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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
South Texas SNOWSTORM!
It seems to me that in recent years the weather people on our local television stations, not wanting the news anchor people to get all the glory, like to add a bit of drama and excitement to their reports. Consequently, on the rare occasion our temperatures dip below freezing they like to introduce the possibility of SNOW. Time and time again they have predicted that the precipitation would turn to SNOW - and for the past twenty years or so we have yet to get a glimpse of the white stuff.

So, it was with a good measure of scepticism that I raised up on one elbow before getting out of bed and looked out our bedroom window this morning. "When what to my wondering eyes should appear...."


I know you're chuckling, but this is the biggest snowstorm we've had in ages! I rushed outside in my slippers and bathrobe and took these pictures to preserve this historic moment (before the sun could come out and melt it).

Look closely - that's actual snow on the roof of the garage.

We hadn't been for a walk in a few days because we've been so busy, so my husband suggested we bundle up and go. I'm nothing if not stoic (ha), so I agreed to brave the cold and the wind (it really was cold and very windy). I dug out my little knit hat and the scarf I had knitted myself a few years ago and got ready to go.

The dilemma was what to wear on my feet. My normal walking footwear is sandals. For years I have tried different walking shoes and invariably end up losing toe nails. I was thrilled to discover they actually make walking sandals and have used them (much to the delight of my toe nails) ever since. I had to decide between cold feet and lost toe nails. I made the mistake of wearing tennis shoes a few months ago, and my middle toe nail is just beginning to grow back. So......

I decided to improvise - and give my neighbors something to chuckle about. I will admit it is a little tricky trying to get the socks not to bunch around my big toes, but I finally succeeded.

Mission accomplished. We took our walk in the face of the huge South Texas Snowstorm.


P.S. I forgot to mention that it was 85 degrees yesterday before the "Norther" blew in. Talk about a big change in the weather!

  posted at 11:28 AM

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Sandi said...

I love the fashion statement you made. Glad you got to go for a walk. I love a walk when is it cold and crisp. But then I live where we have a cold winter. We had snow a few times this year already

At 1:39 AM, Blogger Donnetta said...

I'm glad you were able to have some snow! I'm glad you made time to enjoy it with a walk... warm feet and all! :-)

At 6:01 AM, Blogger Abba's Girl said...

We had snow too, it didn't stick, the flakes were huge. We had rain and sleet for most of the day and I looked up from writing a report around 4p and it was snowing. This Gulf Coast girl says any snow is good. Still waiting for the 1st hard freeze. It snowed here 4 years ago on Christmas Eve and stuck, we had 5 inches in Richmond and 10 at our beach house in Matagorda.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Do you get snow where you live anyway? we don'tget it here in winter, we have to travel at least 7 hours south to get to where snow is but I actually love it.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Shawna said...

Ah, that's funny. You sound a little like me. We haven't gotten enough snow for my taste ever. It is so exciting when we do get any, then I am as giddy as a schoolgirl. I really am. :0)

Hey, whatever works without hurting you feet. I am all for it. :0)

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

How did you know I was chuckling? ;v)

At 7:44 AM, Blogger tonia said...


hey! you look like an oregonian! we're world famous for socks with sandals. not me, personally, but other people do. ;)

love your snow storm.


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