Monday, June 11, 2007
In Other Words

"Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and
knows the One who is leading." Oswald Chambers
When I was a child, I never worried about the future. I didn't fret about what tomorrow would bring. I didn't try to control everything in my small world. I didn't worry about where my life was heading or the circumstances I found myself in. I had no thought about how I would get my next meal or if the bills would be paid on time. I simply trusted that my Mom and Dad would take care of all that.
It wasn't even a conscious thought. From the time of my birth I had been taken care of - fed, clothed, loved, and protected. When it was time to travel, I didn't worry about the weather or the driving conditions or keeping safe. I allowed myself to be carried to the car, strapped in and taken wherever it was my parents wanted to take me. When I was sick, I didn't have to frantically look around for help. My Mom and Dad took care of me.
When I was old enough to get around on my own two little legs, I didn't have to worry about where I was going. There was always a hand to hold on to. If I happened to misstep and fall, there was a loving hand to pick me up and loving arms to comfort me. I was never allowed to wander too far off. Someone who loved me was always watching.
And now I am grown. I have lived long enough to know the terrible dangers life can hold. I know that life can sometimes take me where I don't want to go. Illness can come when we least expect it. Accidents happen to even the nicest of people. Jobs can suddenly come to an end leaving us with crushing debt and no way out.
However, I am still Someone's child. There is Someone who loves me and is taking very good care of me. There is Someone I can trust when I don't know where life is taking me. Someone who will provide for me - who will take care of my every need.
He is there when I wander off or misstep and fall, ready to pick me up with His strong right hand.
If, by faith, I will put my life in His hands I can rest on His promise that He has a plan to prosper me. I may not know the details of that plan, but I know the One who has made the promise. He is faithful. He will never leave me or forsake me. He will lead me in the paths of righteousness. Nothing will ever separate me from His love.
I am once again a little child - throwing myself into the arms of the One who will never let me fall. I don't have to know where we are going. I know Him.
Please visit Iris to read more "In Other Words" posts.
Such a treasure of a post. I truly enjoyed reading your take on this quote and it touched my heart. You have such a special insight into faith and have blessed me by writing it. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you, sweet friend.
Amen to that, Linda.
Yes, we can trust Him with every step we take, because we know that He will help us up when ever we need Him to.
You know, sometimes I wish I could still have that innocence of a child. No care in the world -- just pure trust without questioning.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this weeks IOW quote.
Be blessed today and always.
So beautifully said, Linda. I also wish sometimes for the innocence and certainty of childhood. Keep believing His arms will always be there to catch you, no matter what.
Thank you for another beautiful post. I am refreshed everytime I come by to see you.
I guess we all need that childlike faith and trust, Linda. Not so easy as we watch the news, read the papers, go through life.
But this was a blessing to me today...the Lord has just recently told me to hold his hand and let Him lead me. So, for me, an appropriate and well-timed post!
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.
I am so thankful that no matter what happens in life...I belong to Someone!
It's such a comfort to know that we are always His little child, no matter how grown up and burdened with responsibility we are.
This is beautifully written. Simply and beautifully stated. Thank you for this, Linda
This is just so wonderful. You really do such a great job on these weekly posts. I am in awe.
I never knew we were poor until years later. We had great times without money!
Thanks for stopping by my fun WW. They are special kids all right - as are all grandchildren!
Congrats on being chosen as a new writer for Laced With Grace.
What a comfort to know that we really are always His child and He'll always lead us.
Beautiful post Linda! What a picture you drew for us!
Linda - It is good to meet you as well! I'm looking forward to working with you on the LWG team, and of course, taking time to get to know you through your blog as well.
Blessings to you!
Beautiful. I am linking to it from my blog.
Congrats on your new gig, too. :-)
Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
And congrats on joining the LWG team. I look forward to reading more of your contributions.
Wonderful! I love your take on this quote. Surfed over from Iris' page...
Linda, I read this twice yesterday and didn't get a chance to comment... I loved your take on this quote!
"I am still Someone's child. There is Someone who loves me and is taking very good care of me. There is Someone I can trust when I don't know where life is taking me."
Oh, Amen. This post blessed me so much.
I am reminded one more time why I keep coming back here...
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