Sunday, September 24, 2006
Beary Word Meme

Good Sunday Morning.
Pamela at Just the Two of Us tagged me for this Beary Word Meme:
"Heart" - this is the place where the "truth" is hidden - "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." I so want to have a pure heart.
"Trail" - my husband and I had such fun walking this beautiful trail at a state part in Colorado this past July.
"Grandparent" - It is an absolute joy to be a grandparent. All the fun and none of the hard work.
"Bear "- About a year ago I was going through a difficult time, and my sweet Mom gave me a little stuffed bear wearing a little tee-shirt that said "I love hugs". She had gotten it at church, and it came with the following message attached:
This little bear has spent time in the midst of our congregation. It has heard the Scriptures read, sermons preached, prayers prayed and songs of praise sung. It knows both the joys and the heartaches of our people, and has been surrounded by the love so freely shared by our community of faith. It come to offer you comfort and peace, with all the blessings of worship and love.
I (a nearly sixty year old grandma) slept with that little bear for days. He is a sweet reminder of God's love and the love of His people.
Thanks for tagging me Pamela. It was such fun.
This was such a great job on this meme! The scenery around that trail is amazingly beautiful..
The story of your comfort bear is so sweet. No wonder you love him so...
Oh, Linda, that was just heartwarming to read. You did a great job on this meme! That picture with your hubby standing in front of the gorgeous mountains is breathtaking! The one that touched me the most though, is the little bear openly honest on your part and thoughtful and sweet of your Mom. Linda you sure are a genuinely sweet and kind hearted friend. Thanks for sharing! I pray for peace in your heart and those in your family who are so blessed to have you in their lives. :)
Great answers!! Fun to read!
Beautiful picture. I love the post before this one about Pellumb. How truly wonderful to help this family like that! What a blessing!!
That view of Colorado is absolutely beautiful and I love the story with the bear, it's so cute! =)
You are such an awesome writer. I loved what you said about sleeping with the stuffed bear.
Colorado seems like a beautiful place. I have seen a few blogs with pictures from people who live in Colorado and the mountains are just wonderful. I love looking at God's created world. Thanks for sharing this picture.
I'm so glad I found your blog. Truly inspiring.
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