Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Siesta Fiesta continued

This is our group picture taken with Beth. I'm the one in the pink shirt - second from the left in the second row.
There are so many beautifully written posts about the Livingproof Live Event. I'm enjoying reliving the weekend. I don't think I need to recap the whole two days - you can find wonderful posts on the Siesta Fiesta blog. I just want to share a few of the things out of the amazing teaching that God "emphasized" as He spoke to my heart.
The teaching was entitled "Inheritance" and the scripture Beth used was Psalm 16: 5,6:
"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."
We are all heiresses. Our lives our not left to chance. Everything in our lives makes for a beautiful inheritance. Providence - the fact that God works as powerfully through natural events as through the miraculous.
I am so comforted by that thought. Every detail of my life is under God's control.
As an heir of God I can be secure. It is not productive for me to crave the affirmation of others in my life. When I do that, I make someone who is as flawed as I am in charge of my life. I put them in a position of Christhood in my life.
How this pierced my heart. I must guard my heart against this seeking after the approval of others. I must be secure in who I am in Christ. I cannot look at others and try to be like them. I can only realize my full potential in Him when I am the "me" He created me to be. It won't look like anyone else - not even the ones I hold in high esteem.
I am trying to incorporate all the things I learned into my daily life. This one is a big one for me. It may even mean I change some of the priorities in my life - perhaps a little less time on the computer for starters. I have already spent more time here than I intended - caught up in reading posts when I know there are things that need my attention in my home.
Have a blessed day dear friends,
Great post! Good picture.
There are many of us who struggle with balance in our lives, and since I started blogging almost 3(!) years ago, computer time is one area of my life that I'm constantly trying to balance with keeping my home.
God is Lord of all, but He's only Lord of our lives if we ALLOW Him to be.
Love you, my friend.
How I need to read and heed this post today! I am so stinkin guilty of worrying about what everyone else thinks of me and what I am doing! You really opened my eyes when you talked about how when we seek the approval of others we are putting someone as flawed as we are in a position of Christhood in our lives! Wow! I sure don't want to be guilty of that!
Thanks SO much for sharing this! Wish I could have been there!
Marilyn in MS
So beautifully written Linda! I love the picture of all the ladies too! You are wearing my favorite color!
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