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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Gone Moving!!
We just got home from church, and I thought I would get a quick post up to say goodbye for a few days only to find that Blogger is down for a bit today. So I’m writing on word and will transfer it when things are up and running again. Frustrating because I have a bit of time to read and comment and can’t (sigh).

We’re heading to Houston again. We are helping our son and daughter-in-law move into a new house. It is in the same sub-division they are living in now – but that doesn’t really make the move any easier. Everything still has to be packed and physically moved from one location to another. They have the closing on their house Friday morning and the closing on the new house Friday afternoon. They must be completely moved out of the old house by the time of the closing, and that’s what is making things rather difficult. So we’ll head there bright and early tomorrow morning and help load the truck.

It’s raining here today. We’re praying it isn’t raining there tomorrow! The last time they moved it poured!! It was a bit of a mess to say the least.

We plan to return home Saturday night, but we may have to stay one extra day. We’ll just see how much help they have and how much we get done. I don’t have a lap top – so I won’t have access to a computer. I thought about whining and begging my son to set up his computer right away but thought perhaps that wouldn’t be a good idea. So I will be out of touch for a few days. Isn’t it amazing how attached I’ve become to all of you? I truly will miss you.

Have a great weekend everyone. I’ll be back just as soon as I can.

  posted at 5:24 PM

At 6:47 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Good luck with it all! Hope the rain holds off -- we've moved in a downpour before and it's so inconvenient!

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

We will miss you. Don't work too hard! We'll be waiting when you can return. And yeah... I've moved enough to know it wouldn't be wise to ask them to set up a computer first thing... Yikes...

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Oh Linda, I am sorry I missed you but am glad you will be with you family. Be careful! All that lifting is a lot more work than you realize. :)

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Be safe on the road! Hope the weather is good for your kid's move.
See you when you get back...

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Yuck. Moving is never fun. So let's hope you don't have to deal with rain, too. Listen to Pamela and watch the heavy lifting. And we'll be right here when you get back.

At 12:10 AM, Blogger Susie said...

Hope the move goes well. I moved last year in July and it was so rainy and yucky. You are such a good mother to help out, and I bet you will knock it out in no time.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Good luck with the move. You will be such a blessing to them while you are there.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Linda! What a treat to hear from you in Houston, my goodness, this is so nice! Hope all is well with your family and everyone is watching how they lift that furniture, so they don't strain their backs. I am watching my little Gbaby Ben today. It feels just like heaven especially when he giggles. Take care! ((hugs))

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the move. I did it twice in nine months and you're right, even though it's in the same area, the loading and unpacking take just as long.


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