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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

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Sunday, January 06, 2008
Casting Your Care Upon Him
"Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you."
I Peter 5:7

What a priceles treasure contained in those simple words. In the time that I have spent with Him in the past few weeks, it is this thought that has been like a healing balm to my spirit. I thought I needed answers. He knew that I needed healing.

There are so many others in our little community of bloggers who need a special touch from a loving Father. I hesitate to name them all, fearing I will leave someone out. I simply pray that the words I read in my little devotional this morning will minister to each of them as they did me.

I have a tiny little devotional book called "Morning and Evening" by C.H. Spurgeon. It is a very old book, held together with tape. I have seen it published recently (it is one of those books that is a perennial favorite), but I love this worn little book that I found in a used book store. It is written in the original old English.

"It is a happy way of soothing sorrow when I can feel - 'He careth for me'. Christian! do not dishonour your religion by always wearing a brow of care; come, cast your burden upon your Lord. You are staggering beneath a weight which your Father would not feel. What seems to you a crushing burden, would be to Him but as the small dust of the balance. Nothing is so sweet as to-

'Lie passive in God's hands,
And know no will but His.'

O child of suffering, be thou patient; God has not passed thee over in His providence! He who is the feeder of sparrows, will also furnish you with what you need. Sit not down in dspair; hope on, hope ever. Take up the arms of faith against a host of troubles, and your opposition shall yet end your distresses. There is One who careth for you. His eye is fixed on you, His heart beats with pity for your woe, and His hand omnipotent shall yet bring you the needed help. The darkest cloud shall scatter itself in showers of mercy. The blackest gloom shall give place to the morning. If thou art one of God's family He will bind up thy wounds, and heal thy broken heart. Doubt not His grace because of thy tribulation, but believe that He loveth thee as much in seasons of trouble as in times of happiness. What a serene and quiet life might you lead if you would leave providing to the God of providence!... If God cares for you, why need you care too? Can you trust Him for your soul, and not for your body? He has never refused to bear your burdens, He has never fainted under their weight. Come, then, soul! have done with fretful care, and leave all thy concerns in the hand of thy gracious God.

I hope these words minister to someone. I am always a bit hesitant to share something that I find so meaningful for fear it won't speak to anyone else in the same way - or that it will somehow minimize someone else's struggle. We are walking through the most difficult time in our lives, and I felt such a sense of God's amazing love as I read this. It is in that spirit that I share it with you.

May His richest blessings be yours.
  posted at 12:12 PM

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Thank you dear Linda for these words and your continued prayers.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Linda you are such a talented writer and I appreciate you for sharing your God given talents with me. I am not burdened right now but my dear friend that lost her 19 year old daughter in the Ocean Isle fire is still hurting deeply and I am excited to be able to share your words with her. You always have such an inspirational blog and I thank you for blessing my life richly.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful, old-fashioned, ever true words with us today. I know what you mean - I love sharing things that "hit me between the eyes", but always wonder if anyone else will have the same "aha" moment that I did.

You are a blessing to me.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I think this is a universal devotional, Linda. I can't imagine there's anyone who wouldn't find some level of comfort from these words, including me.

I'm glad they comforted you. I know you're struggling, but you're doing it beautifully and you are a wonderful example of actually applying these words when they are most needed.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Scripture tells us that God's Word will not return to Him void. If the Spirit prompted you to share this it's because someone needs to read this, Linda.

Thank you for sharing your heart with us, dear friend. You'll be blessed for your obedience.

Love and hugs,


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

Charles Spurgeon was such a saintly man. I have a lot of old worn books as well that I cannot part with. This is such a lovely encouraging devotion and I would appreciate it if you would add to me to your prayer list. I need healing for my lower back as I have pinched nerve which makes it difficult to walk. Thank you and God Bless!

At 6:27 AM, Blogger eph2810 said...

I know it will speak to someone who needs to hear that His love endures forever and ever :)
It is a beautiful reflection, Linda. Thank you for sharing it. I sure rest in His arms when my days are tough and hard to get through.

Blessings to you and yours.


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