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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006
A Little This; A Little That
It is fifty-eight degrees today!! Fifty-eight!! You must understand. It was up around ninety yesterday. The change is quite dramatic. When I finish this post, I am going for my walk, and I may even need a sweater. It is windy, crisp and clear. Ah…we’ve waited a long time for this day. It’s been a long, hot summer. I love these days. However, I hasten to add that this is just about cold enough for me. I have gotten very spoiled, and when the temperature dips too far below sixty I don’t like it. Those days of below zero weather for days on end are still too vivid in my mind.

My parents are out house-hunting today. I’m praying they will find a little house that will be just perfect for them. It would be ideal if we could get them situated before we are ready to move. Once they are settled and happy I’ll feel a lot better about selling this house and moving.

Our Agent has a potential buyer for our property. We’re trying not to get our hopes up too much. We’ve heard that before, and it has come to “naught”. The timing would be nice though. The annoying “beep beep” of heavy equipment backing up was heard again this morning. They are beginning to clear more land down the street a little way to build yet another retail strip. They’re closing in on us. While they were building the big box across the street (also known as Home Depot) there was a constant beep beeping. At one point I asked my husband if they ever drove that equipment in any direction other than reverse!! It can really get annoying.

The video portion of our Beth Moore Bible Study was just breath-taking yesterday. She did a timeline for the prophecy given to Daniel in the ninth chapter. To see how that prophecy was fulfilled right down to the exact day was just amazing. I am simply in awe of God’s word. It not only speaks to me in miraculously personal ways, it is absolutely perfect in every detail. I love it. It builds my faith and encourages me. We serve an amazing God.

We are working on Christmas music during choir practice. Don’t you just love Christmas songs? The old carols are so special. I have so many memories of Christmas Programs I participated in as a child. Then there was the joy of watching my own children and grandchildren in their Christmas programs. We have gone Christmas Caroling so many times. It is such fun to see the surprised look on peoples’ faces as we begin to “serenade’ them with the ageless story of Christmas. We are, of course, singing some new songs too. They are wonderful too – full of joy and the wonder of Jesus’ birth. What a great time of year.

I am alone today. My husband has gone to do a few things for my daughter in her little house. I planned to get lots of things done, and I’m already way behind schedule. I find myself wishing for those few extra hours I often long for. If I could insert two or three more hours between noon and four o’clock, that would be great. Since I can’t, I’d better fold that load of clothes in the dryer, put the other load presently in the washing machine in the dryer, scrub the toilets, and get going on that walk I was talking about.

  posted at 11:46 AM

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

I love that Beth Moore series. It was awesome and I wish it was in the 50's today. We have had the 30's-40 degree weather and there is a chance of snow tonight. I am cold in the house. Time to turn the heat up!

It is interesting how we all function in different parts of the states/world!

Have a blessed day!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Wow, that's a big drop in temperature!
We're at 77º as I write this. Very nice! I could also use those extra hours between noon and 4. If you find them, let me know!!

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Linda, our awful humidity is back in full swing and the temp got up to 91 degrees today. It is almost too thick to breath.

Sounds like you are enjoying your study of Daniel. Amazing the timeline...7 x 70 and what 490 years or was it 483, it's been a while, lol after the wall. It is all just amazing!

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Try to stay warm. It is very cold in my neck of the woods also.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger rena said...

There are never enough hours in the day!
Yes, I love Christmas carols, especially the old ones. It's just 2 months away!!! Is it too early to start decorating?

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray your parent's find a house and that you can sell yours soon. That stinks with all the construction. We have tons of this going on right now. I can't understand why they start so early in the morning.

Yes I love Christmas carols. It is my favorite holiday and as soon as it gets here I take out my favorite CD's and listen to them until the season is over.


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