Monday, October 29, 2007
The Weekend
We had such a great weekend visiting our oldest son and his family. It was four generations of us all gathered together making precious memories. The weather could not have been more perfect - no humidity (an absolute rarity for Houston), clear blue skies and temperatures in the seventies. We spent most of the time outdoors riding bikes, throwing the baseball (our younger grandson ended up with a black and blue chin - but that's another story), sitting around the bonfire making s'mores and just catching up.
I went armed with the digital camera my daughter gave me and took pictues like mad. I'm going to try to post a few with some explanatory sentences, but I've never been able to do that successfully before so we'll see. The pictures aren't great, but I plan to get better. We are always so far behind our kids with new gadgets, and I am really enjoying this little camera. What fun to be able to see what you've taken immediately. I love it!! So here goes....

The newest addition to the family. Ten week old Allie. I couldn't get her to pose.

Waiting to be fed - our middle granddaughter and youngest grandson.

Sitting around the campfire just visiting.
I shall now bravely hit "Publish Post" and hope for the best.
I went armed with the digital camera my daughter gave me and took pictues like mad. I'm going to try to post a few with some explanatory sentences, but I've never been able to do that successfully before so we'll see. The pictures aren't great, but I plan to get better. We are always so far behind our kids with new gadgets, and I am really enjoying this little camera. What fun to be able to see what you've taken immediately. I love it!! So here goes....
The newest addition to the family. Ten week old Allie. I couldn't get her to pose.
Waiting to be fed - our middle granddaughter and youngest grandson.
Sitting around the campfire just visiting.
I shall now bravely hit "Publish Post" and hope for the best.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just a Chat
These crystal clear days just put a spring in your step. We’ve been doing all the outdoor work we’ve been putting off all summer. No one really wants to power-wash a house, garage, sidewalks and driveway when the temperature is in the upper nineties and the humidity is about the same. But when the temperature is in the seventies, the sky is bright blue and there is a fresh breeze, you can hardly bear to stay indoors.
So….the house is literally sparkling clean. You just can’t believe what a great job that power-washer did on the sidewalk. I had absolutely no idea it was that filthy! Of course now I need to wash the windows, but I’ll save that for another day. Instead I worked on all the flower beds. I trimmed everything back to within an inch of its life, pulled weeds and picked up all the dead leaves that had collected. They look as neat as a pin – and I feel a great sense of satisfaction.
Tomorrow morning we head out to visit the kids and grandkids. I can hardly wait. My Mom and Dad are going to come with us. This will be their first look at the new house. It’s been too long since I’ve hugged my “grands”. I am really looking forward to this.
We’ll be back on Sunday. I’ll try to visit then. Have a blessed weekend everyone.
With love,
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Suppose you were a little boy who had an older brother who was your very best friend. Suppose you looked up to him because he was everything you wanted to be. Think of the time spent playing together, sharing secrets and laughter. Imagine knowing he loved you very much and was always there for you – always.
Now imagine that you and your brother are all grown up, and this one you have admired and loved all of your life suddenly begins saying and doing things that make you very uncomfortable. In fact, you are downright embarrassed about the way he has begun to behave. He is making claims about himself that you, frankly, just can’t believe. Perhaps you are hurt and confused. Perhaps you finally begin to distance yourself from this brother who once seemed so perfect to you.
The rest of this devotional is at Laced With Grace today (wednesday - 10/24). I pray it will bless you in some small way.
Monday, October 22, 2007
It is a beautiful day – the first day of cooler weather. Yesterday it was hot and humid, the air heavy and smothering. Then in the early morning hours the wind began to blow. The limbs of the large oak trees I can see from my bedroom window as I lay in bed were bent over from the force of it. It seemed the wind never paused for breath.
Then came the rain – the much needed rain – slanting in translucent sheets across the front yard. The parched, cracked earth soaked it up. The dry grass responded almost at once, looking fresher and greener. The empty bird bath filled with clear rain water.
The temperatures dropped a dramatic forty degrees, and we searched the back of the closet for blue jeans and long sleeved shirts. Sandals were replaced with warm socks and tennis shoes. We even had to raid the coat closet for jackets before braving the outdoors.
I watched the dark clouds racing across the sky as we drove home from grocery shopping making way for blue skies and fluffy white clouds. This afternoon the sun is shining, the air is clear, and everything feels fresh and new. We have been waiting for this for a long time. It is a bit like coming out of a heavy sleep.
It reminds me of my own heart which often goes through seasons of heaviness and drought. I go through the days weighted down and dry. I am waiting, longing for something to change.
Then a breeze begins to stir and my heart quickens. The wind picks up blowing away the stagnant heaviness, and the refreshing rains begin to fall. When all is clean, the sun comes to fill my heart with warmth and light.
It is the work of a loving Father – cleansing my heart, sending His Spirit to fill and revive, and giving his Son to bring light into my life.
Then came the rain – the much needed rain – slanting in translucent sheets across the front yard. The parched, cracked earth soaked it up. The dry grass responded almost at once, looking fresher and greener. The empty bird bath filled with clear rain water.
The temperatures dropped a dramatic forty degrees, and we searched the back of the closet for blue jeans and long sleeved shirts. Sandals were replaced with warm socks and tennis shoes. We even had to raid the coat closet for jackets before braving the outdoors.
I watched the dark clouds racing across the sky as we drove home from grocery shopping making way for blue skies and fluffy white clouds. This afternoon the sun is shining, the air is clear, and everything feels fresh and new. We have been waiting for this for a long time. It is a bit like coming out of a heavy sleep.
It reminds me of my own heart which often goes through seasons of heaviness and drought. I go through the days weighted down and dry. I am waiting, longing for something to change.
Then a breeze begins to stir and my heart quickens. The wind picks up blowing away the stagnant heaviness, and the refreshing rains begin to fall. When all is clean, the sun comes to fill my heart with warmth and light.
It is the work of a loving Father – cleansing my heart, sending His Spirit to fill and revive, and giving his Son to bring light into my life.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thankful Thursday

Iris has faithfully opened her heart and her blog to us every Thursday so that we can share with one another the things we are grateful for. I am deeply grateful for her and the way she has blessed the lives of so many of us.
This morning my heart is focused on the richness of the blessings God extends toward me:
I am so thankful that He chose me for His own:
“Even as (in His love) He chose us – actually picked us out for Himself as His own – in Christ before the foundation of the world; that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.”
Eph. 1:4 AMP
When I think of Who He is and who I am, it just drops me to my knees in gratitude. My past is so filled with selfish choices that led to such terrible sin I can truly say with Paul, “I am the worst of sinners.” Yet He chose me – without regret – to be His child. Such love takes my breath away.
I am thankful for forgiveness and grace; thankful that He does not give me what I deserve. I was saved as a young girl, and all the worst of my sins have been committed while I knew Him. The tears flow when I realize the magnitude of what He did for me in His death on the cross, and I held the gift so loosely not cherishing it as I ought to have done. And yet He fills my life with grace – with His unmerited favor. He holds nothing against me; He doesn’t even remember my sins. He has freed me from the burden of guilt and shame.
I am thankful for the peace, hope and joy with which He floods my soul. What precious, priceless gifts. The world longs for these things – searching desperately in all the wrong places – and finding only emptiness. I have been given all these things and more in Jesus, the One who gave His life for me.
I am thankful for the infinite patience of the Lord. I deserved none of it. Yet He somehow knew that one day I would begin to see clearly. I would see how precious the gift of salvation is, how empty life is when lived keeping Him at “arms length”. I am so thankful He didn’t give up on me.
Thank You Lord for the infinite riches in Jesus that you have poured into this undeserving heart. Your love amazes me.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Stand Still
In spite of the record-breaking amount of rain we’ve had this past winter, we are once again in need of rain. It hasn’t rained in the past few weeks, and the ground is looking cracked and parched. When I woke up this morning it was dark and dreary, and the skies held the promise of rain. I looked out my bedroom window at the stand of ancient oaks that stand like sentinels in our front yard and thought how they must be longing for refreshing rain. If they could speak, I thought, they would be crying out frantically to God to open up the heavens for them. If they could move, they would be searching for water on their own. But as I looked at them standing so strong and resilient, I knew that they were a picture of something God has been whispering into my spirit in recent days. Those trees were simply standing still and waiting for the God who has faithfully tended them for well over one hundred years to send the rain they need – in His time.
Just last week we decided to change real estate agents. Our property has been for sale for over two years now, and we are still waiting. The new agent was so enthused when she saw our house and the two acres that it sits on. She said she thought we would have no problem selling and couldn’t understand why it hadn’t already sold. She even had a couple in mind that she was sure would be very interested. Our hopes were raised. We felt sure the Lord would soon send us a buyer.
Days have gone by without a single call. I am feeling discouraged and trying to figure out what I can do to help things along. Should I call and check on things? Should I ask about that couple? Is there something more we should be doing? I do believe the Lord expects us to do whatever we can in a given situation, but when we have done everything we know to do it is time to stand still and wait. That’s the hard part for me. I want to help things along.
When I opened my little devotional today, this is what I read: “Turn to your Lord today with a patience that waits for His sure deliverance.” I believe the Lord is trying to tell me something. I seem to have to learn the lesson of trust over and over again. How He longs for me to rest in His love and just trust. There are bigger things I’ve asked of Him – things of even greater importance than selling this place – and I have not had an answer yet. I am encouraged that waiting doesn’t mean no. It simply means I will trust Him to work on my behalf according to His time and His will.
I have been listening to a CD by the Isaacs with this beautiful song that I play over and over again:
“The Father has a plan
Though it’s hard to see it now
You feel you’re walking all alone
But He is there no doubt.
When the storm around you rages
And you’re tossed to and fro
When you’re faced with life’s decisions
Not sure which way to go
Stand still and let God move
Standing still is hard to do.
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you.
Stand still and let God move.
When the enemy surrounds you
And the walls are closing in
When the tide is swiftly rising
And you wonder where He’s been
Friend, there never was a moment
That His arms weren’t reaching out
You can rest assured and be secure
God is moving right now.
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you.
Stand still and let God move
The answer will come
But only in His time
Stand still and let God move.
I pray that in your times of waiting He will come and wrap You in His great arms of love and give you peace and rest.
Just last week we decided to change real estate agents. Our property has been for sale for over two years now, and we are still waiting. The new agent was so enthused when she saw our house and the two acres that it sits on. She said she thought we would have no problem selling and couldn’t understand why it hadn’t already sold. She even had a couple in mind that she was sure would be very interested. Our hopes were raised. We felt sure the Lord would soon send us a buyer.
Days have gone by without a single call. I am feeling discouraged and trying to figure out what I can do to help things along. Should I call and check on things? Should I ask about that couple? Is there something more we should be doing? I do believe the Lord expects us to do whatever we can in a given situation, but when we have done everything we know to do it is time to stand still and wait. That’s the hard part for me. I want to help things along.
When I opened my little devotional today, this is what I read: “Turn to your Lord today with a patience that waits for His sure deliverance.” I believe the Lord is trying to tell me something. I seem to have to learn the lesson of trust over and over again. How He longs for me to rest in His love and just trust. There are bigger things I’ve asked of Him – things of even greater importance than selling this place – and I have not had an answer yet. I am encouraged that waiting doesn’t mean no. It simply means I will trust Him to work on my behalf according to His time and His will.
I have been listening to a CD by the Isaacs with this beautiful song that I play over and over again:
“The Father has a plan
Though it’s hard to see it now
You feel you’re walking all alone
But He is there no doubt.
When the storm around you rages
And you’re tossed to and fro
When you’re faced with life’s decisions
Not sure which way to go
Stand still and let God move
Standing still is hard to do.
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you.
Stand still and let God move.
When the enemy surrounds you
And the walls are closing in
When the tide is swiftly rising
And you wonder where He’s been
Friend, there never was a moment
That His arms weren’t reaching out
You can rest assured and be secure
God is moving right now.
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you.
Stand still and let God move
The answer will come
But only in His time
Stand still and let God move.
I pray that in your times of waiting He will come and wrap You in His great arms of love and give you peace and rest.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
His Purpose

We had a special speaker at our church this past weekend. He is a handsome, articulate twenty-four year old with a wonderful sense of humor and a powerful message. Over twelve thousand people attended the four services listening with laughter and tears to this passionate young man. He gave the simple message of God’s love for us and about living victoriously in spite of difficult circumstances. When he finished speaking, the aisles were crowded with people going forward for salvation and recommitment to Christ. Over four hundred people accepted, by faith, Jesus as Lord and Savior. It was a message we have all heard before, but Nick is uniquely qualified to deliver it for you see Nick was born without any limbs.
You will find the rest of this devotional here on friday morning.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thankful Thursday

I am going to take a look at my day with “thankful eyes” and try not to miss any of the blessings the Lord so graciously places in my life:
I am thankful for a sweet husband who has mastered the art of making the perfect cup of coffee (and that he gets up first in the morning to do it).
I am thankful for mercy that is new every morning. Before my feet hit the carpet I can be cleansed and filled and cover my loved ones with prayer.
I am thankful for a full refrigerator and pantry – for God’s faithful, abundant provision.
I am thankful for the welcoming hugs and smiles of the precious group of women with whom I share a love for the Lord and His word. It is a joy to study together.
I am thankful for our church and the warmth and fellowship we find there.
I am thankful for laughter.
I am thankful for this home and for the memories it holds.
I am thankful for my little granddaughter who sent me a letter with a picture and a Bible verse just for me.
I am thankful for the quiet moments.
I am thankful for the beauty that surrounds me.
I am thankful that even the “uneventful” days are filled with meaning and purpose because I am His child.
As always you will find more Thankful Thursday posts at Iris' wonderful blog.
Monday, October 08, 2007
In Other Words

“We are not built for the mountains and the dawns and the aesthetic affinities, those are for moments of inspiration, that is all. We are built for the valley, for the ordinary stuff we are in, and that is where we have to prove our mettle.” Oswald Chambers
Having just come through a week of revival where our whole church was on a spiritual “high” of sorts, our music minister gave us a gentle warning. It is at those times we are vulnerable to the enemy’s desire to discourage us. When we come down from the place where everything has a special glow about it and where our spirits soared in the palpable presence of the Lord, we are apt to feel a bit low as we enter once again into the “ordinary” of daily life.
It is the same sort of feeling I have when I am away on a vacation where I am seeing and experiencing new things and having a wonderful time. There is a feeling (albeit only temporary) that I have no cares or responsibilities. The pressures of life seem to vanish – until I return home and find they are all there waiting for me. There is no getting away from life. The house did not magically clean itself, the bills didn’t somehow get paid by a benevolent stranger, the doctor appointment I’ve been dreading is still pending, no one filled the pantry and refrigerator with the food we need, and the laundry basket is now full to overflowing.
This is the place where I have been called to bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Here – amid the daily work of living. Here - where there is no one to applaud my efforts. Not many of us are called to great and glorious work, but we are all called. We may be asked to “prove our mettle” as we care for a sick child in the middle of the night, or baby sitting the children of a neighbor who needs our help. We may spend our days sitting at the bedside of an aging parent or suffering spouse. As we do the laundry, prepare the meals, scrub the toilet, any of those ordinary things that make up our day, we can do it “as unto Him.” Then it becomes our service – our offering to Him and to those we love.
We may work outside the home at a job that doesn’t seem to have eternal value. But we can be light and salt to those around us – those who have never heard the good news that Jesus loves them. As they observe the peace and joy that sustains us and the kindness that flows from our hearts we are bearing witness.
It is true. We are built for the valley. We are in the very place God wants us to be. It is here that He wants to use us to bless others. It is here that He wants to draw us close and be a part of every minute of our lives. We are each of us uniquely made. The Lord has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives. We can rejoice and find great fulfillment in all that we do. We are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28, 29 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. For God knew His people in advance, and He chose them to become like His Son, so that His Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.”
Laurel chose this insightful quote. You will find more IOW posts at her blog.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Walking Through the Mist
I wonder if anyone else has ever felt this way. I woke up the other day and thought, “Oh Lord, I just can’t do another day of the same old thing.” Something deep inside my spirit was just tired of the same old routine.
As often happens to me lately, the portion I was reading in my “Hinds Feet on High Places” devotional spoke about that very thing. Much-Afraid had just weathered a terrible storm in her journey up to the High Places. It was fierce and terrifying and had lasted for many days, but she had come through it with her faith intact and feeling much stronger. After the storm, she continued on her journey with her faithful companions Suffering and Sorrow. Before they had gone very far along the path they found themselves surrounded by a thick mist that seemed to obliterate everything from sight. It never varied from one day to the next. “In some ways the dangers of the storm had stimulated her; now there was nothing but tameness, just a trudge, trudge forward, day after day, able to see nothing except for white, clinging mist which hung about the mountain without a gleam of sunshine breaking through. At last she burst out impatiently, ‘Will this dull, dreary mist never lift, I wonder?’”
No sooner had Much-Afraid uttered those words than her old enemy Resentment spoke up – taunting her with words meant to discourage her from continuing the journey altogether. If that wasn’t bad enough, Self-Pity had soon put her two cents in as well. Suddenly Much-Afraid had gone from victory in the storm to discouragement. She began to doubt that she was even on the right path.
This is all a pretty fair description of how I was feeling that day. Sometimes the “dailiness’ of life just wears us down. I have heard the voices of Resentment and Self-Pity ringing in my ears. If I allow them to drown out the still, small voice residing within in me, I find myself discouraged and filled with doubt just like little Much-Afraid.
Are You here Lord Jesus as I go through another day that looks very much like the one before and all the others stretching out as far as I can see? Am I on the right path? When I prepare another meal, make another bed, do another load of laundry, shop for groceries yet again, wash the dishes, iron the clothes, does it count?
In the quiet, I hear the whispered reply, “As you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me.” I feel the warmth of His approval. Surely I am on the right path, the path He has chosen for me. I may feel as though I am not making any progress (not doing any great and glorious things for the kingdom), but as long as I am in the place He wants me to be all is well.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Thankful Thursday and A Change

It is Thankful Thursday. I haven’t written at all this week and this is a great day to begin. There is something special about focusing on the blessings God has so faithfully and generously poured into my life that makes my spirit sing.
I am thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit in my life. We are studying the Fruit of the Spirit in our Bible Study. The characteristic we studied this past week is joy. The joy that comes from the Lord is so much more than mere happiness. As Beth Moore said:
“Joy is the result of realizing that our names are written in heaven.
Joy is the result of discovering the person, power, and plan of God in our
multitude of circumstances.
Joy is the result of restoration.
Joy is the result of ‘remaining’ in Christ.
Joy is the result of relating God’s way to God’s people.”
I am thankful that as I choose to trust in the Lord I find Him to be all He has promised. He is always faithful.
I am thankful for the blessing of length of days. I have lived long enough to see my children grow into adulthood and to see the results of answered prayer in their lives. We prayed that they would love and serve the Lord; we prayed for their future mates; we prayed, and continue to pray, for God’s blessing and favor in their lives – and so much more. He has been so faithful and good to us.
I am thankful that I have been blessed with the precious gift of grandchildren. They are pure joy. We have had such fun these past few Saturdays watching our little granddaughter make her soccer “debut”. It is sometimes difficult to realize that my son is all grown and this is his child trying her absolute best to be a good player.
I am thankful for God’s patient, loving direction in my life. I have something to tell you about that. I will do it in a minute.
I am so thankful that Iris had a time of rest and is back again at Sting My Heart, where you will find more Thankful Thursday posts.
Now I have a little bit of “news” to share with you. I have given this much thought and have prayed about it and “talked” with others much wiser than I. I have made some decisions about blogging that I believe the Lord would have me make.
For a number of reasons I find it is taking up far too much of my time – time that should be spent on other things in my life. To help myself do this I am going to disable the comments on my blog after this post. I will have my email address there so that we can still keep in touch. I put so much pressure on myself to try to answer all the comments, and it takes a lot of time with my dialup. I am also going to spend less time leaving comments myself. I will read as often and as many posts as I can reasonably manage in a day. I will try to comment occasionally too.
You can’t know how difficult this is for me to do. I really do love this community of bloggers and all of the things we share. I’ve tried just cutting back, but it just hasn’t worked for me. I am going to go back to what I believe God first called me to do with blogging. I want to write to encourage others. I pray that I can do that. I have had to make the choice to seek the approval of God rather than of others. I feel a peace about this deep in my spirit. If no one ever reads my simple writings, I will be content with knowing I am doing what He has required of me for now.
It’s hard to not sit here and just weep. You have all come to mean so much to me. I will not lose touch; I will just be stepping back a bit. Thank you for all you have meant to me – for all the prayers, encouragement, laughter, sharing and joy. I love you.