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Thursday, February 05, 2009
I Hear You Lord - Thank You
After what we all deemed too long a break (everyone voicing agreement in the need for accountability and a structured study to keep us disciplined), we resumed our Ladies Bible Study yesterday. We, along with countless others, are doing Beth Moore's study on Esther.
I could hardly wait to get started.

Many others have written insightful, wonderful posts about this study - so I won't attempt to write what has been written so well. I just want to tell you how amazing God is (I know that's not exactly new to any of you either) and how grateful I am that He is mindful of me.

I love Beth Moore's studies. She is uniquely gifted to open the truths of God's Word to women. I quite literally had goosebumps the whole time I sat watching the video and listening to her share what God had given her. However, when she came to point 2 under "Why Study the Book of Esther?" and said "IT OFFERS TREMENDOUS HOPE" I nearly jumped out of my seat.

There is was again - my word. She went on to say, "We are called to faith, courage and providence." How it encouraged my heart to hear repeated what I really already knew. "Faith" she said, "is putting God in every fill-in-the-blank. Nothing is coincidence in my life. Nothing happens by chance."

What hope (confidence, eager anticipation, longing, aspiration) that births in my spirit. The Father watches so closely that nothing escapes His notice. Circumstances that cause me to despair have not taken Him by surprise. He takes the time to reinforce in the heart of one of the least of His children that I have a HOPE. He is my hope. He is greater than any circumstance and loves me enough to be all in my life that He has promised to be. He couldn't do any less. He never does.

My memory verse this week is:
"Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled."
Romans 15:4

I chose it last week. It was part of the Bible Study this week! I hear You Lord!

  posted at 1:07 PM

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

I can't wait to hear what you think about Esther. I just bought the workbook to see the finished product. I look at all that has taken place in my life since I attended Esther and today and it's amazing. Hope and our ever Faithful God is what I really got from the study.

At 10:18 PM, Blogger grammy said...

That is wonderful. I can't wait to do Esther. My little group is going to do it this summer. Then our big woman's group at church will do it next fall. I am excited to hear how it goes.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Dawn said...


I wish I could do this study. I love Esther - for such a time as this!

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

I'm back on Saturday morning - I thought of you as I headed off to the gym in my San Antonio t-shirt that I bought years ago when I was there - I still really like it.

I also have thought so much that you, Nadine, and Linds need to get together (cyberly, of course), and plan a devotional book - it would be a smash and such a blessing!


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