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Name: Linda

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

We had a wonderful sermon last night on prayer. The title of the message was “When All Hope Is Lost”. In spite of that title, it was a wonderful uplifting, encouraging sermon. The answer was essentially – PRAY. The four points were:
1. Prayer does supernatural things.
2. Personalize your prayer
3. Persevere in prayer.
4. Proclaim the promise of hope.

For me the sermon itself was an answer to prayer. I had begun to wonder just how to pray in my situation. Do I continue to pray for the miracle, or does there come a point where I just give up and accept the circumstances as they are. I asked the Lord to show me how to pray, and I believe the Spirit spoke His answer to my heart last night.

When I was thinking about what to write today, I had all of this on my mind. I thought about how most of my writing is so “me” centered. Last night our Pastor talked about Praise as part of our praying when all hope is lost. Praise not only glorifies God, it reminds us of whom He is. It is, for me, in the midst of praise that peace and joy begin to fill my heart. I don’t want to talk about me today. I want to Praise the Ancient of Days, the Lord of Lords, the Great I Am.

Father in heaven,
I give you glory and honor and praise, for you alone are Holy and worthy to receive all of my praise. You are righteous and perfect in all your ways. There is no shadow of changing with You. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. I am so thankful for that because You are the firm foundation under my feet that will never be shaken. You are my shelter and my protection. You surround me with Your love and nothing can every separate us.

Holy Triune God – I praiseYou with my whole heart. Blessed Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I fall on my face before Your throne and cry with the angels, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb! Worthy to receive honor and glory and power.” You are my righteousness, my hope, my joy, my life. You are my Savior, my Redeemer, my Lord, my closest friend. You have walked where I walk. You understand my deepest needs with a love and compassion that is beyond measure. You share my joy and my sorrows. When I rejoice You rejoice with me, and when I weep Your tears are mingled with my own. You are my gentle Shepherd, leading me, guiding me, protecting me, supplying my every need, and carrying me when the way becomes too rough. I love You Lord Jesus. You are my very life.

Oh Lord, You are so good. Your lovingkindness is everlasting. Your word is powerful and life changing. Your wisdom and knowledge are far beyond my understanding, and yet You are mindful of me. It overwhelms me to think that You chose me before the foundation of the world. You, who are so Holy and righteous, love me as if I were Your only child numbering the very hairs of my head, inscribing my name on the palm of Your hand. I cannot find the words to say how wonderful You are.

You formed the heavens and the earth with the words of Your mouth. All of creation tells the story of Your greatness and power. Its beauty and intricacy astounds us. You are the Master Artist painting beautiful scenes that cause us to catch our breath.

You are wise beyond my understanding. Your love is beyond measure. You see all things and You control all things. Nothing happens that does not first pass through Your hands. You have a plan for the ages, and all will be just as You have said.

Almighty God, I praise You for who You are. You are high and lifted up and Your glory fills the heavens and the earth. I worship You in spirit and in truth. I trust in Your unfailing love. You are worthy of all my praise and love and trust. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

In the Name above All Names, Jesus,
  posted at 11:49 AM

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Kerri said...

This was like listening to a beautiful hymn.
We've just spent the morning with our wonderful church family, and reading your words of praise was the icing on the cake. Thank you!
I meant to say in that previous comment, how much I loved your dad's 'little house'. Really beautiful and very cleverly made.
Thanks so much for visiting. Where's Truthville? I'm glad the fall pictures brought back some nice memories for you :)

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
Thanks for you sweet comments!
Your words of praise in your post today were very uplifting. How wonderful indeed to see my dear friend Kerri's sweet face here. She has one of the kindest and gentlest spirits of anyone in blogland.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger someone else said...

These were wonderful words about prayer and praising. Sometimes I forget and need these reminders.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

WOW! Just beautiful. Our sermon today was on prayer! This is powerful. I am glad I found you.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Hey! I, too, am realizing how vital a powerful prayer life is. With all the renovations and busyness of life, my husband and I have let that part of our marriage slip a bit. I have been convicted lately about how little time he and I have been spending in prayer together. Thanks for being another affirmation of that. Your prayer was beautiful. I have often been convicted how me centered my prayer life is. Lord, help us to see outside ourselves, our family, our friends, etc. Thanks Linda.


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