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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm Late, I'm Late.....

I feel a bit like the White Rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland". I'm late. I'm late for a very important date!!

Well I'm not actually late for a date, but I am hopelessly behind on my blogging. I haven't been near the computer for the past few days and the next few look equally busy. So I hereby extend my humble apologies (just in case anyone has missed me) for not visiting, reading, commenting or writing. I probably won't get back to all of this until next week.

I have wracked my little brain to see if there might me anything remotely entertaining or enlightening or even interesting floating around in there - nada!!
I suppose I could tell you I had my long hair all cut off yesterday. Six inches gone with a snip of the scissors. I am glad. It took me days to finally decide to do it because it took so long to grow my usually short hair down to my shoulders. However, I am tired of having to set a whole day aside to do my hair. It is so curly, and I have to roll it on HUGE rollers so it won't be sticking out a foot from my scalp. It takes hours to dry, and there is no way I was going to let anyone see me looking like an alien (or at the very least like I could pull in 137 tv stations). It was fun to have it long for a while, but I'm over it now. Back to my short curly little self. Ah...

I could also tell you that our daughter is safely home from her European adventure. She got in late last night. I've spoken to her a couple of times, but we won't see her until sunday. She has some catching up to do - mostly in the sleep department. It was a wonderful trip - all she had hoped it would be. I can't wait to hear all the stories and see all the pictures. I am so thankful for the prayers on her behalf. God definitely took very good care of her. He just seems to have a knack for that sort of thing.

I could just go on and on about how wonderful our Beth Moore Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit is. She just gets better and better, deeper and deeper, more and more of a blessing to me. My friend Mary and I already have our tickets for the Living Proof Event here next August. I think she will be doing something special with those of us who read her blog. I can't wait!!

No sign of Fall here yet. It is still ninety degrees most afternoons. In all fairness, we have had a very rainy, cool (for us) summer. No complaints. Everything looks so lush and bountiful. However, I am anxiously awaiting that first cold front.

So....that's about it for me. I must hasten off to fold laundry, work on my Bible Study, iron, and practice piano. I will try to read some posts if I can squeeze out a few minutes. I always feel so bad when I don't get to visit everyone.

Y'all have a blessed weekend,
  posted at 1:17 PM

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Hi Linda:-) Where is the picture of you with your new haircut???? hehe I bet it looks terrific and much cooler also! I have long hair and it's thick so I know how much work it is!! So glad to hear that your daughter is home safely...I can just imagine all the stories and pictures she'll have to tell you:-) Don't worry about your lack of time for blogging and visiting...life tends to get in the way at times! lol xox

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Susanne said...

90* My word Linda, I knew I should have packaged up some of the snow the other day and sent it to you. But it's all gone now and we're sitting at a balmy 64* right now.

You had quite a bit to tell us. Have a great weekend.

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
Glad your daughter is home safe and sound! No wonder she needs her rest!
Like Pea, I think we need a "Show n Tell" of your new haircut!!

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Myrna said...

thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blog. I am really trying to get around to everyone this weekend. So much catching up to do!

I certainly understand about having things in real life that need to be done. Glad your daughter has returned safely from her trip.

Have a great weekend.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Cyndi said...

What a great update, Linda! And I know you are lookin' fine!! I wish I could see your new hair. SO glad you are enjoying your new Bible study, and I've been praying, praying for your sweet girl's safe return. I hope she had a joyous time. Now I will pray for her jetlag. :)

Thanks for popping in! Love you!!

At 4:55 AM, Blogger Susie said...

I like posts like this that keep us up to date. I also had my hair cut this week, but only an inch and a half. My hubby loves long hair, although if he was the one fixing it each day, he would say otherwise.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I've been so far behind too so you're not the only one :) Glad to hear your daughter made it back safely! It's not fall here either, still in the 90s as well, I'm tired of this heat already!

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Wow, you did get a lot cut off! My youngest got hers cut short, and my oldest, who has even longer hair, wants to get hers cut short too! If so, we'll do Locks of Love- I think she has enough to donate now!

I will be starting with our church group called Motherwise which is going to do Beth Moore's Daniel. It's my first real study through her and I've very excited.

Let's see...you could have also posted your book list for this fall...hint, hint! I just posted my Fall into Reading, and I need to get off the computer and actually start reading now! LOL
Have a great week, Linda!

At 9:24 PM, Blogger eph2810 said...

I have been late on catching up with everyone myself -- life have been a little on the crazy side lately. I hope to get a handle on everything after my vacation -- I have too!

I am so glad that your daughter had an awesome trip to Europe. I hope you share a little with us later on where she all went :)

I have to get my hair cut too, hopefully I can get that done next week :)

Fall has arrived in AZ - and I am loving it!!!!!

Have a blessed week, my friend. I will 'see' you when I get back from vacation :)


At 10:20 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Goodness, you sound all out of breath! Slow down and be good to yourself.

Pictures? Where are the pictures of the new haircut?

I'm very glad your daughter is home safe and sound.

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I'm behind, too. Glad I'm not the only one!

I'm with Pea - let's have a picture!

We've had high 80s in the afternoons, and low 50s in the morning. Today has been cold and rainy, but now the sun is shining. Crazy place.


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