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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Other Things

I have been doing a lot less blogging these days and more of these things.
I am working on a quilt. It is the first big (and it's king size) one I've ever done. The top is all pieced. My Mom helped me put the top, batting and back together, and now I am handquilting 56 squares!! I've let it sit for months - never having time to get to it. Now I'd like to get it finished so I can do some other things. I love to knit. I have several cross-stitch projects to do. I am learning to do tatting. The finished product is so beautiful.

Piano lessons are now beginning to require a lot more practice time. I'm afraid it's rather late in life for me to become the next great pianist, but I would like to learn as much as I can. I love music, and I am enjoying what seemed like such tedious work when I was a cranky teenager.

Therefore, I have been giving less time to blogging. It seems to take far too much of my time (as I am rather undisciplined once I turn the computer on). I want to continue writing as often as I can. I am keeping up reading everyone's posts. It's just the commenting I've had to cut down on. I have decided that I need to give more time to the some other things in my life. My parents are at an age where I feel I want to spend as much time with them as I can. And I have seven precious grandchildren.

I'm afraid this post has an all too familiar ring to it. I've taken myself to task over time on blogging in the past. It has take me time, but little by little I'm coming up with a plan that works. Excuse my lack of commenting please; I will try to visit with everyone at least every few days. I seem to be such a slow learner - and an undisciplined one at that. The Lord and I are working on it.

  posted at 5:47 PM

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Hi Linda,
I think the things you're focusing on have real importance. I don't believe that many of us in blogland visit with our real life friends each and every day (and they love us just the same!)
I am trying to cultivate the same attitude about blogging. (always striving to find that balance!)

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Barb said...

You don't have to apologize at all, Linda. You know, after doing this for a couple of years, it suddenly hits you that if you let it, it can put so much pressure on you that you don't even enjoy it any more.

I'm seeing this theme a lot lately, people who feel guilty because they can't spend hours every day reading and commenting.

And then I saw one of my favorite blogs had come up with a very smart approach. She removed the date feature from her posts. Now when she posts, we have no idea when she did it and somehow, it doesn't even matter. I'll bet that took a lot of pressure off her!

I admire you for making a hand stitched king sized quilt. I have a BABY quilt I'm hand stitching, in a box on a shelf. I started it eigth years ago. Eight years. Sigh.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

I've been neglecting the old bloggy myself quite a bit lately. Sometimes other things have to take priority! I've sure missed "talking" with everyone lately, though.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Linds said...

I think it is much the same for all of us. I am aware that my son will be gone (to uni) in a few months, and will only ever visit again, if he follows the pattern set by his brother and sister, so I need to spend as much time as I can with him. I love blogging. I just need to keep things real.
I can't wait to see your quilt!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I miss your loving comments, but I totally understand. So far I haven't felt like I have to slow down, but I probably should. Visiting and commenting is a form of relaxation for me in the evenings, but I don't get much else done as I sit and watch a bit of t.v.

We have made such great friends out there. I hope we never lose touch completely!

I can't even imagine making a quilt, much less a king sized one.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

Wow a hand stitched quilt! Good for you. I'd be afraid to start something that huge. I'm infamous for starting projects and fizzling out before they are done. I'm sure your quilt will be just beautiful.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I understand and feel undisciplined myself. Visit when you can and have a great weekend!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Susie said...

I am so glad you are taking time to do the things you want to do like quilting and playing the piano, and especially spending precious time with your mother. I would love to see the finished quilt when you are done!

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Hello dear Linda,
I completely understand...you need to focus on things that are important to you at the moment.
I think it's wonderful that you're taking piano lessons!
I totally understand if you don't come by all the time or leave comments every time...I can't keep up with everyone either!
I'm currently still talking about our road trip...can you believe I'm up to Part 5? I had no idea it would be broken up into so many parts...
Oh, I love that your mom is helping you with a quilt...I haven't never tried quilting and it's one of the things I hope to do one day!


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