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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Stand Still
In spite of the record-breaking amount of rain we’ve had this past winter, we are once again in need of rain. It hasn’t rained in the past few weeks, and the ground is looking cracked and parched. When I woke up this morning it was dark and dreary, and the skies held the promise of rain. I looked out my bedroom window at the stand of ancient oaks that stand like sentinels in our front yard and thought how they must be longing for refreshing rain. If they could speak, I thought, they would be crying out frantically to God to open up the heavens for them. If they could move, they would be searching for water on their own. But as I looked at them standing so strong and resilient, I knew that they were a picture of something God has been whispering into my spirit in recent days. Those trees were simply standing still and waiting for the God who has faithfully tended them for well over one hundred years to send the rain they need – in His time.

Just last week we decided to change real estate agents. Our property has been for sale for over two years now, and we are still waiting. The new agent was so enthused when she saw our house and the two acres that it sits on. She said she thought we would have no problem selling and couldn’t understand why it hadn’t already sold. She even had a couple in mind that she was sure would be very interested. Our hopes were raised. We felt sure the Lord would soon send us a buyer.

Days have gone by without a single call. I am feeling discouraged and trying to figure out what I can do to help things along. Should I call and check on things? Should I ask about that couple? Is there something more we should be doing? I do believe the Lord expects us to do whatever we can in a given situation, but when we have done everything we know to do it is time to stand still and wait. That’s the hard part for me. I want to help things along.

When I opened my little devotional today, this is what I read: “Turn to your Lord today with a patience that waits for His sure deliverance.” I believe the Lord is trying to tell me something. I seem to have to learn the lesson of trust over and over again. How He longs for me to rest in His love and just trust. There are bigger things I’ve asked of Him – things of even greater importance than selling this place – and I have not had an answer yet. I am encouraged that waiting doesn’t mean no. It simply means I will trust Him to work on my behalf according to His time and His will.

I have been listening to a CD by the Isaacs with this beautiful song that I play over and over again:

“The Father has a plan
Though it’s hard to see it now
You feel you’re walking all alone
But He is there no doubt.
When the storm around you rages
And you’re tossed to and fro
When you’re faced with life’s decisions
Not sure which way to go

Stand still and let God move
Standing still is hard to do.
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you.
Stand still and let God move.

When the enemy surrounds you
And the walls are closing in
When the tide is swiftly rising
And you wonder where He’s been
Friend, there never was a moment
That His arms weren’t reaching out
You can rest assured and be secure
God is moving right now.

When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you.
Stand still and let God move

The answer will come
But only in His time
Stand still and let God move.

I pray that in your times of waiting He will come and wrap You in His great arms of love and give you peace and rest.

  posted at 10:12 AM