Monday, April 28, 2008

This past week our family was in “travel mode”. Our son and daughter-in-law were in San Francisco for a few days, our daughter was in Philadelphia visiting friends and my husband and I traveled to Houston to watch our five grandchildren while mommy and daddy were in San Francisco, and our other son and daughter-in-law and my Mom and Dad remained here at home.
As I prayed for safety for everyone, I pictured my family literally scattered from one end of the country to the other, separated by hundreds of miles – so far apart. Yet we were all just as close to the Father as we have always been – as close as a whisper. He is never far from us no matter where we are. Prayer brings us instantly into His presence.
This Thursday we will celebrate the National Day of Prayer. I thought I would share some thoughts on prayer that have been very meaningful to me:
The rest of my Tuesday post is here at the Laced With Grace site. Please meet me there.
This is such an appropriate post for the National Day of Prayer! Thanks for sharing and know that you are a blessing to me.
What a great reminder when I'm missing family. I may be futher away but is just as close to them watching over them as He is to me.
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