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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Friday, December 07, 2007
Catching Up

It is that season – a season I love and look forward to with great anticipation – but which can get twisted out of proportion if I get caught up in the “busyness” of it all. Today was a bit like that. I confess up front that I am not a shopper. I especially don’t like it when I feel as though I am aimlessly wandering from store to store, up one aisle and down the next trying to find just the right gift. We did that for hours today, but the good news is we are almost finished – just two more gifts to buy. I’m sure I sound rather like Scrooge. I actually love giving gifts – it’s the shopping part I’m not crazy about. I can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of those I love when we give them their gifts. I imagine that is how the Father feels when we finally reach out empty hands and accept the Gift He offers us. The Gift He gives with such love.

Yesterday we spent the day at my Mom and Dad’s. It is a pleasure to walk into their little home and be greeted with such warmth. They love having us come to visit, and it is so evident. We talked, had lunch and got to sample some of the Christmas cookies my Mom has been busy baking. She has tins and tins of them already made. Delicious! It was a pleasant way to spend the day.

Jared is home from the hospital. He got to come on Wednesday afternoon. Needless to say they are all much relieved. When we talked to them on Thursday, they were all excited about going to the Christmas Tree farm to cut down their tree. Three year old Grace told us all about it. I love hearing that sweet little voice.

(When I read back over what I’ve written I’m reminded of the Mitford series books. “What don’t you love Cavanaugh?” What don’t you love Linda? It’s true. I love so many things. I don’t love shopping, pants without elastic waists, cold weather or rude people.)

Tomorrow evening we sing our Christmas Program in church for the first time – then twice more on Sunday. Yes – I love doing that too. There is always one song that especially speaks to my heart. This year it is a song called “You Came” by Travis Cotrell, David Moffitt, and Sue C. Smith:

You Came

Before You came, we were stranded in the dark,
Bearing wounded hearts, with hope…
Before You came, we were drifting on the sea,
Desp’rate and in need, sinking low.
We cried for help ‘cause we could not save ourselves.

You heard, You saw, You knew and You felt it all.
You wept when You watched us fall, and You could not stay away.
And You came.

And when You came, You were ev’ry hope fulfilled
All that’s good revealed, love divine.
And when You came, You were fellow-ship restored.
You fed us with Your Word, Bread of Life.
When we were crushed underneath the weight of living

You heard, You saw, You knew and You felt it all.
You wept when You watched us fall, and You could not stay away.

And I am overwhelmed, and I am over-come.
I am breathless in You presence.
I am humbled by You love.

You heard, You saw, You knew and You felt it all.
You wept when You watched us fall, and You could not stay away.
And You came.

We rejoice in His coming. We are indeed overwhelmed by the depth of the love that brought Him here. Yes – He came. God’s gift to us.

  posted at 9:01 PM

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hi, Linda. Like you, I'm not much on shopping. I'm happy to say that all of mine is done and wrapped, with the exception of fruit for a fruit basket that I'm making for my secret sister at church.

Since the death of my Daddy in Dec. 2004 and Mama in April 2005 Christmas hasn't been the same, but this year I'm really enjoying this holiday season. Having Miss Emmy here to help celebrate just brings home the fun of the season, and spiritually my heart is more centered on Jesus this year than the last few.

Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed Christmas season, dear Linda. :-)

Love and hugs,


At 7:32 AM, Blogger Sandi said...

I'm so happy to hear Jared is home and doing better.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger someone else said...

One of my favorite things in the Mitford books was how Cynthia loved everything. She always sounded like someone I'd love to know.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Oh, Linda,

I hear you on the whole shopping thing. I am NOT a shopper, and I don't do malls (if I can help it). I try to stick to one or two stores, and I also shop online.

And YAY on Jared being home!

And I enjoyed your Mitford Series quote...it's my absolute FAVORITE book series. I can't wait to read the new one!

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Myrna said...

I agree with all of your "don't loves."

The song is beautiful. I'm sure your Christmas music will speak to all who hear it.

I went to the children's program at our church tonight. It is unusual for me to go to church because of my husband's condition. My son stayed with his dad and let me go to see our grandson in the program. It was a cute, sweet performance.

Have a wonderful week.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

I'm with you. I can't stand shopping around Christmas. It's crazy and hectic and loud and crazy and to me, there is nothing fun about it! But I'm also with you on seeing the faces of the people who I shopped for when they get their gifts. So I guess in the end, it's worth it.

Thanks for the birthday wishes this weekend! Wasn't the best b-day ever, but it was nice to see the greetings on my blog! :-)

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Chris @ Come to the Table said...

This post is just what I needed today. I am trying real hard this year to not get caught up with everything, and yet still celebrate and enjoy the season. I am with you on the whole shopping thing too! I love to give gifts but don't enjoy searching for the perfect item.

Your parents sound so wonderful. I hope to be that for my kids someday.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

Beautiful song Linda!

How sweet to hear the tree cutting story from Grace and I'm so glad that Jared is home from the hospital.


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