Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful for his faith. His love for the Lord is evident in every thing he does. I have seen his faith remain strong in the face of health problems that would have literally destroyed me. His faith encourages me when I falter. I watch in amazement as he continues to offer praise and thanksgiving in the face of pain and suffering.
2. I am thankful for his tender heart. Of the two of us, he is the much more sensitive one. I have seen him cry with those who are hurting. He simply cannot drive by the disheveled man standing on the corner holding a sign that reads “Need help. Family starving.” His heart is so easily touched by anyone in need.
3. I am thankful for his giving heart. When he sees a need, he responds with more than anyone would ever ask. I’ve been know to gasp a bit when he tells me how much he wants to give to help someone or to support a ministry or meet a need. He is completely selfless. He doesn’t just give money. He gives of his time and talent wherever he can. He built our home and can fix just about anything. He can build a car from the engine out. He never hesitates when someone needs a helping hand. He doesn’t let physical limitations stand in the way. He does everything with his whole heart.
4 .I am thankful for his wonderful sense of humor. He is the master of the witty comment. He is so much fun. The grandkids are crazy about him. Whenever the family gathers, you will find him in the middle of a crowd of gleefully playing children. All the adults will be sitting around the table enjoying coffee and conversation, and Papa is off somewhere entertaining the kids.
5. I am thankful for his love – it is deep and steady and unfailing. He has forgiven me when I know I don’t deserve it. He puts my needs above his own – always. He buys me flowers for no reason, and he always opens the car door for me. I feel cherished and honored and protected.
6. I am thankful for his fearless spirit. He goes where I usually fear to tread. He isn’t afraid to try anything new. He is athletic and good at whatever he tries. He’s not quite as active these days, but there were days when he played a mean shortstop on several soft- ball teams, basketball, volleyball – just whatever happened to be going on. Just today we were riding our bikes down a steep hill, and he was going full speed ahead. He didn’t even slow down to make the turn into the school driveway. If I wasn’t afraid of falling off my bike, I would have shut my eyes. He’s the adventurous one. I’m the one yelling, “Be careful!!”
7. I have known him nearly all my life and have spent the past forty years of my life as his wife. We went to the same church and the same schools. We started going together in high school. We’ve grown up together through the good times and the difficult times. The love grows deeper and richer, the days are precious. I am thankful that we will be together for eternity.
Happy Birthday Honey!!
For more Thankful Thursday posts visit Iris at Sting My Heart.
Oh - and that little cutie with Papa is our youngest granddaughter.
Happy Birthday to your hubby! He sounds like a real gem :-)
What a beautiful post, happy birthday to your dear husband.
I really enjoyed your post! I look forward to the day I can say 40 years together! Such an encouragement and example! Thanks and blessings!
Aw, what a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your dear one!
Happy Birthday to your husband. He sounds wonderful. Congratulations on writing for Laced with Grace.
In his endless love,
Angel ():)
What a perfect Thankful Thursday post. Happy Birthday to your husband!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet husband. I loved reading your post ~ it truly touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. What a gift it is to have so many years together and to be so in love. You are such a wonderful encouragement and example! Blessings Linda!
What a great's your hubby's birthday and it's my son's birthday!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday to your husband. This post was so loving and delightful to read!
Linda, this birthday tribute really touched me...I just am touched by your obvious love for him and also for the kind of person your husband is. How wonderful to be blessed with this sensitive, caring man and to have known him most of your life- and be high school sweethearts!
A happy birthday to him!
Thanks for sharing your sweet and thankful heart...wonderful list.
Blessings to you today and Happy Birthday to your hubby!
Linda, how awesome that the Lord saw it fit to put the two of you together. Your husband sounds like a wonderful, selfless man. It is awesome that he has build a house and home for you.
Happy Birthday to your husband. May you have a wonderful day together.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.
Blessings to you and yours.
Wow, lots of birthdays today! What a wonderful man your husband is! I had to laugh at #4. Just the other day at a church picnic Jason and a little girl were racing on scooters while the rest of the adults were boring sitting on chairs!
You are truly blessed to have a wonderful husband. Happy Birthday to him!
Happy Birthday to your husband! What a sweet sweet list that is - I hope you can print it and he can treasure in it. Have a blessed day!
What a beautiful tribute to your husband! He sounds like a wonderful man! Happy birthday to him and blessings on this day!
Happy birthday to your hubby!
What a sweet post!
Oh, how I enjoyed this post! Happy Birthday to this incredible man! This blessed me so much, I'm going to go back and read it again... :)
What a wonderful gift to him your list is. He sounds great!
Awesome post! God sees your husband and says, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
Linda, what a wonderful post about your husband. Thank YOU for sharing a bit of him and what he means to you with us. I'd say God has blessed you both, indeed.
Have a wonderful week!
I hope your husband gets to read your post! You are a very blessed woman. Happy Birthday to your special man! And 40 years - that is awesome!
Very cool post! What a birthday gift for your man...and Happy Birthday to him!!
Happy birthday to your hubby!! What a great way to honor him by putting him on the world wide web!! :)Blessings on your day.
Oh Linda, this nearly made me cry. How blessed you are. Happy Birthday to your husband!
Happy Birthday to your hubby...such a loving tribute to him this post is!! You are indeed very lucky to have him in your life, he sounds like a wonderful man!! xox
Happy Birthday to your husband! You have much to be thankful for. Enjoy eachother and many blessings!
Tag, you're it! Come see....
I am late getting here, but not too late to wish a Happy Birthday - it's still not midnight yet!
He sounds like a wonderful guy - we are both blessed.
What a treasure you are Linda to write such a wonderful post for your husband. I bet his list for you is twice as long!
I have missed checking in here...with the kiddos home, I have not been able to sit as long at one time :)
But I had read your comments on the LPM post...and prayed for your time with the grandkids.
Love ya!
Wow, Linda, your husband is just truly ARE blessed!
What a nice wonder you're thankful. :)
This is the most wonderful tribute to a husband that I've ever read! What a treasure you have Linda, and your hubby in turn, has one in you. To be able to appreciate a spouse as well as you do takes an especially caring nature, and you obviously have one.
Wow, 40 years together. Your joint faith shines through...and I'm sure it's what makes your relationship so precious.
A very happy birthday to your wonderful husband!
I really enjoyed reading your post. It sounds like you and your husband are good complements to each other. Thank you for sharing.
This is so beautifully written Linda. You definitely have a wonderful guy there to share lifes ups and downs. What an encouragement!
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