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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Thursday, October 05, 2006
Just Thinkin'
I’m sitting here staring at the blank screen with a mind that is pretty much in the same state. Nothing much happening there! Thankfully my days have been pretty uneventful. I like it when one day just flows into the next without those dreaded tidal waves.

I love this time of year. It’s still pretty hot here, but there are signs that fall just might be approaching. I don’t see much activity around the humming bird feeder. Somehow (must be that Someone reminds them) they know that colder weather is somewhere in the not too distant future, and they need to pack their teeny tiny bags and head for warmer climes. It is comforting to me to watch these cycles and know that just as they repeat themselves year after year God’s promises never fail. I know the humming birds will be back just as I know that God will never leave me nor forsake me.

We used to live in upstate New York, so I know that some of you are watching the artwork of the Great Artist and seeing the wonderful way He has with colors. Soon the leaves will be gone, but there will be new life in the spring. I can remember looking out at the barren landscape of winter. It seemed like spring would never come, but it did. He is faithful.

I’m looking forward to the day when a “norther” blows through. It will be as though someone turned the switch on a huge fan. Suddenly the trees bend in the force of it and the temperature begins to drop rapidly. All the heat and humidity is swept away and a clear fresh wind blows through. In the evening I’ll sit with my cup of tea and a good book wrapped in an afghan on the couch.

Soon the holiday season will arrive. I love it all. I wish I could make Christmas last much longer. I don’t particularly like the shopping, but I do love giving gifts. What I love most is being with family, the preparations, the decorating, the baking, and candles at Christmas Eve Service in church; singing all the old carols and learning new songs.

Life is good. Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness and for the gifts you so lavishly pour into our lives.


We leave for Houston tomorrow morning to spend a couple of days with the kids and grandkids. See you on Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend.
  posted at 9:22 AM

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a nice time on your trip. I miss living close enough to visit relatives, but they come here quite often.

I really miss Fall and Winter, but tree lightings here are nice because the evening's are sweatshirt weather.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Have a wonderful and safe trip!

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Pamela said...

I am looking forward to the holidays, as well, Christmas being my favorite time of the year. :)

Hope you have a wonderful time with those cute little grand babies!

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

You filled up that blank screen very well! Have a wonderful trip and "talk" to you when you get back. I'm way behind, but hope to catch up soon. Thanks for stopping by with your encouraging words.

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I just barely missed you. You're on your trip now. My sister has been here and just left this morning so I'm catching up.

I loved this post. Very sweet. Our hummingbirds seem to be just about gone now, too. I miss them when they go but then I start looking forward to when they return.

Yes, life is good. Always. We have much to be thankful for.


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