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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I am so thankful for new beginnings. I have seen enough "New Years" roll around to know I am not very good at making and keeping resolutions. A few years ago I decided I just wouldn't make them any more. However, I want to continue to grow and change so this year I have a "desire" rather than a resolution.

My desire is to walk in the path the Lord has chosen for me - without murmuring and complaining - with simple faith and trust in the One who has promised to never leave me or forsake me. I know the path I would like to take, but I am beginning to understand that my ways aren't necessarily the best ways. From my perspective they look to be exactly right. I cannot see with His eyes. He knows the plan He has for me and for those I love most dearly.

At the beginning of this new year, I relinquish my plans, my desires, my dreams and grab hold of His strong right hand. I walk with steps that sometimes falter, sometimes fall, but the desire of my heart is to walk steadily toward the prize He has for me. I ask only that He give me grace and strength for the journey and that Jesus walks closely by my side.

Heavenly Father, with trembling heart I place my hand in Yours. Lead me in the way that You would have me go. Please place a hunger in my heart for You and for Your word. Draw me close Lord - I don't want to go anywhere without You.

"Thou will make known to me the paths of life;

In Thy presence is fullness of joy;
In Thy right hand there are pleasures forever."
Psalm 16: 11

Blessings to each of you as we begin this New Year,
  posted at 2:35 PM

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

New Year is a time for celebration of love, of life, of friendship. It's the time to thank God for wonderful friends, and to bring to their lives as much magic as they bring to ours...so here's celebrating our friendship and praying that its magic continues forever. Happy New Year to you and yours dear Linda! xoxo

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

I don't do resolutions either, Linda. I just try to do my best every day.

Happy, healthy, prosperous and blessed New Year to you and yours, dear friend!

Love and hugs,


At 6:50 PM, Blogger Susie said...

This is so beautifully said. Happy New Year Linda! I want that same desire to walk closer with our Lord too!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger As We Sail... said...

The post I put on my blog this morning is about the same as yours. About wanting to learn to trust the Lord more with my life.
Hope you will prosper in this quest. have a blessed new year.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger eph2810 said...

Amen to that, Linda. Believe it or not, but that was my prayer on New Years Day! I do not make resolutions anymore, because I know that I fail keeping them. I want to be obedient to Him and I know that His plans are much better than my own.

Thank you so much for sharing, my sweet friend. Blessings on your weekend and always.


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