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Name: Linda

Location: Texas

I am a wife, mom and grandma. I am doing what I've wanted to do all my life. I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

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Evening Primrose
A Sweet Aroma
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I am the sort of person who tends to get caught up in a “works mentality” – measuring my worth by what I have done. I was the little girl who wanted approval – to be thought of as a good girl. It mattered very much to my little girl heart what others thought of me. I wanted so much for everyone to like me.

I retain still retain much of that little girl inside this grownup body. I want everyone to be happy with me, and the One topping that list is the Lord. I want to please Him with all my heart. That desire often leads me down the path of good works – attempting to do all I can to insure that I am loved and accepted.

In recent days I have fallen far short of my own expectations – not doing the things I should do and doing those things I shouldn’t. It makes me feel so discouraged and so distant from the Lord. My own unworthiness looms larger than life, and I am left feeling so empty.

With infinite grace and love the Lord drew me aside with the words I had copied down myself some time ago:

The rest of my post is at Laced With Grace today. Please come visit me there.

  posted at 9:49 AM

Sunday, April 05, 2009
I have been thinking for some time of making some changes to my blog. However being a person of very limited computer skills, I decided it would be far wiser - not to mention safer - to create a new blog.

It is called "Linda's Patchwork Quilt". If you would like to visit, here is the address : http://www.lindaspatchworkquilt.blogspot.com/. I sure would love to hear from you.

  posted at 3:07 PM

Saturday, April 04, 2009
Evening Primrose

We have some of the most beautiful wild flowers here in Texas I have ever seen. I love them all, but my very favorite is this delicate little lady.

Her name is Evening Primrose. She modestly closes her delicate pedals when the sun goes down and then spreads them out to welcome the morning sun.

We are in what the weather people term an extraordinary drought - the worst of drought conditions - and I thought we wouldn't see any wild flowers this year. However, I've seen bunches of brave Blue Bonnets and Evening Primrose clinging to the edges of the highway where whatever little rain we've gotten would be likely to accumulate.

As I was walking up our sidewalk this afternoon I saw this solitary pink blossom on our rather dry lawn. A delightful gift.

  posted at 2:22 PM

Thursday, April 02, 2009
A Sweet Aroma

It is growing wild on the side of the road. It doesn't look like much - rather like an overgrown weed. I have no idea what it is called. It sits just at the base of one of the little hills we walk up.

It isn't until you get within a few feet of it that its most redeeming characteristic becomes apparent. The air is filled with the fragrance of a sweet perfume. The image of an elegant lady walking by fills my imagination. It is just beautiful and changes that simple plant into something quite special.

Oh that my life would be like that - a sweet fragrance to those around me and to my heavenly Father. The outward appearance is of little significance. It is the fragrance of my life - the offering of myself in service and submission to Him - that blesses others.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.
For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;"
II Corinthians 2:14-15
  posted at 11:31 AM

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Master Gardener has been at work.

The old passes away and makes way for new life.

He sends the showers to water,

And the sunshine to bring light and life.

"Oh Lord, our Lord, Your majestic name fills the earth!"

Psalm 8:9


pictures from my morning walk

  posted at 10:50 AM

Monday, March 30, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window: The leaves are falling from the live oak trees and very soon we will see tiny new leaves take their places

I am thinking
: about how I struggle with balancing all the different things in my life - never seeming to get things in the right order. I am working on listing five "must do" things in my daily journal and prioritizing them.

I am thankful for
...: God's presence in our lives and answered prayer for my Dad. I'm thankful too for good doctors and the amazing technology that can provide a machine to cleanse one's blood. Amazing.

From the kitchen...a big pot of lentil soup. Our weather is warming up so I think this will be the last of the soup for a while.

I am wearing: tan shorts, blue tee shirt and white socks. We took a walk earlier this afternoon, and it was rather warm!

I am reading...: another Miss Read book - "The Year at Thrush Green" and "Why?" by Anne Graham Lotz

I am hoping
... and praying that my Dad's dialysis treatment goes well tomorrow.

I am creating...: dishrags and learning to knit continental style. After so many, many years of knitting the way I was taught by my Aunt Fanny, I've discovered that this way is much faster - once you master it that is. I'm all thumbs right now but determined to learn.

I am hearing: It is absolutely quite in my house right now. I am making a deliberate effort to take the time to shut off all the other noises for a little while during the noisy day.

Around the house... : laundry day and the day to put clean sheets on the bed. How I love climbing between freshly washed sheets at night. Bliss..

One of my favorite things: listening to my Easter CD

A few plans for the rest of the week
...: to get back to the normal routine -Bible Study, piano lessons, working outside. It is so nice to just spend time at home.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

My Grandmother and me. I've just been thinking a lot about family these days and how precious the days we have together really are.

For more Daybooks visit Peggy.

  posted at 4:42 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

While I was visiting my Dad at the hospital this past week I knitted some dishrags. I've seen so many pretty ones on other blogs I just couldn't resist. I think I'll knit some more!

Have a blessed weekend everyone.
  posted at 11:35 AM