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Name: Linda

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Friday, August 15, 2008
I love watching the Olympics. I especially love Women's Gymnastics. I have such admiration not only for the seemingly impossible things they do but for the dedication and just plain hard work that goes into it.

I stayed up far too late last night to see who would win the gold medal and was thrilled that the American girls won both the gold and the silver medals. I have been thinking about the competition ever since. I was captivated by the relationship between the gold medal winner Nastia Liukin and her Dad. In my imagination I saw their relationship as a tiny glimpse of what my relationship to the Father is like.

Nastia's Dad is also her coach. They have worked together for years and over time he has taught her all the skills she needed to successfully reach her goal. Years of hard work, repetition, recovering from injuries, building character all culminating in reaching the coveted prize. When the time came for her to compete, her father could only stand and watch - offering encouragement and support. It was up to Nastia to "run the race set before her."

When she had done her best, overcoming all the obstacles in her path - her father was there to take her in his arms and whisper a loving "well done".

I think it is a little bit that way for us too. Our Father gives us all we need to walk through this life. In the process we will have obstacles that we will have to overcome, but He is always there to encourage and cheer us on. And when we have finished our race there He is - great arms outstretched - waiting to wrap us in His unfathomable love. I want to hear Him whisper, "Well done."

  posted at 12:13 PM

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Susanne said...

A beautiful portrait, Linda!

I stayed up waaay too late also, but I cheered for your team too! I thought the little Russian girl in the blue and white was engaging too.

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

I fell asleep and woke up at the very end of the competition. I couldn't believe it.

Your post is so true, great analogy.


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
I'm watching the Olympics as I blog.
Love your great analogy in this post.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

At 12:36 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I watched her do the gymnastics a couple of days ago, she seemed very humble and happy.


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