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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I'm Having a Great Week!!
First of all I just want to thank every one of you who commented on my last post. I just said to my husband, "I would be so sad if I were ever to be without my computer. I have made some of the sweetest friends in the last few months since I began blogging. There would be a huge void in my life if I were to lose touch with any of you. Thank you so much for encouraging me, for praying for me and for rejoicing with me. Thank you for the laughter and shared ideas. You are absolutely the best!!

I won something else today. Am I on a roll or what? We had our final Bible study this morning. We began with a brunch. The gal who decorated our small groups' table made the most adorable center piece. It is a little bale of hay with two of the cutest little scarecrows sitting on it. One is a little girl scarecrow, the other a boy. There are beautiful fall colored flowers all around them. If I had a digital camera, I could post a picture of it. Oh well....you'll have to take my word for it. It's precious. She had us all write down a number from 1 to 100 and she put them in a bowl. Then she said the lowest number would win the center piece. I put down number 3 just because I always pick number 3 - AND I WON!! It is sitting in the middle of my dining room table right this minute. I promise - I never win anything.

And.....here's the big news, our agent is showing our property tomorrow morning. This is the first time anyone has shown any serious interest in it. It is a doctor who would not only like the property but would perhaps use the house as an office. We had always assumed that since we are selling commercially whoever bought it would tear down the house and put up a commercial building. This would be so perfect. When I told my daughter she was so excited. She said she hated the thought of driving by here some day and not seeing our little house. It's the only house she really remembers. She was four when we moved in here, and she lived here until she went to college and got her own apartment. So we're praying this will be it.

Oh Lord, You are so good. I was feeling so down on monday. I just felt so tired of living in limbo. My parents moving out has sort of made me feel a bit sad, and we had no prospect of a buyer at all. You have given me joy in the little things and hope in this big one. Even if this isn't it, I feel encouraged that something will happen soon. Thank You so very much. I love You Lord.

And I am so thankful for all of you to. You are a precious gift from the Lord to me.


P.S. We leave for choir practice in just a little bit, so if I don't get to read and comment I'll do my best to visit everyone tomorrow.
  posted at 5:34 PM

At 8:29 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Another day filled with promising events. What a cheery sounding post this is!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Linda, sometimes the little things are all we need for a little boost! Congratulations! I am so happy for you, it is nice to be the one who wins. :)

Oh my, I will certainly be thinking good thoughts of favor! I am praying for him to fall in love with the place and for this to be the one! :)

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
Glad you're having a wonderful week. We'll be gone for a few days, but just wanted to wish you a Very Happy Birthday! May the coming year be filled with every blessing!

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hope it works out that the Doc wants to buy your house. :-)

And a little bird named Sue whispered in my ear that you have a birthday in the next few days....Happy Birthday, Linda, and many happy returns of the day. I hope this is the best birthday ever and may God richly bless you on your day. :-)

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

You never win... yeah right! No seriously... good for you!

And how exciting about the house showing!!! Keep us posted!

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

What? Just read in the other's comments and it sounds like you may be having a birthday soon??


At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lnda, Just popped over from Sue
to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you have or have had a very happy
day. Good luck with your blog.
Take care, Merle.

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Gwen said...

Hi Just popped over from sue's to
wish you a very happy "BIRTHDAY"

At 3:02 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Hi Miz Linda,
I'm here from Sue's Place...and wanted to say Happy Birthday to YOU!!
I love your sweet spirit!! I know what you mean about blog friends...I'm going through a hard time right now and cannot imagine what it would be like without them, they are all angels to me!!
PS...come see me any time!!

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you can sell your houese soon. I know it would be hard to see it knocked down, but what a wonderful Christmas it would be if you knew you would be moving closer to everyone else.

Lucky you winning the centerpiece. I wish we could see it, but I will take your word for it and picture it in my mind.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I love to hear that other churches besides ours still have choirs - they seem to be a thing of the past most places. I still play the organ at our church and trust that the organ and piano never become totally outdated. Are you working on the Christmas cantata? We are, and it's such fun. I've missed two practices the last two Wednesdays, so have some catching up to do.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

I don't know what I'd ever do without the wonderful blogging friends I've found either...which includes you:-) They are the most loving, caring and supporting gang you'd ever want to meet!! How wonderful that you won that centerpiece!!! Also hope that your house gets sold soon! Fingers crossed for you:-) Make sure you drop by my blog tomorrow, will have a special little something for you!! Hugs xox

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello again Linda - I am so glad your dear daughter-in-law got good results.
And congratulations on winning that lovely centre-piece. Just in time for your birthday. Blogging friends are amazing - they are there for each other in good times and bad.
Take care, Cheers, Merle.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Today's your birthday, right Linda? Happy Birthday to you. Any chance you'll get a digital camera for your birthday? I know they're expensive but I have so much fun with mine. I find myself photographing the dumbest things, like every single meal I cook. You never know when you'll need to post a photo of macaroni and cheese or something. :-)

I hope you have a wonderful birthday and what good news to have an interested buyer looking at your property with plans to use the house instead of tearing it down. That would be so nice.

Happy happy birthday to you!

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Pamela said...


************L I N D A*************

Wishing you a very happy day filled with all kinds of good things that make your heart happy!

May God bless you with many more to come! You are a wonderful friend! You deserve the very best in life! You have certainly blessed my life! :) ((hugs))


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