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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Knitting with a Side of Politics
I love doing all sorts of needlework, but my very favorite is knitting. Somehow it makes me feel peaceful and relaxed. I have a picture of myself as a little girl, sitting in a tiny chair, a look of absolute concentration on my face as I worked on a bit of knitting. It was my Aunt Fanny, a maiden aunt who lived with us before Uncle Joe came into her life and carried her off to live on a tiny island off New London, Conn., who taught me to knit. From that moment on I was hooked.

I made a fancy sweater for my then future husband when we were in high school. I've knitted more baby blankets and sweaters than I keep track of. When the boys were toddlers, I made them matching fishermens knit jackets. My grandchildren are now using them.

I made this sweater for myself a couple of years ago. It is as heavy as a jacket - so I don't get to wear it often here in South Texas. I just loved the process. I find it impossible to sit without something to occupy my hands!

Then I found a book filled with beautiful afghans. I made them in every color and pattern and distributed them to friends and family.

This is my current project. I have been wanting to learn to make socks. The other day I found a book that has patterns from basic socks to fancy ones with lovely designs. You cannot believe how frustrated I was trying to get started. I just couldn't figure out the directions. I finally found a video on line that made it all clear. I think that means I'm a visual learner.

I'm on the easy part now. We'll see what happens when I get to heel. If I'm successful, I foresee warm, colorful socks in everyone's future. The fact that the yarn forms those stripes just thrills me. Isn't that great? I had my doubts when I looked at that ball of yarn, but sure enough - stripes. I promise to post pictures of the finished product - no matter what they look like.

Now for a change of subject. I, like almost everyone else, have steered clear of politcal things in my blog. This morning I've read several that have taken a little "political turn", and I've appreciated what they've written. One in particular is well worth reading. I am going to take the plunge here and say that I am more than excited about the choice of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate than I can say. You are free to disagree. I am sure we will not all see eye-to-eye on political things, and I respect the opinion of others. This particular post is so beautifully, thoughtfully, articulately written I wanted to share it with you - no matter what your views are I think it well worth reading. You will find it here at In the Heart of my Home.

Have a blessed weekend,

  posted at 11:27 AM

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Sue Seibert said...

I love your knitting. I have never learned and always wish I had. I have a friend who makes socks for everyone!

As to Palin. I agree. She is much more conservative than McCain. I would have voted against Obama, anyway, but I think she will help McCain. However, I am so old fashioned, that I find it hard to think of a woman in that sort of office. I realize Maggie Thatcher was wonderful, but...oh, well, I'm just old fashioned.

Have a great weekend, Linda!

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Amy said...

I love knitting too! When I was about 6 or 7 my aunt taught me, I really enjoy it :-)

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Such beautiful work you do, dear Linda! That sweater is just gorgeous and I love that pink afghan!! My mom use to knit and crochet and although she tried teaching me, I just couldn't get the hang of it so I never attempted it again. It's a shame since mom was such a terrific seamstress (she can hardly sew anymore because of cataracts) and yet I can't do anything with a needle, no matter what kind! lol Good luck on making the socks, you're already on to a great start on them!! Happy Labour Day weekend to you my friend. xoxo

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Cyndi said...

Oh, how I wish I was patient enough to knit. You do beautiful work! My daughter wants to learn (and she has the perfect temperament for it.) She came to me with knitting needles and yarn a few months ago and asked me to teach her. I told her I had no idea. What kind of homeschool mom AM I??? LOL

Hope you are okay down there with the weather coming. I've been praying!

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

Beautiful knitting. I bought needles, yarn, and a DVD to learn to knit. (I also bought a book Kitting for Dummies and apparently am to dumb for the book, because I did not understand it.)

Blessings to you. Ask your husband to take to you to NM or CO this winter so you can wear that beautifil sweater!

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Well, your knitting overcomes your stated inability to sew. Beautiful! I'll take that heavy sweater if it's too warm for you - ha!

I'm so far behind - the previous post about your family's experience in that church just floors me - if we had a family walk in with 5 kids, they would be mobbed! Howsad.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
Seeing all your beautiful knitted projects makes me think I should start knitting again. I used to really enjoy it, but haven't knitted in years.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I agree with you on both counts - the knitting and Sarah Palin!


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