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Name: Linda

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Friday, February 20, 2009

We have been bombarded in recent days with bad economic news. Many people are buried under such a load of debt they are losing their homes and wonder how they will have enough money to make it through the month. Our country is reeling with the news of failing businesses and job loss. People are looking for a way out - for help to lift the burden of debt from their shoulders.

I thought this morning, as I was walking, there is another debt every soul who has ever lived owes. It is such a huge debt, that there is not one person who could ever hope to repay it. There is no scheme of man grand enough, no economic guru wise enough, no amount of money sufficient enough to settle the score. It is the debt we owe the Lord for the sin in our lives, and, ironically, He is the only One with the resources to satisfy it.

He is the One who has provided the perfect plan to release each one of us from the weight of such a debt and its inevitable consequences. It requires no work on our part, for we could never earn enough. He asks only that we accept what He has done for us through the death and resurrection of His Beloved Son. We have only to believe and immediately He writes across the pages of our sin-filled lives, "Paid in Full."

The words of a song we are singing for Easter kept running through my mind:
"Oh praise the One who paid my debt, and raised this life up from the dead. Jesus!"
("Jesus Paid It All")

What a weight has been lifted. What hope and peace. Whatever this life brings, we can know that eternity has been settled. He paid our debt.

  posted at 3:01 PM

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

How very true, Linda.

Hope you have a blessed weekend! :o)

Love and hugs,


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Amy said...

We're in the recession here in New Zealand too. People everywhere are losing their jobs, companies are closing down. I look around me and think although Ivé lost my job we're blessed still, there are alot of people out there who are worse off...

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

So beautifully true, Linda. It also brings to mind the visual of... oh, what was his name, the Amazing Grace guy, Newton... John Newton? weeping and repeating the lines to his hymn at the end of the movie "Amazing Grace", truly such a great debt has been paid for all of us.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

Wonderful news! Wonderful reminder. Beautiful picture. It is a real temptatation to become bogged down with the burdens of this world - thanks.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Sandi said...

Beautiful blog. So true

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

Amen! Have a blessed Sabbath.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

Amen! Have a blessed Sabbath.


At 12:14 PM, Blogger grammy said...

I've been redeemed by the blood of the lamb....


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