Monday, July 09, 2007
In Other Words

The quote Iris has chosen this week is from C. S. Lewis:
“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing yet had been done.”
The Lord has taken me on a difficult journey in recent years. He has asked me to walk without knowing where I am going, to take one day at a time and not worry about tomorrow, to stop looking anxiously around and look to Him for help. In return He has promised to hold me tightly with His strong right hand, to be with me every second of every day, and to take me to a place of blessing.
I find that I cannot do this at one moment in time and have it last for as long as I live. I have to do it daily. Sometimes I have to do it moment by moment. There are times when my faith turns to fear and doubt, times when I want answers to my “whys”, times when it feels like God isn’t really there at all. That is when I have to begin all over again.
There was a day, many years ago, when I was facing circumstances that seemed overwhelming. I cried out to God over and over again for help and for an explanation as to why nothing seemed to be changing. I clearly “heard” Him whisper to my heart, “Do you love Me enough to trust Me?”
That is the journey – the journey of trust. Do I love Him enough to trust Him? The answer has to be yes, because apart from Him there is no hope. With Him there is everything – life, hope, joy, blessing, peace, comfort, a future. He gives me grace and strength for every day, but I must come to Him daily to receive it.
Each new day comes with its unique circumstances. I have the choice of trying to live it in my own strength and wisdom or relying on God. I cannot know what the day will bring, but I can know that when I give it to Him He will give me the grace and strength I need for that day.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5,6
The journey of trust is always an adventure. While each day is a new one, I do believe that the confidence gained from the previous days' journey will enable the trust to gain in strength as we go. It's definitely something that can be built upon.
This was a lovely post, Linda.
Really enjoyed your post, bless you.
What a struggle life is and what an assurance to know we can trust on him to get us through daily.
What a great post, Linda! And you finished it off with one my favorite verses. Beautiful.
Lovely post Linda! Thank you for sharing.
Amen. Do I trust Him? I have to ask God to give me that trust. Blessings on your journey.
Oh, Linda - what a beautiful reflection on this week's quote. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
"I cannot know what the day will bring, but I can know that when I give it to Him He will give me the grace and strength I need for that day."
I will remember this today :)
Be blessed today and always.
Amen! So very true. I wish we could sit down an talk!
Proverbs 3:5-6 has been my life verse and what I always seem to remind myself of when I am struggling.
It has been a busy summer around here, but I am still reading. :)
I love how you said that the answer has to be yes when wondering if you love Him enough to trust Him. Amen!
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Linda,
Your posts are always uplifting and thought provoking!
Oh, I agree with you. It is all about trust. We can't rely on Him one moment for our whole life - and He does take us on moment by moment journey. Those are usually the hardest too.
Your post was beautiful.
Thank you for the sweet comments you left on mine! I'm looking forward to getting to know you too!
Have a blessed day!!
We are all in this daily tussle to remember to surrender, aren't we? Trust makes us vulnerable, but He never lets us down.
Linda, this post really touched my hearts. And I so know about feeling like you have to keep trusting Him moment by moment nevermind day by day or as long as you live.
For some reason your post brought the words to one of my Granny's favorite songs to mind, "One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus."
Thought you'd like to read them:
I'm only human, I'm just a woman.
Help me believe in what I could be
And all that I am.
Show me the stairway, I have to climb.
Lord for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time.
One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.
Do you remember, when you walked among men?
Well Jesus you know if you're looking below
It's worse now, than then.
Cheating and stealing, violence and crime
So for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time.
I think one of the hardest things to learn is to TRUST, especially if we've been let down before. But yes, we must TRUST the lord and give it to him fully and without hesitation. xox
Walking without knowing is the hardest thing to do.....but He gives us grace....and strength....
Your post truly blessed me tonight...I needed it really bad. God knew just where to send me!
Wonderful post--as always!
I appreciated the Proverbs scripture. If I had to lean on my "own understanding" I would be in real trouble. There is so much about life that I don't understand. How comforting to know that He is in control of it so I don't have to be!
"The Journey of Trust" - great title, great post.
I am beginning to believe the the "journey of trust" is one that I will constantly battle. Thank you for the post...and reminder. It is a moment by moment choice. I pray that one day trusting God will become automatic, until then I just keep asking for His help...
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