Linda...
Did you know that I once lived in Texas?
I was four.
My toddler sister had been killed in a farm accident, and my Mama and Dad gathered up their baby, their preschooler and me and drove away from Canada and all the sorrow that flooded their corner of the world. They drove south, and futher south, all the way south, to your grand State. And kind people, folks on the flat plains of the panhandle, near Amarillo, took them in, and gave my Dad farm work.
My favorite pictures of childhood are my brother and I playing in Texas dirt at the end of a pancake flat field with big yellow Tonka trucks, my Dad driving the International tractor in the background, listing that loamy soil all day.
My Mama didn't want to be alone, and would drive out to spend the day in the fields near my Dad. And when the sun started to slip down onto the horizon, I'd interrupt Mama reading her book and rocking the baby, just to say, "John and I are going to run across the field and touch the sun before it sets. We'll be right back, okay?" Yes, Texas flat fields seemed close to the end of the earth, so close I could reach out and touch that warm ball of fire coming down.
That kind employer, Mr. Ted Richardson, asked my Dad to stay on, to manage his sections. His wife, Lois, called me Sweet Grandbaby and I remember eating chocolates out of crystal dishes in her living room. Dad chose to go home, to pick up the pieces of their torn hopes and patch together a life. And so I grew up a Canadian and not a Texan.
But Ted and Lois became like grandparents to us all, us travelling many times during my growing up years to spend March vacation breaks under that big Texan sky and their bigger love. They surprised me on my wedding day, delightfully walking into the chapel with their southern drawls, kissing me on the forehead and brushing away my worries of rain with, "To a Texan, all rain is good rain, girl. It's all showers of blessings." I think of that every time I hear rain falling on a roof.
I cried when they passed on these last few years, sending flowers, scratching down my love.
So part of me comes from Texas, loved by Texans in the way only they can love.
I feel that way today, loved by a Texan in the way only a Texan can love.
Thank you, Linda... for making an awkward, shy Canadian girl feel a bit like a princess.
And He is our Prince. The Prince of Peace who comes on a Cross to Texans and Canadians and everyone else on this spinning marble...and offers to rescue us and carry us Home.
And that will be a Place worth living in Forever.
I send love, Linda...
All's grace,
Why, yes you are a princess! So deserving of the title!
Congratulations! :)
I consider you one of the jewels I have found through blogging. You can never understand how much you inspire me, like a huge hug.
God uses to you speak peace to my heart right when I need it.
I value you.
Thank you.
You ARE a blogging princess!!!
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