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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Let's Chat

I just thought I might chat about a few things today (since my little brain is too weary to come up with anything remotely “profound” this late in the day). We only have one more session left in our study of Daniel. The twelve weeks have just flown by. This one has been just as wonderful as all the others I’ve done. I wish I could retain more of what I study though. I look back at the ones I’ve done and realize I don’t remember a whole lot of what we studied. I just trust that the Lord has planted something in my heart that I needed to learn at that season, and that I have grown just a bit. I always think I’ll go back and reread them, but so far I haven’t done that.

Our new study is going to be on prayer. I’m looking forward to it. It’s one of those things that keep coming up, so I just know it’s something the Lord wants me to learn more about. It’s amazing how a certain “something” will just keep coming to your attention in different ways. I usually have to be hit over the head with it – but I do eventually figure it out.

Our small group leader won’t be with us for the next study. She and her husband are moving back to Dallas. They were just here temporarily, and when she first started attending our Bible Study she just couldn’t wait to get back to Dallas and their home church. She took over the leadership of our small group this August and has done such a wonderful job. She is a gifted teacher. When she told us today that they were going to be moving back before our next study began, she started to cry. She said she just isn’t ready to go yet. I think we’ve grown on her. We’re all sad that she’s leaving. It really doesn’t take us girls very long to develop deep bonds. I guess we’ll all just have to go visit her in Dallas.

My parents had the inspection on the little house they want to buy today. Everything looks good except for a few minor things. They are getting excited about moving into this cute little house and making it home. I can just picture my mom’s things filling that place with warmth and love. I’m so happy for them (okay – and just a little bit sad too).

It hardly seems possible that it is already November. I love this time of year. I begin anticipating the holidays and a little bit of excitement starts to bubble up inside my heart. I love everything about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mostly it’s the way everything seems to take on a special glow and warmth. I am just a romantic at heart. I tend to see life through rose colored glasses. All of the traditions, both secular and religious, just somehow fill my spirit to overflowing. I tend to become a kid again when Christmas rolls around.

On a more serious note, I’ve been thinking a lot about the upcoming election. I feel a bit guilty for not taking it as seriously as I should. There is a huge part of me that just says, “I wish You would just come and take us all home Lord Jesus.” That attitude tends to make me less concerned about the issues of our day. I’ve had to confess that and ask the Lord to give me a heart that is concerned about this country and about those who don’t know Him. I know how important this election is.

We have choir practice tonight. We’re working on Christmas music. Great fun!! It is all so joyful. We will be singing at the Air Force Base again this year. We did four services there last year. It was an amazing experience to see the tears roll down the cheeks of those young men and women, and see them raise their hands to ask Jesus into their hearts. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Well, I’d better rustle up something for us to eat before we head back in to church. This is our busy day – Bible Study, a break for lunch and then back to church to put the music in the folders. After that we head home for a few hours. It’s a full day, but a satisfying day. It sure was good to chat.

  posted at 5:19 PM

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Susie said...

It is nice to have a cozy chat now and then. Glad things are moving ahead with your parent's home.
I'm looking forward to the holidays too. They'll be here before we know it!!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Glad to hear your studies are going so well...don't worry about not remembering a lot of things, I'm sure if something comes up regarding something you learned, you will remember! I hope that sentence made sense to you! lol Good to hear your parents can get the house they've been interested in..will they move far away from you? Yes, it's hard to believe we are now in November...today I put away all the Halloween decoration...now I'll be waiting impatiently until I can decorate for Christmas!! hehe Take care!!

At 8:22 PM, Blogger someone else said...

I enjoyed the chat today. Thanks for having me over. :)

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

I missed coming over yesterday - I had the kiddoes and didn't feel so hot myself - that's a hard combination. I've been having a hard time coming up with blogging ideas this week - I used to have a long list, and now I've used it all up! I'm with you on the "welling up" of excitement for the upcoming celebrations. It's a lot of work and too much money, but it is such a blessed time when we remember WHY we do it! Have a great day.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Shawna said...

I, too, am getting anxious for the holidays. I am getting a little tired of orange, I think because the weather won't stay cool like I like it. :0)


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