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Monday, August 25, 2008
Siesta Fiesta

I'm going to echo some of the other posts I've read about the Siesta Fiesta when I say it's a little too soon for me to put together a cogent post. There are so many things running around in my head. It always takes a bit of time for me to absorb everthing I've heard and experienced when I go to an Event like this one.

It really was everything I had hoped it would be. What fun to be able to see a couple of the bloggers I've known only through their posts and hug their necks. It is true when others tell you that meeting in real life never disappoints. This group of bloggers was absolutely the best. There is an immediate sense of kinship because we all share a love for Jesus.

That was the over-all impression I took away from these two days - besides the rich teaching on Inheritence from Beth. It was obvious from the first moments of checking in to the last worship song, to the time we spent with Beth, Amanda and Melissa - that deep, passionate love of the Savior. It was in the music, the teaching, the times of sharing, the laughter, the prayers, the tears. It is what brought us there and what drew us together. It is what made the teaching real - knowing it came from a humble heart fully surrendered to Jesus.

I want to add my thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this weekend possible. It will count for eternity. Lives and hearts were changed and will continue to be changed as the Holy Spirit takes the word and ministers to our hearts.

Please forgive my less-than-perfect pictures. It was hard to get a good shot (and I'm not much of a photographer). I just wanted to give you an idea what the Q & A looked like. It was such a fun time.

More to come.

  posted at 6:39 PM

At 7:08 PM, Blogger BigDadGib said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. And the pictures were just fine too.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I echo your sentiment that it was all I thought it would be and I wasn't disappointed!

Your pictures are better than my non-existent ones! I forgot my camera and my brush (wouldn't Mama Siesta be disappointed??)!!

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Susie said...

So glad to hear how blessed you were! Wish I could have been there! Can't wait to here more.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

Your pics look great, looking forward to your next post.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

It was so fun to meet you face to face! Next time, we'll do some tatting!


At 10:54 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Whenever I go to Women of Faith, I always come away with "inspiration overload!" Such a blessing, but so much in such a short time! I'm glad you got to do this, and wish I could have been there, too.


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