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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008
As My World Tilts
I lead a very sheltered life. I readily admit it. Home, family, church, friends, shopping in our neighboring city, some volunteer work at church – that pretty well sums up my life. However, we had an experience yesterday that upset my little world.

My husband and I volunteer on Wednesday afternoons at our church. We help the music ministry librarian by putting the music we will be using for choir practice in the 369 individual folders and taking out and sorting the music we are finished with. Another friend does it with us, and we really have a pleasant time working together – chatting and laughing as we get the music where it needs to go.

There was a lot to do yesterday because we had to take out all the Christmas music and insert all the new music we will be learning for Easter (yes – just nine more rehearsals until Easter weekend!). We didn’t finish until 4:30. My husband and I needed to stop at our insurance agent’s office to sign some papers for a new auto policy ( a story for another day), and since choir practice starts at 7:00 we decided to just stay in town rather than drive the fifteen miles home.

We went to the insurance office and then headed out to get something to eat. I have had this ridiculous craving for Kentucky Fried Chicken – so we went in search of the Colonel. I’m sure if we hadn’t been specifically looking for one there would have been half a dozen around, but we had to travel closer to the city to find one. It was right across the street from one of the large high schools that look more like small college campuses to me.

As soon as we walked in, I knew we were out of our element. There were a couple of older people eating at the tables, but it was mostly teenagers – obviously a hangout for them. We didn’t have time to go anywhere else, so we placed out order and sat at a booth behind a group of four teenagers. There was another large group of about ten or so sitting at the tables at the opposite end of the small restaurant. I heard more really gross cursing in the fifteen minutes or so it took us to eat than I have heard in the past several years. I just couldn’t get over their language.

They all had cell phones and ipods and looked well dressed to me – although I really don’t think they were what you would think of when you think of “good kids”. We finished eating quickly, and my husband went into the rest room to wash his hands. During the time we were eating, several people had come into the restaurant to order take-out. There was a fairly regular stream of people coming and going. I noticed an older man in hospital scrubs with a medical boot on one foot (he had obviously had some sort of surgery on his foot) come in.

There was a sort of half wall separating the dining area from the counter so I couldn’t see the people once they went to order their food. I noticed a bit of activity on the part of the large group of teens and a couple of them must have gone to the counter – I couldn’t really see. Suddenly there was a shouted expletive and “He stole my money!! A thousand dollars!” All I could see was the door open and then the older man in the hospital scrubs trying to run after whoever it was who had stolen his money.

It was such an unnerving thing. Someone went with him to try to catch the thief, but he ran so fast there wasn’t a chance they were going to get him. There was a young couple with two little girls who had come in shortly before the theft. They were sitting fairly close to the group in the corner, and the young woman said, “They knew what he was going to do. I heard them say, ‘Don’t do it.’”

There really wasn’t anything we could do, so we left the restaurant. I felt so shaken by the whole episode. Those kids really couldn’t have cared less. They just sat listening to their music, ordering food and talking on their cell phones - so what if an innocent person had lost so much hard earned money.

I thought of the other kids who have to go to school with people like this. I thought about what kind of homes they must come from. I felt so sorry for that man. He will never get that money back. It just made me heart sick. This is just one little incident. How many times is it multiplied day after day? Life is so dark without the Lord.

So my little world was tilted a bit yesterday. It is one thing to hear things on the news or read about them in the paper. It is quite another to see it played out in front of you. How it must hurt the heart of God.

  posted at 9:05 PM

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Oh Linda it would have shaken me up also, we live in such a fallen world. We (I mean I) try to keep my rose colored glasses firmly on, but many times the Lord allows me to see what our sinful human nature can become.

The sad reality is we are no better, sure on the outside we know right from wrong and mostly chose right. But put in difference circumstances around different people, our human nature can become so ugly (even-especially me).

Praise God for a Savior who came to save all of us. This is a sad story, it friegthens us, but it is also a story that can have hope to it. We can pray for the man who was a theif, pray that he is brought to his knees and someone is around to show him Jesus.

Sorry I am rambling. Sad story, but praise God it is not with out hope.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

WOW, what a sad situation and I understand how you would feel shaken, maybe even violated. The least I can do is to pray for all of those involved, especially the man that was robbed and the robbers. To witness all of this, had to make you feel so helpless and I am sure it will be a memory that is hard to shake. Hopefully, sharing it here has given you a little peace. Blessings to you.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Our entire income for a month is less than that. I can't imagine losing that much money, and in such a violent, senseless way. I've lost my purse a few times and the sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach is like no other. Thankfully, I've always gotten my purse back intact.

No matter how much "good" we surround ourselves with, the evil is never too far from us. God help us all, and this old sinful world.

I'm glad y'all are okay.

Love and hugs,


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

I do hope the police came and scared some of the kids into telling the truth. That sure would have shook me up as well. I just can't imagine. I am sure you have been praying for them all. I pray some how the Lord uses this for his glory and to turn some hearts toward him.

Like you I am also amazed at the language that goes on by kids. It makes me wonder what they must be hearing at home.

God Bless You!

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I can't even imagine what that man must have felt like - and trying to chase them with a boot on his leg and foot. I wonder why he had so much money on him, and how they knew?? Makes me very sad and angry. The language issue - I used to hear so much of it when I worked full time and ate over at the Student Center every day. But then I'd see kids having a Bible study during lunch and it made things feel better - I always went over and told them how much I appreciated what they were doing out in public like that.

You have 369 people in your choir?? Only 9 weeks till Easter??? I need to remind our choir director - we have a small choir with a director who has a very busy career and is a volunteer like the rest of us. He always tends to wait too long to start rehearsing for special occasions! But we love him.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

I'm so sorry you had to be a part of such a situation! Praising God you were kept safe in the middle of it all!

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Julie said...

WOW, Linda. Unbelievable. Thank God nobody was hurt.

I'm certain you were there so that you could pray during the situation, which you and your husband probably did.

As for the kids and their foul mouths - kids usually repeat either what's heard at home, or what they listen to on their ipods. You're so right...without God, a rush of evil is getting the best of our younger generation.

I am so grateful that we have the power of prayer, and a Mighty God who can do all things.

At 6:58 PM, Blogger rena said...

Lord, we ask that you make provision for this man...somehow use this incident to bring Him to You if he doesn't already know you, and be merciful towards the thief...send the gospel his way, that shame would be heaped on his head, so that he will call on the name of the Lord and be saved. In Jesus name, Amen...

And, Lord, cleanse Linda and her husband from the unpleasantness..wash this worldly stuff off them, and grant them peace and grace.

Stuff like this is not nice at all and illustrates why we need eachother and the Lord.

Peace and blessings

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Susie said...

What a scary experience. I'm so glad you're OK, but my heart breaks for the poor man who lost so much. Thankfully they didn't use a weapon.

At 3:22 PM, Blogger SimplyAmusingDesigns.com said...

I would feel much the same as you. I too, feel I live a pretty sheltered life...home to the grocery store, church and back again. I'm not sure how witnessing something like that would make me feel. I'm sorry you had to go through it.

At 3:08 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

I have to say, he’s a very unique spell caster! His predictions are awesome and very accurate, it feels like he can actually see through your mind. A little pricey, but heck they are worth it and have never heard a spell worked like that before. He brought my husband back to me, I introduced him to my sister and he helped her win a lottery. What more can I say i’m very grateful to Ihumudumu Priest, he’s a true spell caster. You can rarely see his type, i have tried several others none is close to his pedigree…you can contact him for any kind of spell and be sure of your answers, ihumudumupriest@gmail.com. Vanessa

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

I have to say, he’s a very unique spell caster! His predictions are awesome and very accurate, it feels like he can actually see through your mind. A little pricey, but heck they are worth it and have never heard a spell worked like that before. He brought my husband back to me, I introduced him to my sister and he helped her win a lottery. What more can I say i’m very grateful to Ihumudumu Priest, he’s a true spell caster. You can rarely see his type, i have tried several others none is close to his pedigree…you can contact him for any kind of spell and be sure of your answers, ihumudumupriest@gmail.com. Vanessa


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