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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

This is my precious granddaughter Stephanie. Today is her fifteenth birthday. I feel so many things when I look at this picture. Her Papa obviously adores her, and you can see even then that the feeling is mutual. She was our first grandchild (there are six others now). What a precious gift she is. I cannot put into words all the feelings that overwhelm your heart when you watch your child hold his firstborn in his arms. We are so blessed. I love this picture of my husband with her because he is such a great Papa. When he plays with his grandchildren it's hard to tell who is the adult. He just gets right in there with them and becomes one of them. It is a joy to watch.

She is getting so grown up. They live a few hours from us now, so we don't get to see her as often as we'd like. Every time I see her I am startled at how she has changed. But not on the inside. She is still the sweetest, most caring, loving child. She has always loved to help, and I believe she could have run the household by the time she was seven or eight. She is a true animal lover. Her hamster, Herman, lived longer than any hamster has a right to live!! She took such good care of him. We share so many of the same interests; it's such fun to teach her some of the things I love doing. Have I mentioned she's the sweetest, brightest, prettiest granddaughter ever?

God is good. What a blessing to see our own children grown and settled and doing well - but add to that the priceless gift of grandchildren..... I am blessed beyond anything I could ask or think!

  posted at 1:59 PM

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Hope your Gdaughter Stephanie has a very Happy 15th B-day! I love that you mentioned she's the sweetest, brightest, prettiest granddaughter ever, as you can, "feel the love in heart"!

Oh, and what a beautiful pic! woo hoo!

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Emmie, aka Vivian said...

Our lives are strangely parallel in some ways! Our first baby grand was a girl (though she's just 7 now), and we have 6 others also! And the feeling of seeing your firstborn with his firstborn--does life get much better than that? My heart overflowed. I understand!

At 10:19 PM, Blogger rena said...

How wonderful that you have a loving relationship with your granddaughter. That is precious and she will cherish it. My daughter and son do not have such a thing with my mom...mom is not interested...so sad. She is missing out on knowing two wonderful kids.

I've just returned from a night away in the islands, so haven't had a chance to visit. Good to be home!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Oh, you're so right about how it feels to see your child hold his child. I just have Cameron so far but I find myself looking at his adorable little face constantly wondering what he'll look like when he's no longer a baby. I didn't realize you had so many grandchildren. Lucky you! I want more. And an assistant to help me take care of them!

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Happy Birthday to Stephanie!
Our oldest grandchild is a teenager also (13½). Where has the time gone?
You (we) are indeed blessed....


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