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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Sunday, October 29, 2006
All Moved In
They are all moved it. Yippee!! What is it about moving? It is so exciting to move into a new house – but oh the moving. It’s a little like childbirth I guess. After all the pain you think, “Never again – being an only child isn’t so awful” – and yet we somehow forget and eagerly look forward to another sweet bundle. With all the “trauma” moving involves, you’d think we would all just stay put. How quickly we forget.

Seriously, it wasn’t bad. God is so good. When we left here Thursday morning, it was very cloudy and muggy. We prayed all the way there that it wouldn’t rain. It looked very threatening when we arrived. There were a couple of men from their church there already, and they had a good portion of the rental truck already loaded. We worked at the loading and last-minute packing until late afternoon. About that time, the skies turned that black color that is a fairly good indication of approaching rain. The thunder and wind were a dead giveaway.

Since everything was safely loaded, my husband and I decided to head to our hotel. About a mile from the kid’s house we hit rain. It was like a monsoon!! They got seven inches of rain! As we watched the rain begin to flood the streets in places we thanked God for holding it back until we had finished loading the truck.

The next morning was one of those bright, crystal-clear days, filled with sunshine and blue skies. The closing on their old house and the closing on the new house were both on Friday. We played with the grandkids while my son and his wife took care of business.

Then by late afternoon we were ready to move them in. They had more people come from their little church to help, and by supper-time they were finished. We stayed one more day to help unpack boxes and move furniture around and arrived home last night.

Their new house is just amazing. It’s such a blessing when you see how the Lord has answered prayer and blessed your children. I would never in a million years have dreamed of owning such a house. It is perfect for them. With five children they will need every bit of this large, beautiful house. It was already beginning to look like home when we left. The kids had their legos scattered all over the bedroom and kitchen counter. The girls were trying to coax the neighbors’ horses over to the fence with apples. And two-year old Grace was just having fun following everyone around.

God is so faithful and loving and kind. He gives us more than we could ever ask or think. It isn’t the material blessings. I am thankful for those, of course. It is the blessing of family, and love and home and being together that fills my heart with gratitude. My heart just sings with joy when I’m with my precious family. The love and laughter and hugs and kisses (and even the not-so-fun times) bring us closer together. Thank You Father – for the richness of Your blessings.

I have lots of bloggy reading to catch up on. I also have several other things that I must do – so I will do my best. It’s good to be home.

  posted at 1:16 PM

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Linda, how wonderful that the torrential rain showers held off until the truck was loaded. Both closings in one day...wow!

So nice to hear they got a gorgeous home and it is going to be perfect for the five little ones. It will be sweet for the kids to live so close to the horses. Nice that their church family came out to help, as well. :)

You're singing to my heart too, Linda, love that God has blessed us with family and there is nothing better than being together!

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

I think I felt the same way about building our home. We have to live at the camp and retreat center so the only option was building. It is a bit like childbirth! I had never thought of that. There is still more for me to do but I am still in the middle of my six weeks maternity leave! Ha!

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

It sounds like your kids found a great spot to raise those kids. And that they have a good church family. And great parents! So glad the rain held off. And that you made it safely home

I found Maryam!

At 6:31 PM, Blogger someone else said...

I'm so glad the rain waited until you were finished!

I truly can feel the love and joy you're expressing in gratitude for your children's blessings. Nothing creates that warm feeling inside quite like knowing they are happy and settled.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Such a comforting blessing knowing that your kids are safely relocated into a big comfortable new home!
Glad the timing of the rains worked in your favor and that you had a safe trip.
Bet you loved seeing the grandkids too!


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