Sunday, April 27, 2008
1000 Gifts

"The unthankful heart...discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
Henry Ward Beecher
133 - time with my husband and daughter trimming her trees; then homemade chocolate mufins together
134 - teaching my granddaughter to weave on a tiny loom; making a little purse together.
135 - my granddaughter shyly walking out to the car with us as we were leaving to go home and handing me the little purse, "I want you to have this Grandma." A gift I will always treasure.
137 - playing piano with my sixteen year old granddaughter
138 - tucking little ones into bed
139 - braiding a little granddaughter's hair
140 - "Let's get ice cream. Follow me Grandma." (four year old granddaughter)
141 - the pleasant weariness after two days with five grandchildren
142 - the bliss of my own bed
144 - sitting on the front porch on a beautiful spring day - listening to the birds, watching the trees bend in the breeze, drifting off to sleep....
145 - talking with Dad and hearing the joy back in his voice. His physical therapy has encouraged him, and he is feeling better.
146 - the smell of flowers in the air on our bike ride - heaven's perfume
147 - a special letter from a dear friend
148 - a little gift from my Mom; "just because".
149 - a beloved Pastor who weeps as he reads through the list of the way the apostles died for their faith.
150 - the blessing of keepin in touch and writing
May He fill your heart with gratitude and joy this day.
That seems like a quick trip - sounds like a wonderful time together. My grands are so closeby that I can hardly imagine what it owuld be like to have to travel. It could happen someday, I imagine.
Wonderful blessings to share.
I'm so glad you had a good safe trip!
Reading through your blessings just was so uplifting!
These are so beautiful Linda! What special treasures you have found throughout your days.
What a beautiful glimpse into your heart and home. I felt thankful while I read it, too. It's catching! I hope everyone had safe travel. I've been out of blogland for awhile... I've almost emailed you a couple of times, but you know how that goes. I've got exciting news! I'll blog about it soon (or REALLY email you!)
Thank you for this post!
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