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Name: Linda

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Friday, September 22, 2006
This is a picture of our third “son”. His name is Pellumb. He lives in Albania. He is eleven years old. He came into our lives about a year ago, and we fell in love with him the minute we saw his sweet face.

He lives in a tiny mountainous village with his father, mother and older brother. He attends school and helps his mother with the housework. They live in two rooms. He writes the sweetest letters, illustrated in color by his own hand. We get so excited when we see that one of his little epistles has come.

He tells us about his life there and never fails to thank us for supporting him. My husband prays daily for him. Pellumb never complains or asks for help, but it is so evident that they live in extreme poverty. Every time we made out the check for our monthly pledge, my husband would say that he wished he could do more.

One morning I called the offices of World Vision and asked if that would be possible. Of course it would. There is a limit and very strict guidelines for the way the money is given and spent, but it was something we could easily do. My husband immediately said he wanted to give as much as we were allowed to give (he of the sweet, generous spirit). World Vision was thrilled (every penny we were giving would go to Pellumb and his family) and promised to let us know as soon as everything was taken care of. They also said they would send pictures of the purchases.

In today’s mail we received this picture and a letter from Pellumb. They were able to buy clothing for every member of the family, a buffet and a table. It is amazing how far that money went. We are so delighted. It definitely is better to give than to receive. The morning we made the call to World Vision and got the information about sending the gift, we both just looked at each other with tears in our eyes. We are not wealthy by American standards, but in comparison to Pellumb’s family, we are rich indeed. We have been so blessed by God – never wanting for anything and having so much more than we need. It was an amazing gift to us to be able to share something of that with someone who had so little.

Just a little while ago my husband said, “I wonder how long you have to wait before you can do that again?” Not long I hope.


P.S. I am having a few misgivings about this post. I didn't write it to show what "wonderful" people my husband and I are, but rather to say that God's word is true and He blesses us far more than we can ever bless anyone else. I don't want any glory for us. All glory belongs to Him. He is so loving, so good, so faithful, and His word never fails. Selfishness is one of my great failings, and He is teaching me the great good that comes from being obedient to His word. I don't know if I'm saying this correctly. I just want you to know we are just the same as anyone else - trying and failing and trying again to be all God would have us be.
  posted at 3:05 PM

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

One of our students a few years ago was a wonderful Albanian woman who ended up getting her master's degree in social work, then her Ph.D. and is now teaching here in America. She had to go back for two years, because she was on a Fulbright scholarship. Albania was the most autheistic country in the world before communism failed and Christians could get in there. What a great story.

My daughter, Kristen, found my new look and installed it for me. She's very talented with this techno stuff. I am afraid I take shameless advantage of her!

Thanks for the kind words. It's been a long haul, and we must keep praying, because Satan would love to have him back!

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

What a wonderful feeling to be able to help a family so less fortunate! It is great that you are able to do that. Pellumb looks so happy in his picture!

At 5:20 PM, Blogger someone else said...

That's such an amazing thing for you to do. I know it pleases God when we love and care for those who are less fortunate. Bless you.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger someone else said...

P.S. to your P.S.:

It's still a wonderful ministry and he's a very fortunate little boy. Who knows, your post may just encourage someone else to want to sponsor a child.

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Susie said...

What sweet and generous people you are. Your kind caring is surely making a difference to this family.

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

I can't even imagine how they must have felt being blessed so. What a generous gift and incredible way for God to use you!!

At 3:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a great post, not at all show offy, just sweet. He is a lucky little guy. You have inspired me and I think I will get in touch with this organization and do this with our family.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Shawna said...

Oh no misgivings needed. I am here catching up on your posts, and did not take this wrong. I understand what you were trying to get across, besides the Lord knows your motives. :0)


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