Friday, June 29, 2007
Reflections of Him

Several days ago Iris honored me with this award. It is to be awarded to five people “who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy…of knowing them and being blessed by them.”
“This award is for the best-of-the-best so consider who you pick carefully. This award should not be given to just anyone. If you’re going to do the award don’t just write a few words and slap it on you Blog. Write real thoughts about these Bloggers and what they’ve meant to you. If the Bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don’t be afraid to it to them again. They deserve it as many times as it’s given.”
I began to think of who I would give the award to. It is very difficult to narrow it down to five, because truly everyone I visit blesses me in some way. I finally made my choices, and before I had a chance to write the post two of them, Dawn and Cyndi, gave the award to me. They all had such lovely things to say, and I feel so very humbled. I’m not at all sure I deserve such an honor.
Here then are the five I have given this award to:
Iris – her sweet spirit is a reflection of the Savior who dwells within her heart. Her love for the Lord and for her husband and son are deep and abiding. Her desire to be used of the Lord through her writing is realized every time she publishes a post. She encourages, uplifts and inspires everyone who reads her words. She works so hard to see that words that bring honor and glory to the Lord are available to everyone. She has helped me over and over again with grace, patience and love. She is so very dear to me.
Dawn – was one of the very first Bloggers I met. We have many things in common so it’s such fun to read her posts. We are at the same stage in life – empty nest, precious grandchildren and entering a new season of life. She is a gifted story-teller. I especially love the stories about her family and her childhood. She has a great sense of humor and is a talented musician. I love all these things about her, but the think I admire the most is her faith. She has shared the stories of the difficult times, and over and over again I am amazed that her faith never wavered. She is an example of steadfast faith and love to me.
Cyndi – she is young enough to be my daughter, and I feel such a strong attachment to her. I think all it took was reading one post, and I knew there was a depth and richness to her faith that touched my heart. She shares from a heart that desires to know the Lord in a deeper way and in the sharing she edifies and glorifies. She and her family have a deep burden for the lost. It is a testimony to the “realness” of her faith that her children have such a heart for missions. She has a terrific sense of humor – and I love that. She can make me laugh and cry and feel so thankful that I know her.
Chris – I have only known her for a short time. I have been drawn to her Blog by the genuineness of her faith, and her very gifted way of sharing what is on her heart. She is so well read and shares things that bless and teach me. She balances all of the areas of her life with such grace. She is an inspiration to me.
Linds – I have enjoyed getting to know this special lady. She lives far away – in England (a place I would dearly love to visit some day). It is fun to see the little differences in our lives and a blessing to realize that the things we share are those things which are really important. She has had to deal with life-changing events over the course of the past year, and she has done so with faith and great grace – and a wonderful sense of humor. I have laughed with her and wept with her (across the miles) and have come to have a deep admiration for her.
I’m not sure any of these special ladies has yet to give out this award, but if so the rules can be found here. In my heart of hearts I award every one of you. You have all blessed me in ways I cannot express. You have indeed become my “sisters of the heart”.
Thank you so much for the sweet, kind words - I am so happy that my rambling reminiscences bring enjoyment to others.
I'll have to check out the others - I don't know any of them. There are so many good things to read and so little time! Isn't it amazing the "web" we have created, where we all have people we read that others don't, yet there is a common thread throughout. What a blessing.
Thank you so much, Linda. I am really honoured that you have become my friend.
Isn't it amazing how connected and caring we become towards our blog friends, though we've not actually met?
Great tribute here.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thank you, Linda from the bottom of my heart...I really needed to hear you sweet and kind words today. You are such an encouragement to me. I am glad that the Lord has crossed our paths.
I totally agree with you on Cyndi (I have to check out the other ladies you blessed with the award)...Cyndi is incredible and she puts her faith in action.
Blessings to you and yours...
Congratulations dear Linda on winning this very deserving award!! If anyone deserves it, it's YOU! Your words inspire me and others and my visits here always uplift me. xoxo
You so deserve this award, Linda!
I chose to nominate mostly newer friends...otherwise, you can bet you would have been one of my nominees! (See, you already one of my old friends, now!) LOL
I am always blessed and touched by your posts, Linda...
I know most of the nominees you chose (all deserved!), and will check out the one or two whom I don't.
You are truly deserving of this award. I'm so glad that your wonderful writing skills are being recognized by others.
congrats on the award - I think you're very deserving of it!
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