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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Ruth Bell Graham

There have been so many eloquent things written and words spoken about Ruth Bell Graham. I haven’t anything more eloquent or different to write, but because she has meant so much to me I felt I just had to write a little something.

I came of age in the sixties, a time when women seemed to want to change all the rules and redefine so many of the things I held dear. Aspiring to be wife and mother just didn’t seem lofty enough – after all, we were told, we could be anything we wanted to be. So I thought I had better want to “be” something. I knew I didn’t want to be a teacher, so I decided Social Worker sounded like a lofty enough goal. I even convinced myself the Lord had called me to it.

After one miserable year at college, I knew He hadn’t. A year later I was married and blissfully happy doing exactly what I had always wanted to do. Had I been born a generation earlier, I would have fit in perfectly. As it was, I found myself a bit of an anomaly. Everyone else was going to college, starting careers and becoming an activist of one sort or another. Free love was the thing – not marriage.

One day I picked up a little book written by Billy Graham’s oldest daughter Gigi, who happened to be exactly my age. It was a book about “home” – the home in which she was raised and the home she and her husband were establishing. I inhaled that book like a fresh breath of air. It was through that book that I discovered Ruth Bell Graham. She became for me a wonderful role model. Of course my own mother was the one who first modeled Godly womanhood for me, but here was someone “famous” whose life was exactly what I wanted mine to be.

Much has been said of Ruth Graham as wife and mother. She was an amazing woman. I wonder if she knew how she encouraged young wives and mothers by her practical, observable love for the Lord – lived out as she steadfastly supported her husband and cared for her family. I read everything of hers I could get my hands on. I have quoted her so many times. Her love of the word, her practical wisdom, her wonderful sense of humor, her love of adventure – all inspired this young wife and mother to draw closer to the Lord.

I feel as though I have lost a dear friend. I’m sure there are thousands and thousands who feel the very same way. Her life is a tribute to a heart sold out to God, to a life lived in surrender to His will, to a deep, abiding love of God. What a glorious legacy she leaves to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and to those of us who watched a life lived to the fullest.

  posted at 11:59 AM

At 3:44 PM, Blogger someone else said...

She truly traveled through life with grace. I'm sure there are many women who grieve the loss of such a godly woman. I sense that when her husband has also gone to heaven that a significant era in our history will come to a close. There just isn't anyone that I can think of who is of the same caliber as they. We need people of integrity to continue their legacy.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

As I commented on another blog, I can't help but wonder how long Billy will last since she's gone. Can you imagine? 63 years together....

Job well done, life well lived, Ruth. Rest in peace.....

There is a couple in my hometown who will celebrate their 80th wedding anniversary on Sunday! The couple with the most years together in the US have been married 83 years. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around that.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend, Linda. :-)

Love and hugs,


At 4:27 PM, Blogger eph2810 said...

Amen to that, Linda. I wanted to write something about her as well, but didn't find the time. I think you said it all.
Although I have a 'career' it really doesn't mean as much to me as when I was younger. Today, all I want to be is a good witness to Him, a good wife and an understanding and supportive mom. Yes, I still work, but climbing the "corporate ladder" is not my goal any longer. Just glad that I am able to contribute to our household.
Thank you for sharing this awesome tribute to a woman after God's own heart. I hope that one day I will be encouragement to younger women.

Blessings to you and yours today and always.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Lavender Chick said...

What a wonderful tribute to such a loving, graceful woman.

Nicely done. Makes me want to learn even more about her.

Rest in peace ...

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Susanne said...

She truly was a remarkable woman.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Barb said...

She WAS an amazing woman, Linda. I know Billy Graham is a strong man but I can't imagine how much he's going to miss her.

Imagine living such a life that you're mourned the world over when you die.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Aunt Angie said...

Amen and Amen to your comments on Ruth Graham! She has been an inspiration to many. My sisters and mother recently read together passages from a book written by her and some of the children's antics as they were growing up! We found ourselves relating and laughing right along with her as she shared personal touches of their lives!
To God be the glory for all the great things this famiy has accomplished in His name!
Thanks for remembering her on your blog!
Angie from Florida


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