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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Friday, April 11, 2008
Under the Weather
I really should just quietly make my way to the couch and watch "Sense and Sensibility" as planned, but in a pathetic bid for sympathy I thought I would write about how I am feeling just plain yucky and won't be doing much on the computer for a day or two. Can it be that after twenty-five years of saying "I have never been bothered by allergies" (my smug response whenever anyone says that if you live in Texas for any length of time you eventually develop allergies) I am allergic to the oak pollen that is filling the air? Surely not.

In any event, I have a scratchy throat, runny nose, cough and the general all-around blahs (not to mention not being able to sleep last night)and am feeling sorry for myself. So...a cup of tea and Jane Austen - that should do the trick.

I shall now make my way to the living room. Don't feel too sorry for me though. I'm not really terribly sick (in fact I'm one of those people who rarely get sick) - just enough to have a bit of an excuse to goof off this afternoon. I'm sure I'll be feeling better tomorrow.

  posted at 1:05 PM

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Linds said...

I can recommend the couch and a good book or movie, Linda. Wonderful recuperative properties! I hope you are feeling better soon.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger LivingTheLife said...

I agreee with linds...the couch, a cup of tea, and a good book or movie...geez...makes me wish I had allergies today! NOT...I too, live in Texas and the older I get the more I am bothered by seasonal allergies. My husband is like you...he rarely gets sick...but this has been a banner year for him as well...and I think most of it started with ALLERGIES...

Feel better soon...and enjoy playing hookey...for the entire weekend!


At 9:06 PM, Blogger Rebekah Hughes said...

Nice to meet you too.

I trust you will be feeling better soon. I think it would have been a great day for a cup of tea and a visit with Jane Austen.

Thanks for dropping by.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit off, but am so relieved it's allergies and not anything serious.
Rest till you feel better!

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Susanne said...

Hope your feeling better. A cup of tea, and a book sounds like just the right thing.

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hi, Linda! First, let me tell you that I LOVE your new look! Susie did a great job, as usual. I have yet to see a template of hers that I didn't like. :o)

I'm feeling much like you: not really sick, but not 100% either. Hope you're feeling better soon, my friend.

I'd send you some water if I could. We have more than we need right now with all the flooding. Still, the Lord knows best.

Have a great weekend, Linda! ;o)

Love and hugs,


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Awwww you poor dear, I do hope you start feeling much better real soon. It's no fun being sick!! My son Corey suffers from some Spring allergies and can feel pretty miserable with them. Thinking of you!! xoxo

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Sue Seibert said...

Then I won't say, for the 65 years I've lived in Texas, the pollen has never bothered me! I did get flu this year, even after the shot!

We are in the Hill Country right now, and pollen is everywhere, but I do feel fine.

Hope you feel much, much better tomorrow.

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh, bless your heart! And you know what? Today was an unusually warm and sunny day here, and I suddenly was sneezing and blowing my nose- and it didn't feel like a cold. I've never had that much a problem with allergies before, either!

I would love to kick back and watch Sense and Sensibility with you, Linda...it's one of my all time favs!

(Come over and read Part 2 of my road trip...when you're feeling up to it, that is!)

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Sandi said...

Linda I hope you are better. I like to think of those days as God's gift to me. An afternoon of doing nothing. Oh I would like one of them right now.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I am behind again! I hope by now you are feeling much better - Claritin to the rescue??

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

PS, when you're feeling better, you must come over and see the answer to my guessing game!

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

It's Monday afternoon - hope you're feeling better!


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