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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Time to Heal

The overriding theme of so many of posts has been learning to trust the Lord in all circumstances. That is because for the past few years it has been the theme of my life. Without going into details (because it involves others who may not necessarily want to share so much in this particular way), I will say that our family has walked through the most difficult trial I could have imagined. When it first entered our lives, I struggled mightily. There was a long period of time when I could not even pray. But the Lord is loving, compassionate and infinitely patient. He finally brought me to the place of trust, and I thought I had at last surrendered completely to Him.

Several weeks ago during our study on The Fruit of the Spirit, Beth Moore talked about the characteristic of gentleness – describing it as bowing to the will of God. She spoke about the different kinds of trials God allows into our lives and our submission to them. She used Jesus and Job as examples. She said that submission involved more than right words and the desire to have the right attitude. We must ask God to come and do a work in our heart.

She spoke about how we suffer wounds during the trials and how those wounds will eventually need to be bound up. It takes time. She said, “Our allegiance is to trust a God who knows that somewhere on the other side is something glorious. If it was allowed, it must have a purpose.”

There is no denying the wounds, but as we allow God to work there is a healing that takes place. Once we have healed, “We bear the marks of the wounds of submission to God.” Those scars are for someone else to see and touch – our testimony that we made it, and they will too.

When I listened to Beth that day, I felt in my heart that I had reached that place of healing. However, about a month ago we were hit with another of those fearful diagnoses, and I found myself plunging back down into the depths. I managed to grab hold of the Lord and didn’t hit the bottom this time. I said all the right things and had the right attitude – but I find I have skipped the healing part this time. I feel wounded, and I need some time to heal.

This is rather “heavy stuff” for this wonderful season, but I just felt it would be all right to share my heart. I’m going to take a little time off to just allow the Lord to do the work in my heart that needs to be done. I find myself incapable of writing anything right now. I think I just need to rest in Him.

I will continue to visit you because the Lord uses you to minister to me in ways I cannot begin to describe. Perhaps I’ll write a little something now and then, and I’ll do my Laced With Grace devotional. I will come back bearing the scars but refreshed and renewed by His grace. And maybe He will allow me to encourage someone else who is walking through difficult times.

With much love,
  posted at 2:09 PM

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

Always praying, and hear to listen should you need me.

Love you

At 6:37 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Oh Linda, this really touched my heart. I know exactly what you mean about feeling wounded and needing some time to heal. I've been there. The healing comes...slowly...but it comes. The most valuable thing I learned during the most difficult trauma we experienced was that Jesus walked with me through the valley and sometimes carried me when I couldn't stand anymore. He went through it with me rather than simply meeting me on the other side. I needed His arms to carry me so many times. And He did.

Bless you.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Dear Linda,
Keeping you in prayer..
love and ((hugs))

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Lori said...

(((hugs))) my friend (and totally understand your need for time).

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Susie said...

I'm praying for you Linda, and I'm so sorry you are hurting.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Chris @ Come to the Table said...

Praying for you my sweet freind. We have several families in our congregation who have received difficult news this week. I had the thought why now, at Christmas, but I realized that the Lord is using these difficulties to bring families together and healing in homes.
I know you are hurting and I pray that as you spend time in His presence, God will minister to your heart and you will find strength to walk through this difficult season. He loves you and will never leave you nor forsake you! I will continue to pray. Keep writing your thoughts as you feel the need. You have so much to give. Blessings to you!

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Diane Viere said...


What a beautiful post; the kind that grabs the heart and won't let go.

I have a dear friend who was abused as a child. Late in her adult life, she now testifies to the power of God's healing touch. She became a Christian in her 20's and became conflicted in her 40's that the scars of her wounds had not miraculously disappeared. After months of praying for what she called "complete healing" and believing that her scars would disappear....she had a dream one evening where she received her answer. She believes that God let her know that He had healed her....he had left the scars for others to recognize and come to Him.

She now speaks at Women's prisons and her ministry is growing and blessing; because Jesus is using her scars to minister.

Your authenticity is much like hers. No matter the season....we struggle. Our emotions often become more vulnerable at Holidays...and how blessed we are when another shares while pointing us, once again, to the One who never fails. I love when someone gives their pain to God...for His glory!

Thank you for this post....and may God bless you richly as you are refreshed and renewed in His will and purpose for your life.



At 9:19 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Dear friend - I am so far behind because of our trip. But I am glad I came by tonight to catch up. I know exactly how you feel, though not the reasons why. I know that the verse in II Corinthians that talks about our having trials so that we can help others who go through the same trials, is so true and so real. But I often feel like teling the Lord, "You know, I have experienced enough different things now to be able to help many different people - so enough already!" I think He's okay with that. But He does walk through all of it with us.

It is hard to feel like this at Christmas. I'm with you on the shopping thing - in fact, have done NONE. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but for some reason,l I don't feel stressed.

Love to you, my friend!

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I'm so sorry for your pain. I will never understand this side of heaven why God allows certain things to happen to us.

Ultimately, of course, it's for His glory, and He does work all things out for our good. But it's hard.

And I want you to know that you've already encouraged many by sharing your heart.

I pray you will receive the healing, the refreshing and renewal that only the Lord can bring.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Diane Viere said...


Logan, The Sky Angel Cowboy


I thought of you today as I listened to this young 12 year old boy on Godtube. He phoned in to a radio station in Houston, I think, and shares his sadness and wisdom beyond his years.

"God understands, run to Him...He will always understand....He will always...just run to Him."

Bless you my friend as you continue to rest in His care during this difficult time.


At 11:37 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

Beautiful... Absolutely touching post!

My dear friend, I am so sorry there is yet another pain, another unknown... Praying for you as you have done so very often for me!!

Standing in the gap for you when you may not feel like you even have the words to utter!

Standing... and praying...

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

Hoping you're doing okay!

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Cyndi said...


Just popping in during your break to let you know I'm praying for you. This is the perfect season to feel the very nearness of Christ Himself and experience true healing, true wholeness. I keep thinking about how he entered this world as a baby at such a difficult time in history, and I know He walks this road with you today. {{{hugs}}}

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Dearest Linda...
You just rest. Take time to heal. Let Him bind up the wounds.
Wish I could come, rub your feet, get a cup of tea for you. Just sit in the quiet with you.
For good friends don't need to fill the space with words. We could let Him come fill all our empty spaces--the hurt spots.
And that would be best.
You write tenderly, honestly... and I love you.
Rest, my friend... just rest. He's cupping you close.

And I send love... and many whispered prayers...

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I'm sorry you're going through such a difficult time, Linda. You are in my prayers. Taking time to heal is exactly the right thing to do.

At 12:24 AM, Blogger As We Sail... said...

I'm so sorry you are going through this trial. The Lord is right there with you, He will never leave you. Have a time of resting in Him so He can have your full attention. I'm sure He will use this for a good purpose.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Aunt Angie said...

For whatever reason...the Lord led me here today...I know the reason. I needed what you have written. This is a new day, new year and God makes all things new in His time...I needed this reminder of allowing the Lord to heal some stuff I have been holding in.
Linda, may the Lord bless you during the trial you are in...may He be glorified in your life in every area.
You have encouraged me greatly! Thank you for sharing!


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