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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

On Friday, we celebrated my friend Mary’s birthday and my birthday with a trip to our favorite quilt shop – Creations. It is located about an hour north of us in a town in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.

We had a perfect day for it. The sky was clear blue, the sun was shining and the temperature was in the 70’s. We had planned this day weeks ago and were all looking forward to a Girls Day Out!! Mary and Terri arrived at my house at about nine that morning to pick up Mom and me. We then drove to a little town just about twenty minutes from here to meet Abby. Then it was on to the Quilt Shop.

The shop itself is an old house. It has the sweetest front porch with all the gingerbread and room after room of the most gorgeous fabric you’ve ever laid eyes on. I had called ahead to tell them we were coming because they do something special for you when it is your birthday. When you arrive, you and your friends go to the back room where they have all of these wonderful hats hanging on the wall. Everyone picks a hat, and then we go have our picture taken wearing our magnificent chapeaux.

The next order of business is cappuccinos for everyone – on the house! Then, cappuccino in hand, we begin the serious business of SHOPPING! They have so much besides fabric. All kinds of notions and gadgets and pretty accessories, books, buttons, thread, patterns, decorative pieces – just everything you can imagine. We all managed to find something we just couldn’t live without. The other bonus for coming on your birthday is the thirty percent discount they give the birthday person and then a fifteen percent discount for all of her friends. We had a great time. I bought a little packet of precut squares called “Bound to the Prairie”. They are just beautiful muted colors – all different patterns and designs.

After everyone had paid for their goodies, we headed out for lunch. There is an old converted train depot they told us about in the quilt shop. We had never eaten there before, so we decided to give it a try. It was a charming little restaurant, and the food was really good. We ordered paninis (delicious) – and then we each ordered a different desert. It was such fun to just sit and eat and talk. We simply don’t have the opportunity to be together like this very often. We vowed we would do it again before too many months go by.

The ride home was so pleasant – beautiful scenery and more good conversation. Friends (and I count my Mom as my best friend) are such a blessing. These women are the ones I call when I am in desperate need of prayer and encouragement. They are the ones I share my joys with too. Our friendship began in a small group Bible Study. The Lord just knit our hearts together, and in spite of the fact that we don’t get to see one another as often as we’d like, we are very close.

Thank You Father – for my wonderful friends and for the new friends I am getting to know through blogging. They all bless me more than I can say.


In the front row are Terri and my Mom. back row - Abby, Mary, Me
  posted at 2:10 PM

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

What a fun day! There's nothing better than getting together with kindred spirits. I have some friends like that who don't live close any more, but when we do get together, it's like no time has passed. What a blessing. Great picture! I'm glad to see what you look like!

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Isn't it just so wonderful to have close friends like that to share your special day with you!!! Sounds like a great time was had by all and how I wish I could have joined you to look in that shop! The picture is just precious!! So glad you had such a delightful birthday celebration:-) xoxo

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all the hats, they are dorable.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Linda, love the way you and your friends all got together and had so much fun for your birthdays!

What a nice little shop and how sweet that they treat the Birthday girls and their friends so special! Love the hats and how nice to enjoy such a generous discount. What are you going to make with the little squares, you must sew! You all look fabulous in your big frilly hats! Great picture! *smile*.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger someone else said...

What a perfectly wonderful-sounding day. That shop sounds like one I could spend a week in!!

You all look so cute in your hats.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Love the picture of all of you in your cute hats! Are you a quilter? Sounds like a delightful way to celebrate your special day!

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like a fabulous place! I love wearing hats so if I am ever your side of the Atlantic I am going to have to visit there!

At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to of had a day like this. The hats are great. Sounds like lunch was yummy too.


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