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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007
No Longer Linda
It is just a lazy Sunday at our house. We got home late last night and are just “vegging out” today. My husband is watching the British Open, the washing machine is humming (because there were some articles of clothing which, due to the 175% humidity in Magnolia, were just too disgusting to let sit for another day in the dirty clothes basket), and I am going to try to catch up with all of you. I had a frightening moment when I checked my bloglines and it showed over 500 posts to read!!! I thought you had had some sort of writing marathon while I wasn’t looking. As it turns out my bloglines is showing everything for the past month or more. Whew!!!

The first thing I absolutely must do is testify to God’s faithfulness and goodness to us. Our younger son and his family weren’t able to go to Magnolia with us. The night before we were to leave, little H. started to run a fever. They took her to the local med. Clinic where she was diagnosed with a virus. So they decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to spread the “joy” to everyone else, and they stayed home – lots of disappointment all around. We went on because we had a bike we were delivering – and we didn’t want to disappoint the kids and grandkids altogether.

It was a gloomy day, and we drove through rain showers on the way. It wasn’t raining when we got there, so we rode bikes for a while. It was about mid-afternoon when we got the call from our son T. They had had five inches of rain since about ten in the morning, and it was still just pouring buckets. He asked us to pray that it would stop because the water was coming up in their backyard and beginning to make its way up their street (with the poor drainage that the city STILL hasn’t fixed). We began to pray hard.

A couple of hours later we called them, and it was still raining hard. They were beginning to put all the furniture up on cement blocks. Our son said if it didn’t stop very soon they would definitely have water in the house. It had risen to within about three inches of their neighbor’s house which sits just a bit lower than theirs. We felt so bad that we were too far away to be of any help.

I prayed fervently. It was hard to concentrate on anything else. Then around five o’clock I just felt a peace steal into my heart, and I knew they were going to be all right. We tried calling them, but there was no answer. We left a message and waited. T. called later in the evening and said the rain had stopped, and they were safe.

Thank You Lord!!! What an answer to prayer. They got over seven inches of rain (and it has been raining nearly every day here for the past several weeks so the ground is absolutely saturated), but it stopped short of flooding their home and their neighbor’s home. I pray that their neighbor’s will see God’s hand of protection in this.

I’m sorry to talk so much about our son’s flooding problems, but it is God’s grace and mercy I want to emphasize. There were people in other places whose streets have drainage problems, and they all flooded. Some of these poor folks have had their homes flood half a dozen times!! We are more grateful than we can possibly say. God is so very good.
My husband and I had a good time (once we knew all was well at T’s) with the kids and grandkids. We rode bikes, played games, and went to a huge place called Itz where they have a huge pizza buffet and all sorts of rides and games for the kids. The noise level is unbelievable – but they had lots of fun. We just enjoyed watching them have lots of fun.

One more thing to share in this rather long epistle before I say good-by. My youngest granddaughter is three. We were all sitting at the breakfast table when she heard my husband call me by my name – Linda. She giggled and said, “She’s not Linda. She’s Grandma.” We all took turns explaining to her that while I am her Grandma, my name is Linda. She couldn’t be convinced. My DIL very patiently tried one more time, “Grandma is your grandma, but her name is Linda.” I very helpfully added, “Yes; my name is Linda”. She turned and looked at me with a look that said are you out of your mind and declared “IT IS NOT!” It was the look that got me. There was just no way on earth she was going to believe such an outrageous lie.

Thank you all for your prayers for us. God truly, truly does hear and answer prayer.

  posted at 11:33 AM

At 12:17 PM, Blogger TheNormalMiddle said...

It took my kids forever to realize that even I, Mommy, had my own name too! :)

Enjoy your Sunday...

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

Glad the family is safe. I imagine that can be incredibly scary.

And she's right- you will always, only, be "Grandma" to her.

But isn't that how it should be?

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Praise God indeed that the rains stopped and their house was not flooded! Hope little H is feeling better!

I got a good chuckle out of your granddaughter refusing to believe your name is actually Linda!

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Welcome home dear Linda...always a wonderful feeling knowing that my friends make it home safe and sound:-) Thank God that your son's house didn't flood again this time...prayers certainly do get answered!! I do hope little "H" gets over that virus quickly! I almost had a stroke when my bloglines showed over 500 posts also one morning...I had only missed one day of blogging and I knew I couldn't have missed that many posts in that one day!! LOL I giggled at your grandaughter not believing your name was Linda...my own boys never wanted to believe that I had another name apart from MOM! lol xoxo

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Myrna said...

The world can be confusing when you are three! The only way to control it is to insist you are right! Your granddaughter and mine sound exactly alike!

So glad the rain stopped in time. Your part of the world has really had enough of the wet stuff to last awhile.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Praise the Lord for answered prayer! :-)

And there certainly are a lot of us with the name "Grandma", aren't there? ;D

Love and hugs,


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Shelly said...

LOL!!! "You are not Linda!!" I love it!

And I rejoice with you in the answered prayers. He is so faithful.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Diane Viere said...

Gotta love it! "She's not Linda...she's Grandma!" To be called Grandma....is a beautiful thing!

I am so glad that your family survived the downpouring! And glad you are back to blogging! Welcome back....LINDA!!!!


At 2:34 PM, Blogger eph2810 said...

I am so thrilled that your son and his family are safe after those terrible rain in TX. I heard it this morning on the radio about all the flooding going on in your lovely state...

Your granddaughter is just too precious :) -

Thank you for sharing about your weekend outing...It is always fun to read what you are up to.

Blessings to you and yours.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

I loved reading this...prayer definitely works!

I also wanted to thank you for your sweet comment on my post today. My daughter and I have had more time to talk about this thing, and though my confidence is still a bit shaken, I am feeling more sure that she actually thinks pretty well of me after all...there's more to this, but I wanted to thank you for your encouragement and prayers, Linda. It meant a lot! (((HUGS)))

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I saw in the airport today that the rain is still inundating Texas - and England where my brother lives. They desperately need some in Minnesota and we could use some here. Come on, Lord, spread it out, okay???

Glad you had a good time anyway. I can just hear Feisty say something like that! Too cute.

Glad to be home, but WAY BEHIND!!

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Alycia said...

So sweet. I am thankful the rain has stopped ~ praising the Lord with you! I also stopped by to tell you I have a tiara waiting for you at my place :) Blessings to you today!

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

God is so good!! Glad to hear that your family is safe. May His providence and glory be known through this experience.
I love the story about your granddaughter. Aren't little ones just the greatest???

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I love the way we're just Grandma and Nana in their eyes. LOL

Thank the good Lord you son and his home are OK. I think I'd talk about that a lot too, Linda. Scary!

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Cyndi said...

Thank you so much for the prayer updates. I've been thinking about your sweet family during all of this flooding. It's incredible, especially compared to just one year ago, isn't it?

And I'm sorry. I just can't call you "Grandma." LOL

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Read through several posts. Have fun in OK. Wish I was going with you.

This TT post is delightful. Priceless grandaughter!!!! Priceless. Love you, me


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